LiE's Log Part 2

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Hmmm yeah your knees are even coming in on the 110kg set.

Do you think you can be stricter?

I've been slacking off the mobility for the past few weeks, so I'm probably tight. I'll do some mobility each day this week and see if things have improved on Friday.

Loving the peak contraction on the last rep :p.

That all looks nice, but you may want the bench a shade closer to the step on the DBSS. Ice will be able to clarify since he has done a lot more of them than me :).

It was a pretty cool exercise, but the noise and attention it gave was funny.

Lol, lots of staring i bet :D

Oh yes, plenty :)

Humping dat bar.


If I saw someone do this in the gym before having seen this video, I'd have thought they'd been born with an extra chromosome
Nice work on the split squats and glute bridges looks tidy.

Been watching back the vids of your squats, The knee issue for your squats could be your stance is just to wide? I mean I am talking about an inch at most but it could make a difference. Watching some of your older vids your stance is slightly narrower and the issues doesn't appear to be there.
Yea that's something I've been thinking about. I'll have a play on Friday.

You should give the split squats ago.
Going for a later training time tonight. The plan is to do some deadlifts, keep things a bit lighter and work up towards 200kg while trying to improve form/tightness.

Going to have another crack at 135x3 paused bench, I'll try and get a video for ice ;)
As mentioned, I was playing around with deadlift form tonight, to ensure it's tight. My first 200 triple, I forgot one of my ques, so it wasn't as good. The 2nd set I tried harder, but I think due to the weight it's still hard to keep perfect form. It was slower due to trying to actively think the movement through rather than just bash it out.

Also nailed my pause bench 135x3x2.

200x3 - video below.

Pause Bench
135x3 - 3RM PB video below.
135x3 - last rep was fuuuuu

I can see my arse coming up. Overall I think it's not bad for 200kg.
2nd set.

Pause could probably be a tad longer.
1st set.

I think I need to focus on some PC mobility to really help with squats and deadlift.
I'm not sure why that happens, I don't notice it when I'm actually doing it.

That pause felt so much longer than 2s.

I think I may have a few more kilos in me for a paused bench triple, then I may go back to normal bench press for a while. What do you think?
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It might not even be a problem, I think you'd be unlucky to get pulled up on an uneven lockout too.

I don't think people realise how hard paused benching is, that is a seriously impressive feat at your bodyweight!
I'll try and be more aware of it, maybe that will help.

Yea pause bench is a total ball buster, where as I could probably do 8 reps normally, 3 is a struggle with a pause. Just shows how much extra you get from the stretch/bounce at the bottom.
The time under tension is ridiculous too; pecs, tris, lats, shoulder external rotators... everything gets fried.

brb holding my breath for several seconds on every rep
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