LiE's Log Part 2

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210x5 - BOOM PB :D

DB Rows (Left/Right)

Chins - palms facing in
10, 10, 8

DB Curls (per arm)
15x12 - biceps were already fried by this point.
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Chins palms out = pull up really :)

Just BW pull ups?

I prefer do do pull ups first so I can do the rows after

Curls?!! :mad: :p

Good sesh - love those sexy deads :cool:
Chins palms out = pull up really :)

Just BW pull ups?

I prefer do do pull ups first so I can do the rows after

Curls?!! :mad: :p

Good sesh - love those sexy deads :cool:

Yea just BW, typo on the grip though! was palm facing in. I fatigue quickly on them which is funny because I can do chins with +20-50kg.

Nice work fella, cracking effort on the deads!

Cheers. More in the tank on the 5s I think. 215x5 next week perhaps.
lol Dom you overly cocky barsteward!

LiE, I've not forgotten about your email. I think the most important thing for you is to do a mock meet (or two!) before the comp, including full commands and errrything. This will require a Syla5 shaped gym buddy most likely, or you're more than welcome to come to OUS at some point (actually, do this!).

In terms of prep, I was thinking about it but probably the best thing to do is keep it very simple. Train however you feel would be best for furthering strength until 4 weeks before the comp (which is a Sunday), then do a simple peaking cycle. For example:

4 weeks out:
Heavy triples, max effort with a max of 3 sets. Normal assistance work.

3 weeks out:
Heavy doubles, upwards of 95% effort. Normal amounts of assistance work.

2 weeks out:
Max, or 95%, on all three lifts for 1 rep. Minimal assistance, avoid too much fatigue.

The week before the comp:
Monday: All three lifts up to 90% OR go up to your openers (100% bench if you want). However, DO NOT psyche yourself up for anything (apart from bench). Expect to lift less than you'd think. Do nothing else, apart from foam rolling/stretching the crap out of everything as required.

Wednesday (or Thursday at the latest): Bench to a 90% double or single, but base it on how you feel. Do some speed deads and squats at ~50%, but don't approach fatigue.

Rest until comp, literally do nothing. Including cardio.

Comp day: Dominate :cool:

For your mock meets, it might be worth doing one soon-ish, but it's probably more important to do one right before you the peaking cycle. Not because of anything to do with the peaking cycle, but because it'll give you practice as close as possible to the comp.
Let me know when you guys are doing your next mock meet and I'll see if I can come along. It'll be massively helpful to get feedback on things comp specific.

Thanks for putting that together for me. I'll crack on with my heavy lifts for now then.

For my first comp I'll be happy if I get close to what I know I can lift, but I'm fully expecting for my weights to take a hit.
I'm still putting the finishing touches to my programme, but it looks like the mock meet will be over the Christmas/New Year period to allow for gym closures (a mock meet fits well in a deload week, so if I can only do one session in a week it doesn't matter).

You could always come down on a Saturday, or even any other time... just let me know with some notice and it'll be fine.

I'd want you to be getting at least your current PBs. To hope for much more is probably wishful thinking for a first meet, partially because it's much nicer to get all 9 lifts in.

Edit: Yeah it's free to spectate, come along :)
Keep me posted. Are you in Oxford?

I'd like to do a mock meet perhaps next week would be a good time, as I'm off work for a bit so training may be abit over the place. Just need to see if Syla5 can come and shout at me.

What are the commands for each lift?
3rd Feb: West Midlands Masters, Warwickshire and 4 Counties Divisional
Hatchford Brook Youth Centre, Old Lode Lane, Solihull B92 8JE.
Bench only and 3-lift Powerlifting. Equipped and Unequipped.
Promoter: Jas Singh tel: 07817 598 693 email: [email protected]

I want to come. Do you know if you need to tell them your going or just turn up? Itching to watch something like this.

Also, I'd advise going to see them, just looking at Ice and Dom give you +15% on your lifts.
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