As an ex-south african myself it is good to see that UK people dont see this as a racial thing. It has nothing to do with race, there are extremist parties with extremist views and these people tend to cause the biggest scene.
Another important point is culture and tribalism. Lets not forget that south africa has 11 official languages... which suggests 11 tribes and culture that they are officially recognising (there are still more smaller ones).
This is a purely political fight, it is inner ruling party (anc) conflict.
It is sad that many people think this is racial because they see white guys shooting black guys, or indians shooting black. It isnt. SA is still very divided so there are white dominant areas, black dominant areas, Indian dominant areas. When someone attacks a white dominant area you are going to see white dudes with guns, the same for indians etc. In soweto (black dominant area) there is plenty of footage of black people shooting blacks. Im not saying racism doesnt exist in SA, oh there most certainly is but this particular 'incident' is politicly motivated.
Not to ramble on too much, but there is a huge unknown element here. They calling it the invisible man. Someone is orchestrating these attacks and is doing so with a lot of intel. They cannot find this person or have any idea who it may be. This to me screams terrorism and I wish it could be labelled as such.