Pretty huge head position fault on these mateDamn that was hard as hell, managed to claw the 10 reps I needed setting a new PB. Not sure how long I can carry on setting PBs lol.
Form was average, I'm quite aware my chest needs to come through more. Still need to get that hamstring flexibility that I'm missing. All In all I'm pleased, came away with no discomfort.
Video. Had to reset my position I think during my set.
oh right
Yea I've never really done that, but I guess I should start training with a hand-off to conserve strength for the set.
Other than drop the weight and up the reps I don't know really...It's just fatigue at the end of the day? I'm presuming here btw
Well I've never failed at the bottom, just at the top. When I did a 1RM which was too heavy for me again was struggling to lock it out.
Thanks SMed, will work on the hand-off with my training partner and let you know how I find it.