LiE's Log Part 2

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8 years lol

Lol are you sure?! You should see my wedding photos you don't look like you ever set foot in a gym in them and they were 6.5 years ago! I think your selling your archievements short especially seeing as how you were always away with work and stuck with crappy hotel gyms for your first couple of years as well!
Yea it's not been 8 years of the kind of training I do now. I spent years with poor diet and no clue. As you said I did quite a bit if traveling which meant more set backs. Since I now work from home I have time to get things right.
I knew you was joking, would you rather I encouraged you and then laughed when you need an operation to fix it? ;) :D

Don't worry, by the time I get to actually having a proper routine I'll be screaming at someone to check it before I destroy something :p

Anyway, back to LiE and his manliness...

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So really happy and confident with my bench and my deadlift also. Just need to bring my squat up to scratch and I'll be on track.

Ice, going to get a membership to GBPF in Jan, but looking at the events there isn't much on. Will they announce more in the new year?
Yeah that won't be the full list. I've never done a comp early in the year so I don't know what's on. I know some of the guys from my club do a BDFPA one in Coventry in Febuary I think.
I'll probably just keep an eye on localish comps and see when they fall, then decide to go.
Going to take today off the gym and see if I can knock this cold on the head. It's really draining me and making recovery horrible.
I'm taking vit c and zinc. I'm going to pick up manuka honey too.
It's not bad, but it's definitely draining which isn't great for training. I could train, but I know it will drag this on for a while.
Tonight I'm planning to do some squats and deads, won't be going crazy but it's the first time I've done them both on the same day, so should be fun.

I want to see PBs on both!
The only way I'd get a PB is 170x5 squat and 210x5 deads. On the same day still recovering from a cold? Seems legit....
:( I miss lifting heavy things. It's only been since Monday but the withdrawal is killing me :(.

You had best come back with some good numbers, I need something to keep me going man!!!!

semi-srs :p
It went pretty well.

Managed 160x5 on squat and 200x4 on deads. I had the belt on the next notch up tonight so it was nice and tight, only problem was the buckle was digging in during deads which stopped me getting another 2 reps.

Split squats ruined me.
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