LiE's Log Part 2

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Any thoughts on my deadlift? I'm thinking of sticking to 200 next week and keep it slow and work on things.
Back pulling tonight.

Weighted Chins - used the prong handles that meant hands facing each other
20x5 - getting an idea of where my strengths at
35x4 - damn heavy

Weighted Pull Ups - hands facing away from body shoulder width

Kroc Rows (R/L) no straps
50x11/11 - killed my hands/grip.
50x10/7 - more pain
50x15/20 - grip was better managed to get a decent set
50x10/10 - not much pulling power left

Seated Cable Rows
Stack didn't display weight, only 1-18 level. Did sets of 8 at level 12.

25x12 - nice burn.

Leg mobility, then retest my squat with a small tweak to my stance width. Felt much better. Looking forward to doing squats tomorrow.

Biceps were destroyed after 2 sets of chins.
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I don't like palms out grip, feels too much like a bicep curl (which we know you love)
Dude, weighted chins and pull ups. Mirin so hard. I can do BW all day long, but as soon as I start adding weight, jesus. If I added 20, I'd be surprised if I managed one!
Haven't done them in ages. When I do BW I find I get to about 8 and I fatigue. Basically I have power there but no endurance. I'm blaming my biceps for being under trained ! Going to keep doing them for a while to see if I can improve my pulling power (hehe)
See I'm the opposite, I can do a set of 15 on BW pullups no problem, so I guess I have the endurance, but no power, I stick a 2.5kg plate in each pocket for my sets sometimes and straight away 8 is pretty much the limit
Do you do full stretch at the bottom? I think it's quite easy to do some strange stuff with pull/chin up form. I like to keep my body as upright as possible with my chest down.
Yeah, I do full lockout on my arms before coming back up. Knees bent and feet back to help keep me straight

Admittedly, I say I can do 15 reps easy, that wouldn't be in a proper workout as my later sets would suffer, for working sets, I'd do no more than 10 per set, and usually do 3-4
Another benefit of having all these videos is being able to see any changes in form. As Syla5 mentioned, my squat stance has changed. Looking at the videos it's shocking how much it's changed. No idea when this crept in!

Going to bring it back in, should fix the knee stability issues.

Legs are well and truly finished for the week! fuuuuuuu!

First thing I did tonight was correct my stance width, and it felt amazing.

180x1 - it was supposed be a triple but wanted to see where I could go with my stance.
200x1 - horrible horrible rep (see video), definitely plenty of weakness at the bottom with this weight. This is my current PB.
200x1 - worked hard to keep the damn knee out (see video), better than the first.


Dragon Flags

5, 5, 4 - so much time under tension, each rep was brutal.

Plank x3
Pallof Press
12.5x10 x2

180 squat form

200 squat first single

200 squat second single

200 feels worlds heavy than 180-190, it's crazy. I'm really pleased with my lifts today, considering I squatted twice on Monday and trained 3 days in a row leading up to today. Plan is to move onto 5s now for this month to build up some more strength.

Ice/Dom, how does the 180 form look?
Probably :) just need to get more time under the bar.

The first 200 looks like I lost my form/tightness. Knees went, chest dropped, bad position to push out of. In the 2nd attempt I worked harder to maintain my position.
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Yeah, if you only posted the first vid ive had not said it :)

Hell of a lot smoother on the second. You also didnt seem to hit a huge sticking point after coming up from parallel. Probably didnt feel like that mind :p
180kg - pretty good. Can't see much wrong from the angle, apart from a little bit of knee instability.

200kg set 1 - horrible :p

200kg set 2 - much, much better! Although it looks like you're arse is shifted a little to the left. Sort that out asap, asymmetry is the road to snap city.

Great work!
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