I'm really enjoying your Star Wars sig rotation, btw.
Sounds nice.
I just need to man up and have shorter rest periods![]()
B1 said:Seated DB Curls RP 11-20
12.5kg 9, 4, 3 (About right)
Cable Reverse Curls SS 11-20
25kg 14 (Holy forearm pump batman. I get super pumped forearms anyway I think due to my tiny girl hands and this actually painful!)
Seated Calf Raise SS, 5s neg + 15s hold 11-15
45kg 12 (Don't like this machine much. Lot's of pressure on knees and also the foot platform seems to far back to me, impossible to get a stretch at the bottom. Interesting how much weaker you are though.)
Seated Leg Curls RP 15-30
70kg 15, 8, 7 (notbad.jpg. Hamstring isolation is painful)
Hack Squat (Machine) SS+WM 4-8, 20
100kg x 8, 40kg x 20 (Teardrop pump followed by quad stretch = shaking like a leaf when stood up, lols.)
Not sure on DC so far. It's pretty weird, walking in and going straight to Bicep exercises makes you feel like a major phaggot, and you don't really get much pumpage throughout so I look like a DYEL the whole time. it is quick though and BennyC likes it so it must be true.
A1 said:Flat Bench RP 11-15
85kg 9, 3, 3 (More weight same reps)
Military Press RP 11-20
45kg 9, 4, 1 (Same weight, less reps. Did my increasingly common trick of trying to find some over head stability with my cervical spine. Cue 2 days of not being able to turn my head.)
Lying Tricep Extension RP 11-20
20kg 16, 6, 5 (Same weight, more reps)
Wide Lat Pulldown RP 11-20
55kg 9, 5, 4 (more weight required)
Narrow Cable Rows SS 10-12
75kg 12 (Straight set instead of RP)
^ lol response
Tasty looking session.
Hopefully the progression methods are making sense?it's pretty black & white.
B1 said:Cable Curls RP 11-20
20kg 8, 4, 3 (About right)
BB Wrist Curls SS 11-20
15kg 20+ (Honestly what is this phaggotry. Forearm isolation feels like a huge waste of time.)
Leg Press Toe Press SS, 5s neg + 15s hold 11-15
120kg 12 (Major shaky leg time on the 15s holds.)
RDLs RP 15-30
70kg 15, 8, 7 (Moar weight required. Grip runs out way before hams though.)
Leg Press SS+WM 4-8, 20
180kg x 8, 120kg x 20 (That right, no squats. I have a very PC dominant back squat so I honestly was too much of a wuss to do it after a hamstring exercise. It's supposed to be a 'Quads' exercise anyway so dat leg press pls.)
What's this B6, I hope you mean B3?
Basically now you've done 3 x A and 3 x B workouts you're in the position to either (depending on each lift)
- use the same weight and aim for more reps, or
- use more weight for the same/more reps (It'll be quire rare to use more weight & get more reps but does happen.)
If forearm isolation feels pointless, which is mostly is, switch it out for something else. I went full bro and use one suprinated curling motion and one semi/hammer grip motion.
B-Something. Who knows, the last B workout. Just read the T-Nation article it's got a better selection of exercises so I might swap out a few yet. But will start 'properly' next week A1/B2/A3/B4/A5/B6. Might move a few things about within the A's/B's (Bench/OHP/CGBP is too much in one session imo) but other than that I'm hot to trot.
Be interesting how much progress I make considering I'm still on perma-cut mode.
A2 said:Incline Bench (not Smith) RP 11-20
57.5kg 10, 4, 5 (More weight less reps, but will up weight next.)
Upright Cable Rows RP 11-15
40kg 10, 5, 5 (More weight less reps, but will up weight next.)
CGBP RP 11-20
55kg 15, 6, 5 (More weight more reps.)
Hammer Strength Underhand Pulldowns RP 11-15
90kg 9, 3, 2 (More weight, one less rep)
Close Grip Pulldown SS 10-12
65kgx8 (Back's still a bit aggravated from my cervical tense up on this weeks OHP. I should really take some time of from lifting but I'm a phaggot.)
B2 said:Seated DB Curls RP 11-20
12.5kg 9, 5, 5 (Same weight more reps)
Cable Reverse Curls SS 11-20
25kg 15 (One more rep. Almost unbearable forearm pump from these, like can't make a fist after painful.)
Seated Calf Raise SS, 5s neg + 15s hold 15
45kg 12 (Still don't like this machine. Might do all standing calf stuff.)
Seated Leg Curls RP 15-30
75kg 20, 12, 9 (More weight, many more reps. Dem isolation insta-gains mane.)
Hack Squat (Machine) SS+WM 4-8, 20
110kg x 8, 50kg x 20 (More weight same reps. Love this machine, I nearly fell over when I tried to stand up lol had to grab a nearby pillar thing.)