Lids off when buying petrol

I know this is slightly unrelated as I don't ride a bike. However, this GIT once made me PAY FIRST before I went back to my car to put the petrol in.

It was about 3am on the way back from Gatwick airport and I was trying to pump, but he was on the speaker shouting at me "PAY FIRST, PAY FIRST, PAY FIRST" (He was foreign, so I thought he was saying pay FAST)

I was getting very annoyed so went in and said "I WILL PAY FAST!!!". It was then that I realised he said "Pay First".

So I paid £20, and then thought I would wind him up by saying "What if I accidently go a few pennies over £20". He wasn't happy. Complete ****!!
I'm with Flukester on this - never remove my lid when filling up/paying for petrol. It's a PITA and I don't see why I should have to go through all the trouble to reveal my face when "yoofs" in hoodies and caps don't have to and neither do muslim women. Nothing against either of those groups but it's either 1 rule for all or not at all as far as I'm concerned. In addition to that in a busy petrol station at rush hour, I've been "honked at" purely due to the amount of time it takes me to start the bike, put my gloves on and reset the tacho - I'd be lynched by you impatient car drivers if I had to put my lid on etc. as well!

Fortunately only 1 station near me has ever asked me to remove my lid - and I did the same as Fluke did - took my business elsewhere...
I think you should get yourself one of those Nomex hoods that racing drivers wear :P

Stick that under your helmet and then take the helmet off to reveal your face is still hidden :) hehe

Unless you really wanna go all out and then just wear a black balaclava? Wont be very comfortable... might even have to buy a new helmet to fit it over the balaclava but Im sure it would be worth a giggle.
i think you put your foot in it there m8, pick on one group ?

if I just walked in a shop and someone barked at me 'lid off', I'd probably turn 180 degree's and walk straight out and never come back

yup, a group. You can pick on kids on mopeds and let bikers get away with it (they still steal too you know).

and if your unhappy with having to take your helmet off then i dont really care if you walk out of the shop cya go waste your time going to another shop ;)

next thing ill hear is people upset that they had to take balaclarver's off while shop lifting. :rolleyes:

and im not incharge of a garage or shop, but theres strict rules to go by. Anyone refusing to take off there helmet will be asked to take it off or leave, and if they kick up a fuss we can get them removed because they will be tresspassing.
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yup, a group. You can pick on kids on mopeds and let bikers get away with it (they still steal too you know).

and if your unhappy with having to take your helmet off then i dont really care if you walk out of the shop cya go waste your time going to another shop ;)

next thing ill hear is people upset that they had to take balaclarver's off while shop lifting. :rolleyes:

and im not incharge of a garage or shop, but theres strict rules to go by. Anyone refusing to take off there helmet will be asked to take it off or leave, and if they kick up a fuss we can get them removed because they will be tresspassing.

How can you compare a shoplifter with a customer on a bike coming to fill up ? ROLLEYES BACK AT YOU :D

I'd love to know what garage you work in....

I'll come fill up, remove my lid when told and put petrol in...


I'm gonna put lid back on and walk in to pay and see what happens... :p, gonna throw me out ?

only kidding, but you sound a right jobsworth, why be such a stickler for rules when your working in a garage, it's not likely to be your chosen career path... no offence. luckily 99.9% of garage workers use their brains and let you fill and pay with lid, your in the minority by a factor of LOADS, does that tell you something ?
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Maybe we should do what bikers first did when the M6 toll first introduced charging for bikers and organise a "slow fill up" campaign....

Pull up.
Switch off engine.
Remove key.
Put key in pocket.
Remove gloves.
Remove helmet.
Remove Key from jacket.
Fill up.
Put key in jacket pocket.
Unzip jacket/remove backpack.
Remove wallet from jacket/backpack.
Zip up jacket/put on backpack.
Remove seat/helmet lock.
Replace seat.
Secure helmet to seat/bike using lock.
Walk to garage cash point.
Withdraw cash to pay for petrol.
Go into garage/shop and pay.
Return to bike.
Remove lock/seat.
Remove helmet from bike.
Replace seat/lock.
Unzip coat/remove backpack.
Put wallet back in jacket/backpack
Zip up jacket/put on backpack.
Put on helmet.
Remove key from jacket.
Zip up jacket.
Put on gloves.
Visually check tyres.
Visually chain tension.
Start bike.
Switch on lights.
Exit petrol station.

Look back and enjoy the queues.... :D

That lot would take me a good 10-15mins I reckon. If just a few bikers did that during rush hour I'm sure petrol station managers would see sense.... :p
only kidding, but you sound a right jobsworth, why be such a stickler for rules when your working in a garage, it's not likely to be your chosen career path... no offence. luckily 99.9% of garage workers use their brains and let you fill and pay with lid, your in the minority by a factor of LOADS, does that tell you something ?

why the personal attack? why not attack all the store managers, regional mangers HELL the company director for making these rules?...... Sigh:rolleyes:

and i dont work in a garage at all so :p the jokes on you ;)

love it... gonna use that at 'overlags' station :)

come down mate, you wont find "my petrol station".
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That lot would take me a good 10-15mins I reckon. If just a few bikers did that during rush hour I'm sure petrol station managers would see sense.... :p

Considering removing and replacing a helmet takes a very tiny fraction of doing the rest of this crap what is this actually proving?
Considering removing and replacing a helmet takes a very tiny fraction of doing the rest of this crap what is this actually proving?

that they are whiney old men that are upset that they have to show there face to buy fuel.

Much like people getting so upset about being ID'ed for buying alcohol... ;)
that they are whiney old men that are upset that they have to show there face to buy fuel.

Much like people getting so upset about being ID'ed for buying alcohol... ;)

much like as in nothing like ?, not been asked for ID for alc for over 22 years..

why the personal attack? why not attack all the store managers, regional mangers HELL the company director for making these rules?...... Sigh:rolleyes:

and i dont work in a garage at all so :p the jokes on you ;)

come down mate, you wont find "my petrol station".

your right, I was having a go at you as you proclaimed to working in a garage and not letting anyone in 'your' shop with a lid on... now you turn round and say your making it up, the jokes on me ?

if those managers were here I'd have a right dig at them, you were next best option, turns out your just some dude winding a dude up who's posting his opinions with other dudes on a website :)
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much like as in nothing like ?, not been asked for ID for alc for over 22 years..

your right, I was having a go at you as you proclaimed to working in a garage and not letting anyone in 'your' shop with a lid on... now you turn round and say your making it up, the jokes on me ?

if those managers were here I'd have a right dig at them, you were next best option, turns out your just some dude winding a dude up who's posting his opinions with other dudes on a website :)

i didn't say YOU don't like getting asked for ID. i compared you to those people. Your upset that garages are protecting there product from being stolen, which is also the same reason i mentioned shop lifters.

i do work in a shop, but i wont go NEAR the garage unless I'm filling up myself. You are going to have to start getting used to taking your helmet off when filling up, or you will soon run out of garages to go to, times are changing, crime rates on the up, people cant afford food, let alone petrol. To be honest, i don't care if our garages wont serve a few whiny bikers if it means we stop the bad ones filling up. Id say 90% of people are fine to take there helmet off because they understand the problem, you are just being difficult.

Sure you pay, but how easy is it to fill up your bike, and drive off without paying? Since you have no numberplate on the front of your bike, you can get away with it every single time... Have this happen a few times a week and you soon get wise, and stop arming the pumps.

one way to stop all drive offs would be to make it so you had to pay before it vended fuel.
Maybe we should do what bikers first did when the M6 toll first introduced charging for bikers and organise a "slow fill up" campaign....

Look back and enjoy the queues.... :D

That lot would take me a good 10-15mins I reckon. If just a few bikers did that during rush hour I'm sure petrol station managers would see sense.... :p

yep, they'd just stick up signs saying "No Motorcycles" ;)

Im lucky i live in an area that tolerates bikers due to living neart the likes of Devils Bridge.
But the increase in "Pay @ Pump" means you have a choice now, you can either be courteous and take your lid off at a normal garage or use the "pay @ Pump" and not face any hassle.
or use the "pay @ Pump" and not face any hassle.

Which is hwy you'd expect good service at stations where there is a person, as otherrwise they'd hae all bikers go elsewhere and not get the money. Equally, if people start using pay at pump, it means the people in the shop are out of a job.
Which is hwy you'd expect good service at stations where there is a person, as otherrwise they'd hae all bikers go elsewhere and not get the money. Equally, if people start using pay at pump, it means the people in the shop are out of a job.

Trouble is that asking someone to remove their helmet is not bad service, its following the rules they will have been provided with by their boss.
A big part of it IMO is how it's handled... You get someone rudely shouting "TAKE YOUR HELMET OFF" or "PAY FIRST" or just ignoring you completely til you go into the shop and say "Why isn't my pump working" at which point they say "helmet off". I usually do take mine off but some mates of mine don't, and I've never once heard "Can you take your helmet off please?". It's not an awful lot to ask, I've got no objection to removing mine but I do have an objection to rudeness. It wouldn't take much to put up a sign, either.
yep, they'd just stick up signs saying "No Motorcycles" ;)

Im lucky i live in an area that tolerates bikers due to living neart the likes of Devils Bridge.
But the increase in "Pay @ Pump" means you have a choice now, you can either be courteous and take your lid off at a normal garage or use the "pay @ Pump" and not face any hassle.

I suspect you are right about getting no hassle at "pay at the pump" stations, but whenever I've queried why garages insist on bikers removing their helmets before dispensing fuel, the answer they've given is "to ensure the person operating the pump is over 16 years of age".

If that is ACTUALLY the case, then surely they'd ask you to remove your lid at "pay at the pump" pumps too? :confused:

As I've said before I wouldn't have any problem with removing my lid, so long as the hoodie-wearing "yoof" on the pump next to me is also asked to remove their hood/cap before being dispensed fuel also...
I suspect you are right about getting no hassle at "pay at the pump" stations, but whenever I've queried why garages insist on bikers removing their helmets before dispensing fuel, the answer they've given is "to ensure the person operating the pump is over 16 years of age".

If that is ACTUALLY the case, then surely they'd ask you to remove your lid at "pay at the pump" pumps too? :confused:

I would imagine that comes down to responsibility, if it is a pay in store pump then it comes down the responsibility of the fuel station, pay at pump is probably the responsibility of the customer.
Now i may be wrong but its been the policy for a lot of petrol stations for a while now for helemts to be removed when entering the shop to pay. I dont see a problem in taking it off when filling up. So i guess you just wouldnt fill up then if all station enforeced the rule of taking your helmet off !
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