LiE's Diet and Training Thread

Maybe take your max and get someone to spot you just helping slightly at the top of the rep? Or maybe even above your max get them to do some upright rows on the bar :D
Yeah, as icecold said, someone handing the bar to you from the start. I'm the same with someone trying to assist during a rep. My training partners know not to touch the bar unless it's going down. In which case, they just take the bar - failed rep. I hate asking new people for a spot, because even after explaining this to them, they still try to "help out" on difficult reps shouting, "It's all you! It's all you!" :p

Hand offs are great. It just enables you to really get tighter and set up much better than you could otherwise. If you unrack yourself with a heavy weight, you'll never get your shoulders and shoulder blades locked back as tight as you could had someone handed off to you.

Yeah, get as tight as you can with the bar in the hooks, workout with each other exactly where you want the bar to be when he lets go. And also remind him to only lift up just high enough to clear the hooks, otherwise your shoulders will be pulled out of position slightly. When he lets go, just sit for a couple of seconds and let the bar push everything down tighter into place.
Great advice :cool:

LiE, it could be down to a couple of things. Firstly, notice what happens to your shoulders and elbows as you fail. Seems like you lose your position/tightness, so some time focussing on back tightness and elbow tuck. This could be putting too much load on your triceps, or it could just be that your triceps need a little bit of direct work.
I thought I would take a pic this morning, one without any decent down lighting to give a more modest shot of how I look. I think I could do with losing just a tiny amount of fat to get the abs through more.


So ultimately I'm happy with the amount of mass I have, the only area I'd like to improve is my abs which I will focus on towards summer. Once that's done I don't think there's much else I'd change. Sitting at 12st 12lbs this morning.
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Looking great man, always amazes me how strong you are giving your relatively small size :) Have you always focused on strength training rather than mass?
I've trained for size mostly, but always found myself lifting heavy. I find it hard going into the weights room and lifting light. I think I just enjoy the challenge of pushing heavier weights.
ha skill ;)

Looking forward to squatting tonight, not going to focus too much on hitting a new PB instead just giving it everything. Hopefully all the stretching will pay off.
Squat went well tonight, got the 12 x 137.5 to set a new PB :D

Followed by CGBP - 60x8, 80x8, 80x8, 80x8, 100x7 and 8x4 hanging leg raises. Can't wait for my arms to heal over the weekend.

Video. I think the form is looking better...a few suspect reps but I guess that's the downside of doing high reps.

I've never gone heavy over 5 reps lol. I've done lots of back-off sets of 8, and they're dreadful. I'll have to man-up and do a heavy set of 10 one day. Do not want.
Right so my bicep tendons feel better today, probably due to spending 4 hours in a spa yesterday with the wife :p

This week is 3x3 and here's how it breaks down.

Military Press - 90% 1RM 68
Warm up (40%, 50%, 60%) - 27.5x5, 35x5, 40x3
Working Set (70% 80% 90%) - 47.5x3, 55x3, 62.5x3+

Deadlift - 90% 1RM 194
Warm up (40%, 50%, 60%) - 77.5x5, 97.5x5, 117.5x3
Working Set (70% 80% 90%) - 135x3, 155x3, 175x3+

Bench - 90% 1RM 138
Warm up (40%, 50%, 60%) - 55x5, 70x5, 82.5x3
Working Set (70% 80% 90%) - 97.5x3, 110x3, 125x3+

Squat - 90% 1RM 161
Warm up (40%, 50%, 60%) - 65x5, 80x5, 97.5x3
Working Set (70% 80% 90%) - 112.5x3, 127.5x3, 145x3+

Reps required to set new PB.
Military Press - 62.5x10
Deadlift - 175x9
Bench Press - 125x9
Squat - 145x11


I better bring my A game this week.
I have to agree with Freefaller, your diet annoys me :p

But it works for you and is giving you good results, so fair play! :D
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