Lids off when buying petrol

If a biker commits some crime on a forecourt, would these same people be completely happy for a conviction to be made purely on the type of helmet and protective gear the biker was wearing? No chance of an unsound conviction?

Combinations of particular clothes and motorcycles in the same area aren't very common hence why they have been used to identify motorcyclists for convictions in the past.

In response to the whole gist of the thread: If you don't like having to take your lid off, just go and use a self-service pump? There is bound to be one near you?
Yes but you can hardly do a runner without paying a self service pump can you? They are open to fraud from stolen cards etc. but that's hardly limited to bikers.

The point being made is as someone said they check the age of the person to see if they can legally buy the fuel, which the self service one would not change.
Self service is supposed to be monitored by CCTv as previously stated, as for the cameras not being able to see peoples faces?? lol the cameras we have cost 1500 quid each, i can see how many spots you have on your face, more importantly can see tax discs and if in the shop can see exactly which note you hand over.
Problem is most bikes dont have a front plate which is where most cameras point, bikes are much more likely to try and obscure their plates for obvious reasons. And proving who was riding the bike is incredibly hard when helmets are on etc. I have a photo of everyone who fills up at my stations as soon as the pick up the pump standing next to the car, hence for going to court if someone was to deny it was them filling up said car/bike we have proof showing them doing it. If they are wearing there helmet, we cannot do this and the case might not stand up in court.

To be honest im not sure how the un-mand self service works as i am still awaiting licences to do it. But i do know that two days ago we were spot checked on underage sales by the petroleum officer getting a 14yr old to try and fill up a plastic bottle. So age still is a major legal factor.

To get fuel in a modern petrol station as stated already if the station is not a self service, the cashier must press a button to authorise each pump, i get a visual and audio warning that someone has picked up a pump it is then up to me wether or not i authorise the fuel sale. When using self service i also have the option to stop each individual pump and refuse the sale, or stop all pumps. This is not via pushing any emergency stops, when that is done you will know as the power to the pump itself is issolated so the screens go blank and it takes 3mins for them to reboot.
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How about:

Get off bike, walk in, leave £20 quid with cashier, walk out, fill bike, collect change, leave.

No need to take helmet off.
And yet the pay by card at pump places happily let you fill up without taking your helmet of thus not carrying out any sort of age check.

like i already stated to you, the pay by card terminals only do not accept the types of cards available to under 16's i.e. visa electron, hence due to the fact you have a card and matching pin number which is only available to those who are over the age for dispensing it is actually doing an age check on you! you just dont realise it.
like i already stated to you, the pay by card terminals only do not accept the types of cards available to under 16's i.e. visa electron, hence due to the fact you have a card and matching pin number which is only available to those who are over the age for dispensing it is actually doing an age check on you! you just dont realise it.

Parents are able to give their kids a second card + pin though, meaning that just a card check is void, plus no other place can legally use a payment card as age verification as all age verification must be a photo id.
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like i already stated to you, the pay by card terminals only do not accept the types of cards available to under 16's i.e. visa electron, hence due to the fact you have a card and matching pin number which is only available to those who are over the age for dispensing it is actually doing an age check on you! you just dont realise it.

its a valid point, but i only wish this was a valid age check when purchasing alcohol.
i agree it isnt a foolproof system and i dont know how they get away with it, but then again you can buy age restricted products online with just a card so neither is most things. Im pretty sure the parrents could be prosecuted if a child had their card to authorise fuel, but im not sure of the legalities i just know thats how the paybycard gets through the petroleum regulations.

To be honest your going round in circles now and arguing for the sake of it, it is the rules, its part of the petroleum regulations act which is a legal requirement for petroleum vendors, if you dont like it go somewhere that lets you away with it, if you cant find anywhere, tuff, its the law just like speeding, drink driving etc, you wouldnt do them so dont do this.

Im out i've told you the reasons, like it or lump it.
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[TW]Fox;13469203 said:
Because an under 16 cannot have a Meastro card?

still, you offer to pay for your alcohol by visa credit, but you get told that still doesnt verify your age, despite the fact you have to be 18 to have a visa credit ?
still, you offer to pay for your alcohol by visa credit, but you get told that still doesnt verify your age, despite the fact you have to be 18 to have a visa credit ?

you could have taken your dad/mums card and known the pin. it also doesnt have a photo, or a date of birth on it.
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