Life in South Africa...

Feisty shenanigans have been afoot at the local mall, as punters took advantage of the ongoing five finger discount.

Christ what's going to happen when the food runs out? Some will be trading their 70" TVs for a loaf of bread at some point.

In some places, the answer to that question will become known within a week. Modern supply chains are fragile and they've been badly broken in some parts of SA. Critical infrastructure has been destroyed (in what appear to be targetted attacks), which means that those areas will only survive with prompt and sustained outside help.

The question, as usual, is who benefits from this. Is it an internal faction seeking to gain power from chaos and suffering or is it an external faction seeking to gain power from chaos and suffering? My money's on an internal faction. I think it's too crude for an external faction.
Christ what's going to happen when the food runs out? Some will be trading their 70" TVs for a loaf of bread at some point.
thats when the killing starts, lootings all fun and games until everywhere is looted and people start looting each other.

could even end up with tons of people just packing up what they can and leaving for somewhere else
This and farms being destroyed, white farmers basically run out of the country.

Same way Zimbabwe went and there is still a food shortage after all this time. No one knows how to work the land, the knowledge, wealth and skills all drained away. The families who fled later refused to go back or teach them, because why would they. A country at one point which was quite wealthy and now the currency is so worthless it's sold as a joke on ebay.
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Just looking at some of these videos and it is pathetic. I suppose the saying "don't **** where you eat" does not apply to these people.

There's a distinct lack of dignity in pillaging and destroying something that exists to provide a service, improve one's quality of life etc. All for the sake of a free cool box or aluminium folding table.
What a shame. Been to S.Africa twice about for about two months in total. Joberg, SunCity, Durban, Port Edward, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. One of the most beautiful places on earth.

Black taxis man lol

We got caught speeding but the old "how much is the on the spot fine Sir" trick worked a treat.
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