Lids off when buying petrol

The armed robbery idea is rather flawed. I doubt an armed robber will fill up his bike first and I also doubt he would wait in line patiently to pay then suprise them with a sawn off! If I was going to rob a petrol station I think I would just run straight in and ignore them when they asked me to take off my lid/balaclava/veil. As for riding off without paying a bike barely carries any petrol and is certainly something a motorcyclist wouldn't bother with. A ***** on a stolen moped will, quite an easy distinction to make. I wonder how much petrol companies lose through this, a pittance I will imagine. Do they ask car drivers to identify themselves when they turn up? as you could steal LOTS of petrol if you rigged up a car.

When I am filling up around my local area I don't bother, they know me and my bike and realise I'm not one of those motorcyclists that casualy waltz up and rob them, a very common problem these days.

A hook of some sort would be useful for hanging lids on. As for people saying 'put them on the floor' would you like to spend all day with a nice secretion of sand and diesel all over your neck? Oh and hanging my lid on the bars isn't going to happen either.

In a car you drive in, fill up and pay and I do the same on a bike. It takes an extra 10 minutes or so if I take my lid off. May not sound like a lot, but the act of removing clothing and letting the cold/wet in then balancing some expensive equipment on my bike becomes rather tiresome when its done five times a week. If car drivers had to jump through hoops just to fill up I am sure we would soon hear about it in OCUK.

Make eye contact, say the pleasantries and pay; what is the problem?
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As for riding off without paying a bike barely carries any petrol and is certainly something a motorcyclist wouldn't bother with.
It is apparantly a rising trend.

I wonder how much petrol companies lose through this, a pittance I will imagine.
When they're struggling to make a profit don't you think, even if it is a pittance (which I dispute) it matter's to them?

Do they ask car drivers to identify themselves when they turn up? as you could steal LOTS of petrol if you rigged up a car.
Car drivers don't wear helmets - if they did I'd imagine they'd ask them to remove their helmets too.

they know me and my bike and realise I'm not one of those motorcyclists that casualy waltz up and rob them, a very common problem these days.
Make up your mind, you said earlier that, in your opinion, motorcyclists don't do that...

It takes an extra 10 minutes or so if I take my lid off.
It takes you 5 minutes to remove your helmet? What on earth are you doing during that time??
I've emptied a safe at a Tesco Express. Just over £25,000 in there.

I can well imagine there can be that much.....Its probly down to the fact that people in front of me in the queue have just bought their weekly shopping, and all I want to do is pay for my petrol, but theres only one till open! :mad:

But I agree with the OP upto a point, yes it is a PITA taking your helmet off at a garage. Luckily for me, where I live, I dont get asked to :D
Thankfully the petrol station guys over here are used to bikers, so I've never had a request to remove my lid.

I did take my lid off to use as a makeshift basket on a munchie run and the girl/woman at the till said "Oh you do have a face under that helmet"

I should have said "I would like to see my helmet on your face."

Besides, even if I was to take the petrol and run, motorcycles seem to have some kind of identification....what was it?? Oh yeah! Number plate!

It kinda helps if you got a unique bike too :D

I say we should ban everyone except bikers in Northern Ireland, and you should all move accross here. SGCWill for supreme emperor of the United Biker States of Ireland.
This whole subject is tricky..

I 100% understand the inconvenience, it is a pain to fill up my bike..

But I would never behave as the OP did, it was private land, and the helmet off, see your face rule seems extremely common sense to me, I know that non-payers is a real issue that they have to face, and that having you on video, especially your face is going to be the strongest evidence that could be put forward for prosecution.

But it doesn't matter what we think of the 'rules', whether right or wrong, to behave as the OP did is WRONG purely for the aggressive nature towards an innocent member of staff that was simply doing his job.
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its not even length of time to remove it, you never get it quite right when you put your gloves back on and helmet...
As I said before, I've never actually been asked to remove my lid, but I can imagine it does wind you up. It's the assumption that until you prove otherwise you're a petrol stealing criminal, when all you're trying to do is buy something from them.

There was a post the other day on the ZX forums where someone was asked to leave bettys (posh cafe in harrogate) because he was wearing leathers.

There was also the government report last year that stated a large propotion of bikers evade road tax - later proved to be totally untrue.

Bikers can feel persecuted at times, and something like this could be the final straw when trying to keep your cool
Car drivers don't wear helmets - if they did I'd imagine they'd ask them to remove their helmets too.

What about muslim women car drivers? Do they remove their head gear?
It should be same rules for everyone
When filling up I always put the bike on the centerstand and always take my lid off - it might take another half a minute or so, but once in a while it'll save five minutes of pointless arguing with the attendant. Besides, I purposefully avoid being in a hurry on the bike, and with a 250 mile range I don't need to fill up half as often as the OP so it's less of an issue for me. Perhaps the OP ought to think about getting both a decent bike and a decent attitude :p.
I work in a petrol station and we dont ask bikers to remove their helmets, although imo we should. We cant see your face and that coupled with sitting on the bike for an easy getaway means we cant identify you which costs us money when you drive off (which happens).

Plus bikers that turn up in helmets never hear what we ask them so have to repeat it which wastes everyone elses time, plus when they ask for stuff it comes out muffled so we cant hear it which also annoys people.

Plus if a biker wants cigarettes or alcohol (which they do) then we cant see their face to ID them, so the helmet has to come off anyway

However you put it, keeping your helmet on is far more inconvenient for us than removing it is for you :rolleyes:

Plus as someone else said earlier, the customers were definately laughing at you not with you
I haven't read the whole thread but here's my 2p I work in a petrol station and to be honest I couldn't care less whether you leave your helmet on or not. However if 90% of them can do it, even the chav's on their hairdryers it doesn't seem too difficult a task.

I can understand the reasoning, same reason for any covering of the face is unacceptable, we however dont seem to have it as a rule where I work. Maybe that's lazyness on my part.
Plus bikers that turn up in helmets never hear what we ask them so have to repeat it which wastes everyone elses time, plus when they ask for stuff it comes out muffled so we cant hear it which also annoys people.

not there for a convo, I say a simple pump number then pay... if I wanted a good convo I certainly wouldn't try it with the attendant at a petrol station, no offence, but i just want petrol.
Plus bikers that turn up in helmets never hear what we ask them so have to repeat it which wastes everyone elses time, plus when they ask for stuff it comes out muffled so we cant hear it which also annoys people.

Lol that is also so true, annoys the hell out of me when they give you the eyes for being a tard when it's just them being rude and expecting you to understand the voice of Kenny in South Park.
Pull up to the pump> take off gloves> fill tank while sitting on the bike> replace filler cap> get off bike and take lid off> walk into garage and pay> walk out putting lid on> back on bike and off.

Cant see the prob to be honest, in Northern Ireland i see loads of bikers walking in with helmets still on and ive never seen one being told to take it off.

I just do out of courtesy, during the troubles anyone doing that would have been in trouble lol so i think the majority of bikers my age take em off, certainly over here anyways
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