Lids off when buying petrol

not there for a convo, I say a simple pump number then pay... if I wanted a good convo I certainly wouldn't try it with the attendant at a petrol station, no offence, but i just want petrol.

Who sais anything about a conversation. Are you are one of those people who come in without saying their number, assuming we know where they are. Never had to ask a question?
I just do out of courtesy, during the troubles anyone doing that would have been in trouble lol so i think the makority of bikers my age take em off.

What's courteous about removing a lid ?, plus I don't live in a war zone, it's Christchurch, home of the infirm :)
Who sais anything about a conversation. ARE you are one of those people who come in without saying their number, assuming we know where they are. Never had to ask a question?

Like I said, I walk in, say pump number, pay, say thankyou and leave. Who the hell expects more from a petrol station ?.. never had anyone mishear me.

If you do, your in the wrong job.

edit: hold on a minute, you don't work in tesco express garage in Christchurch do you ;p;
Like I said, I walk in, say pump number, pay, say thankyou and leave. Who the hell expects more from a petrol station ?

If you do, your in the wrong job.

I don't especially as most customers are rude as hell. But when a biker talks normally and still expects you to understand him it's stupid. Most don't speak up, if you do fine, you're one of very few.
nope, hardly at all.. until recently. Are you speaking from experience as a helmet wearer or a hoodie user ? :)

As neither. It's been in the news for a couple of years and most shops have had signs up saying it for a couple of years as well. It's standard practice, they might just be enforcing it more these days. Get over it it's not hard taking a lid of.
i dont think anyone is gonna convince you either way seems a bit of a pointless debate when its all about your opinion of how it impacts on your routine to have to remove your lid.

Easiest option is just to make it a rule in all forecourts that helmets are removed before entering to pay, then its the same for everyone.

Being a member of the powerranger brigade its wee things like this that make most bikers cringe, honestly whats the big deal lol. I cant see how its any slower to take the lid off while walking in and put it on while walking out, its the same walking distance and speed if your taking the lid off in the process or not.

Unless your paying with a pocket of loose change every time i dont see how the helmet in your hand is a hindrance but hey thats just me :)

My point about courtesy again is each to the individual, i think its more polite to take my lid off when going into a shop to pay for anything. Same way ill remove my earphones if someone is trying to speak to me on the way to work, or how ill flash a headlight at an oncoming motorist if theres a hazard etc

I really dont see what the big deal is
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As neither. It's been in the news for a couple of years and most shops have had signs up saying it for a couple of years as well. It's standard practice, they might just be enforcing it more these days. Get over it it's not hard taking a lid of.

Just as I thought, you have no experience of either.. in which case your just making assumptions ;)
That's because shops don't want to offend a religion and the hassle which goes with it.

Which means you are discriminating agaisnt non-muslim non-female drivers/riders.
Equal rules for all...

Besides I beleive discrimination AGAINST someone for being of not a certain religion is still just as illegal.
Which means you are discriminating agaisnt non-muslim non-female drivers/riders.
Equal rules for all...

what's the number of driveaways involving bike riders vs the number involving veil wearing muslim women?
Which is not an argument why bike riders shouldn't remove theirs.

Is it not up to the business to decide terms of service?

Yes it is, because when you ask them "why" they ask you to remove the helmet they say "it's so that we can see your face for security/cctv reasons". This means that the reason for the ToS is for face seeing, which a muslim's head cover will restrict and as such it is discrimination against non-muslims.

Most places used to require you to remove the lid when you enter the shop before, however I think the reason they changed it to at pump now is because if they let oyu fill up, but then refuse to serve you at the shop you can legally drive off without paying as they are refusing to take payment. It has been allowed a few times by police who were called if you read some of the biker forums.
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Just as I thought, you have no experience of either.. in which case your just making assumptions ;)

That's a stupid argument I used to ride and I know what shops are doing. Theres signs on a lot of doors. It's also been discussed in a lot of threads before. how come riders are punished for hoodie wearing chavs and why are muslims not included... It's nothing new and no need to throw a wobbly over. Your attitude stinks. Giving someone a finger..
Yes it is, because when you ask them "why" they ask you to remove the helmet they say "it's so that we can see your face for security/cctv reasons". This means that the reason for the ToS is for face seeing, which a muslim's head cover will restrict and as such it is discrimination against non-muslims.

See the post directly above regarding losses. If the loss of revenue from unidentified bikers is significantly higher than the loss of revenue from veil wearing muslims, then the difference in policy makes perfect sense.
this is my final thoughts on this.... from the perspective of some guy who chooses to travel on 2 wheels rather than 4.

- there are no posted rules at the garage about helmets
- most garages let you fill up fine
- sitting there with filler in and then being told you ain't getting fuel is bad customer service
- taking lid off is a PITA especially in winter
- taking off lid means I have to put bike on stand
- the bike on stand means less fuel in tank
- walking into a station to pay with lid on is not rude
- I'm not in a garage to make polite convo with some spotty teenager, who probably can't string more than two words together anyway without getting even more bored than he already is
- a helmet is NOT a hat you wear out of choice, it's something I have to wear by law
- a 10k sportsbike and some power ranger in 1k worth of leathers is VERY unlikely to fill up with 12 quid of petrol then ride away, even less likely to fill up then rob the place
- taking off a helmet is in no way being courteous to somewhere operating a till
- flipping some dude the bird for *&^ing you off makes you feel better :)

just my 2p, though obviously this thread proves most of you think these new ways of garages to behave is all good

your prolly all the same kinda people who approve of the recent case of a convicted criminal on a rooftop sit requesting a KFC as it was his human rights ;)
See the post directly above regarding losses. If the loss of revenue from unidentified bikers is significantly higher than the loss of revenue from veil wearing muslims, then the difference in policy makes perfect sense.

Thing is though, the reason does not say "bikers must show their faces", because I bet you I'd get exactly the same request if I was to wear a helmet in a car and enter the shop.
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