LiE's Diet and Training Thread

It should generally be uncomfortably tight. Some say not so tight as to dramatically restrict breathing, but I find it's okay as tight as possible since I only have it like that for a minute or so. When I see people walking around in their belt for the entire session, it's pretty obvious straight away they don't know how to use a belt.
I see. I only wear it for the set, then remove it. I'll have a play with the next notch up and see how it feels.

I was talking to a guy who's pretty strong, but I was shocked to find out he wears the belt the entire time he is in the gym. Then we were talking about squat 1RM and he said he can do 180 with knee wraps but only thinks he can do 120 without... found it strange he didn't see the obvious error in his ways because he seems like a smart guy.
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Yeah, sorry I meant only a minute or so if going a 1RM. I can't have it super tight as possible if doing a heavy set of 5. If I'm going over 3 reps, I have it one notch looser. But yes, it's only ever on for the set.
3 notches works OK for me on my all out squat so I'll stick with that. Haven't done a 1RM with my belt yet but will find out next week.
Got a nice solid 125kg x 8 on the bench press, very happy with that.

Had some stacked dude come up to me in the gym today and ask how much I weigh, then told me I have 'phenomenal' strength.
I'll be happy with a solid 150-155 1RM next week for bench press. I haven't lifted my head bench pressing in quite some time too.
...and yet if you crack out 10 reps at 180kg on squats nobody seems to notice :'( Without exception the big guys at my gym are either weak or train with reduced ROM

Nice work though mate! Did you manage to make any change with your sticking point? Keep that 1rm as strict as you can, I'm sure you'll get at least 150kg.
Haven't made any changes really, just making sure my head is down and also got a hand-off. I'd be really happy with 150kg with solid form, last 1RM was pretty bad with my head up and bar not touching the chest, I'll be sorting that out this time round.
Any plans to try some paused bench? Not that it's a good idea to train like this all the time, but it's good to know if your form breaks because of it.
I'll see how I get on with my singles next week, I've not found lifting off the chest too bad and I'm much stricter these days. Added in some heavy CGBP to help things too, 100x7-8 and explosive.
Did plank when I was doing a split and training my core. Never done floor presses.
Diet update

OK so I've been playing around with my diet the past 2 weeks to see how it goes. My goal now is to maintain my current weight/drop a small amount of fat over however long it takes.

I've updated my diet/macros and could do with some input. I know most don't like the shakes, but I can't think of food that I can replace them with that doesn't add hassle and lots more cost.

Dinners are a hard one to gauge so I've just plugged in a number for now. Notice how I eat less on non-training days (Wednesday and Sat/Sun).


~300 cals under BMR on non-training days and ~100 cals under BMR on training days.
Been 81.9Kg every morning at weigh in, which I'm happy with.
Something that people may find interesting and frown upon is I've skipped breakfast for the past couple days in favour of catching an extra hour of sleep. I wake up at 9am and then eat at 10am. Normally I eat breakfast at 8am and then 2nd meal of the day at 10.30am.
Going go put together some mobility/stretches for my shoulder internal rotation, they need to be hammered :)
That's what I'm smashing tomorrow :)

I've found that combining this with good rear delt/scapula adductor exercises helps hugely. Working the antagonist muscles seems to make the stretches stick better.
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