Lids off when buying petrol

Chavs on mopeds riding off without payment is probably the reason why they have done this.

It is a bit of a hassle having to take helmet off and do a balancing act on the seat of my bike.

I don't always do it and have never been asked to take it off but i think if the bike looks expensive and you are in full leathers they probably think you are ok.

Thinking about it more.Another reason could be the risk of robbery with people wearing helmets to hold up staff.
I usually take mine off, but not always. Saying that in this weather I will have a respro type face mask and head bandana on too, so probably look a little mad max with helmet off. Have never actually been asked to remove it though, although I did know a chap who rode with a face lift style helmet who was asked to remove it at a Tesco garage even though he had the face lifted. which I found quite funny.
I used to just leave it on all the time but it was a struggle smoking a fag while filling up, maybe I need one of those face lift lids too :)
How long does that take by the way?

I get majorly fed up of waiting for 63 litres nevermind 500!

Quite a while at your average Car - garage. You have to keep changing hands holding the damn thing on.

Proper truck pumps are seriously fast.
I personally have never had a problem with taking my helmet off when filling up when I was riding. But then around here we did used to have quite a problem with oiks on stolen bikes doing runners from the local garages, at one point it was so bad that even if you'd taken the lid off, they still wouldnt turn the pump on if you were still sat on the bike in an attempt to brim the tank!

I understand that to some people it might seem like a lot of faffing around (and, tbh i agree up to a point), but if your time matters that much then you need to allow more time for the trip you're making.
I always took mine off when riding the bike... I personally see it as rude going in to pay with it still on. I can understand why you'd prefer to keep it on, I would as well, but I think you over reacted just a little bit ;)
How long does that take by the way?

Forever! We used to have a major account at the petrol station I worked in many many years ago - he used to fill his trucks off one of our diesel pumps. 100 litres at a time and then he had to hit re-set because the pumps had an auto cut-off at 100l. If I remember rightly we upped the limit to 200 purely for that bloke so that he could put in 500l in one go (the EDACOM till could hold 3 transactions per pump, 2 on the board and one on the till, so that used to mean a 300l max fill for him until we upped the limit)
Forever! We used to have a major account at the petrol station I worked in many many years ago - he used to fill his trucks off one of our diesel pumps. 100 litres at a time and then he had to hit re-set because the pumps had an auto cut-off at 100l. If I remember rightly we upped the limit to 200 purely for that bloke so that he could put in 500l in one go (the EDACOM till could hold 3 transactions per pump, 2 on the board and one on the till, so that used to mean a 300l max fill for him until we upped the limit)

Haha sounded like a right faff!
I dont always mind taking it off, if i got the balaclava on underneath i try not to take it off, but if they ever ask i will politely oblige.

Only time i got annoyed at a petrol station was at ASDA when i was told to get off my bike to fill it up, i was told it was a Health and Safety Violation and wasnt allowed to sit on MY bike to keep it up right so i could fill the tank up to the brim instead of it leaning on the sidestand. That did take the **** a bit.
Luckily i've never been asked to remove my helmet but if I was, I would just drive on to the next station as it is just a royal pain in the arse.

You have to unzip your jacket to take off the balaclava
Find somewhere that is covered in spilt diesel to store your helmet, putting it on the handlebars or the mirror is not a risk im willing to take hense why I would drive on to the next station
If you don't want your helmet nicked you have to take it into the shop with you, risking damaging the helmet while you are carrying it
Then when you get back outside, put your balaclava back on, if you have a slightly sweaty head its like putting a wet jacket on, not nice.

As someone previously said, we are the customer, they are the retailer. If they wish to be strict with rules which we don't want to adhere to then we are well within our rights to ride off and use another station which has a relaxed attitude towards bikers filling up with your helmet on. I have probably used in excess of 30 different stations and never had an issue so I would be more inclined to say its the minority that push the rule
I don't think it's them with the problem, i think it's you.

Maybe it's a good job you decided to go else where because if it was me you stuck your finger up, then you wouldn't be getting any fuel whatsoever.

It's not like it's that much trouble to remove the lid is it.
If you seriously think I'm dangling a £400 quid Arai on the end of a mirror :confused:

One drop and technically it has to be replaced..

*flukester unplugs keyboard and gets back to movie*

This is true, i wouldnt be leaving me £380 Shoei on the end of my Handlebars either to drop off and become damaged so that its unsafe to use or for some yob to swipe it.
If you wish to use a retail outlet then you have to abide by the few rules they impose. Not just filling stations but also pubs, clubs and other venues. If you don't like their rules then don't use them.

The reason they need lids removed is two-fold. One is to identify bilkers on camera. The number plates on bikes rarely face the cameras. Second reason is to deter theft raids. I know, I know, the rule to remove lids is hardly going to stop a thief from running in with a helmet on. But helmets can make the staff nervous because of this.

It's also good manners. But hey, that doesn't mean very much these days to some people.

Basically, you're a lazy oik. I hope you get banned from all filling stations in a 10 mile radius.
OP, you're a lazy idiot.

If you go onto someone else's forecourt you need to learn to abide by their rules and regulations. They have the right to impose them as it's their land, no matter how much grief you give them.

Put it this way, how would you feel if I barged into your house and urinated on your sofa? It's not like it matters, because clearly nobody follows any rules on anyone else's property anymore eh? :rolleyes:

I'm going to leave it there - i've been down this road before with members of this forum. Whilst most of you are fine, some of you really need ego reduction surgery for your own sakes.
Still don't get it, I'm the customer, I don't have to look 'respectable' and show my face to them to pay for some petrol and leave.. hell most these kids at garages can't even string more then 2 words together without losing interest.

If they are intimidated then they are paranoid
I'm with Flukester on this. Total paranoia. It's not like filling stations are banks. They sell fuel to vehicle owners including bikers.
I'm with Flukester on this. Total paranoia. It's not like filling stations are banks. They sell fuel to vehicle owners including bikers.

Would you serve someone at OcUK who refused to remove their bike helmet?
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