Screw it, going gym at 5.
Beast mode is on!
122.5kg x 9 reps is the aim of tonight on bench press.
You barsteward...
I'm attempting 47.5KG at 3 x 8
Its going to hurt me I tells ya
My weight is about 81Kg.
So the aim was 122.5kg for 9 reps on the bench press tonight, and I JUST got it, 9th rep was a major effort. Spreadsheet says this is a 2.71% increase in 1RM over last week to now 157.5Kg. Next week should be fun where I need 127.5 for 8. I used my wrist wraps tonight and I have to say I'm not a fan so far, I think it made bench press a bit harder for me.
Followed this up with dips +25Kg x 10 x 3 and some light db incline press 30 x 10 x 3.
15 minutes of hamstring/shoulder stretches and I'm done.
I tried having a fatty low carb breakfast for some time. Wasn't much good for me. I always have oats soaked in ff milk and 3 boiled eggs for breakfast. Best combination I have found personally.
I actually don't know about head positioning, I shall enquire! A problem you might have is refs deciding that your head being up is an instant no lift, even if the rules state differently. Beware of American federations when trying to tease out the rules from powerlifting vids, although the actual written rules are all basically the same the interpretations are often very weird and obviously wrong (the definition of "parallel" in some feds is an obvious example)
Thinking about swapping out my pink porridge for some fried fatty meaty foods
It's massively lower in carbs, but much higher in fats and protein.
Not much good as in? Didn't see gains much or general fillingness?
What's wrong with the nutrition
Thanks ice, would be good to know as it will make a difference I think.