Lift Laugh Love, a Log Story --- (Weightloss->Lifting->Swolification)

All you phaggots are making me want to try it, but i don't want to end up liking it and having to eat my words.

You're not allowed, you already make leaner gains than anyone else that actually pays attention to their diet. If you did CBL, you'd pretty much be a fitness model within 3 months.
First update in basically a month! Oh Lawd!

Had 3 weeks on the bounce of weekend binge drinking and hangovers, so used it as an excuse to take some time off (Strategic Binge Deload) and also redid CBL prep phase. Well mostly, about 10/11 days with <30g carbs but no exercise.

Back on it this week, straight back into a 2nd cycle of HST and foooooooooork it's killing me. I was hilariously weak and unfit the first session back, even the baby weights you start on were absolutely murdering me. Hopefully though it adds up into more stimulus, and more powaaaaaaah later on.

Anyway, first 2 weeks of HST look like this.

Basically added 5kg or 2.5kg where necessary. See how it goes. Pulldown/Preacher/Calf is lbs.

Weight this week 74.6kg
HOLY **** how did I ever do this!?

Squat 75kg 15,15
Bench 52.5kg 15,15
BOR 42.5kg 15,15
OHP 25kg 15,12 <- srs
RDL 52.5kg 15,15
Pulldown 185lbs 15,8 <- wat
Calf Press 420lbs 15,15
Preacher 35lbs 15, 10 <- pumped up so quick could barely move my arms
Skullcrushers 10kg +EZ 15,15
Facepulls 50lbs 15,15

Getting there..........

Squat 80kg 15,15
Bench 55kg 15,15
BOR 45kg 15,15
OHP 27.5kg 15,10
RDL 55kg 15,15
Pulldown 190lbs 15,11
Calf Press 430lbs 15,15
Preacher 40lbs 15, 15
Skullcrushers 10kg +EZ 15,15
Facepulls 60lbs 15,15

Ah yes, this is how it works!
Squat 85kg 15,15
Bench 57.5kg 15,15
BOR 47.5kg 15,15
OHP 30kg 15,15 <- More like it!
RDL 57.5kg 15,15
Pulldown 195lbs 15,15
Calf Press 440lbs 15,15
Preacher 45lbs 15, 15
Skullcrushers 12.5kg +EZ 15,15
Facepulls 60lbs 15,15

Nice to be back, not been keeping up with the Gym Ratz massive much but the fb group keeps me going ;).

As it tradition...........


I thought this new page was to bring the advent of GIFs in spoiler tags?! RIP my phone once more.
Nah I downloaded it somewhere, google it. Think it might have been the MyProtein forum actually. It's pretty good but would be nice to mix & match kg/lb and have a third weight type for machines.
2nd week of HST 15's, been quite deconditioned tbh not sure what's going on maybe I just overestimated a bit. 2nd sets have been very tough.

Weight this week 75.2kg
Squat 90kg 15,15
Bench 60kg 15,15
BOR 50kg 15,15
OHP 32.5kg 15,12
RDL 60kg 15,15
Pulldown 200lbs 15,12
Calf Press 450lbs 15,15
Preacher 50lbs 15, 15 <- This is definitely my max, good job IJDGAF about bicep training.
Skullcrushers 12.5kg +EZ 15,15
Facepulls 80lbs 15,15

Squat 95kg 15,15
Bench 62.5kg 15,15
BOR 52.5kg 15,15
OHP 35kg 15,15
RDL 62.5kg 15,15
Pulldown 205lbs 15,11
Calf Press 460lbs 15,15
Preacher 55lbs 14, 9
Skullcrushers 15kg +EZ 15,15
Facepulls 90lbs 15,15

Sat - Had 5 hours of sloot problems friday night kept me up til 5am, was dreading the squatz.
Squat 100kg 15,15 <- High rep squats are all in the mind, I find counting in my head 1-5,1-5,1-5 somehow really helps. It's like my brain doesn't realise I'm doing more than normal. Srs.
Bench 65kg 15,15 <- Pretty happy with this, chalk + 'melt the bar' helps a lot.
BOR 55kg 15,15 <- Still using straps and false grip, dat activation.
OHP 37.5kg 15,15 <- Melt the bar, squeeze glutes, pack neck. Win.
RDL 65kg 15,15
Pulldown 210lbs 15,11
Calf Press 470lbs 15,15 <- Kind of pointless I think now.
Preacher 60lbs 12, 8
Skullcrushers 17.5kg +EZ 15,13
Facepulls 100lbs 15,15

And here's today PB song, got me dat OHP.

1st week of HST 10's. Nothing much to report, training and diet have been inconsistent because of work stuff. Still fit in my session but on M/F/S, and I have to go Turkey all next week for work so no gym and **** diet here I come.

Squat 90kg 10,10
Bench 62.5kg 10,10
BOR 50kg 10,10
OHP 32.5kg 10,10
RDL 62.5kg 10,10
Pulldown 205lbs 10,10
Calf Press 480lbs 10,10
Preacher 35lbs 10, 10
Skullcrushers 15kg +EZ 10,10
Facepulls 70lbs 10,10

Squat 95kg 10,10
Bench 65kg 10,10
BOR 52.5kg 10,10
OHP 35kg 10,10
RDL 65kg 10,10
Pulldown 210lbs 10,10
Calf Press 490lbs 10,10
Preacher 40lbs 10, 10
Skullcrushers 15kg +EZ 10,10
Facepulls 80lbs 10,10

Squat 100kg 10,10
Bench 67.5kg 10,10
BOR 55kg 10,10
OHP 37.5kg 10,10
RDL 67.5kg 10,10
Pulldown 215lbs 10,10
Calf Press 490lbs 10,10
Preacher 45lbs 10, 10
Skullcrushers 17.5kg +EZ 10,10
Facepulls 90lbs 10,10


Squat 100kg 10,10
Bench 67.5kg 10,10
BOR 55kg 10,10
OHP 37.5kg 10,10
RDL 67.5kg 10,10
Pulldown 215lbs 10,10
Calf Press 490lbs 10,10
Preacher 45lbs 10, 10
Skullcrushers 17.5kg +EZ 10,10
Facepulls 90lbs 10,10

I don't even!! LOL! Not saying it's bad but I'd be pretty dead the next day if I worked that many muscle groups in one day. Surely some lifts must suffer due to everything else being knackered?
Squat 100kg 10,10
Bench 67.5kg 10,10
BOR 55kg 10,10
OHP 37.5kg 10,10
RDL 67.5kg 10,10
Pulldown 215lbs 10,10
Calf Press 490lbs 10,10
Preacher 45lbs 10, 10
Skullcrushers 17.5kg +EZ 10,10
Facepulls 90lbs 10,10

I don't even!! LOL! Not saying it's bad but I'd be pretty dead the next day if I worked that many muscle groups in one day. Surely some lifts must suffer due to everything else being knackered?

Full body tends to be par for the course on HST, dat frequency. Honestly I can't squat less than twice a week, it just stops working :o. Lose my mobility and hip powah very quickly.

Training and diet have been all over the place last 2/3 weeks hence the crap updates, lots of work travel and weekend boozing has ruined my routine and without that I'm nothing.
Hopefully things will settle down again come August and I can get back on the gains train.
Holy random update Batman! Training & diet has been fairly crap lately owing to weather & beer basically. Managed to do my 2nd 10's week and 1st 5's though just now, slowly getting back on the wagon. Only 2 more scheduled weekends of debauchery then I'll have to go full retard to get back on track. Haven't weighed myself in weeks because I just don't wanna know. Not a lot to say really, just I am still here honest!

Finishing 10's
Squat 115kg 10,10
Bench 75kg 10,10
BOR 62.5kg 10,10
OHP 45kg 10,10
RDL 75kg 10,10
Pulldown 230lbs 10,10
Calf Press 505lbs 10,10 <- Max leg press weight :(
Preacher 60lbs 10, 10
Skullcrushers 22.5kg +EZ 10,10
Facepulls 110lbs 10,10

5's look like this.


First really consistent week in months, got all my training in and diet was 90% in check :D.

Weight has been hilariously all over the place since summer appeared....


Lol. Hopefully now the weathers returning to crap I'll get back to about 75kg, I think I might have enough muscle now to cut to juicy levels but I'm not sure my body is actually capable, might have to try CKD but that requires some dedication.

Typical gym day:
Typical off day (fasted AM training so carb load night before)

2nd week of 5's so:

Squats 125kg 3x5
Bench 82.5kg 3x5
BOR 70kg 3x5
OHP 50kg 3x5
RDL 95kg 3x5
Lat Pulldown (Narrow Grip) 250lbs 3x5

Squats 130kg 3x5
Bench 85kg 3x5
BOR 72.5kg 3x5
OHP 52.5kg 3x5
RDL 97.5kg 3x5
Lat Pulldown (Narrow Grip) 255lbs 3x5

Squats 135kg 3x5
Bench 87.5kg 3x5
BOR 75kg 3x5
OHP 55kg 3x5
RDL 100kg 3x5
Lat Pulldown (Narrow Grip) 260lbs 3x5
+ Stuff including Calf Press, curls for girls and some KB swings.

Thoughts overall, pretty pretty good. I've changed my squat form a bit more in line with Supple Leopard recommendations, feet more parallel and narrower etc. It's ok, I'm not really used to it yet but it feels much more knee dominant than my old more sumo style and my right knee inparticular doesn't seem to enjoy it much. Might drop the weights for next HST and try to get used to it, it does feel like more muscle is being used they're just not talking to each other properly yet.
Very happy with bench & OHP, enjoying heaview RDLs.


strong squatting mate, looks like youve lost nothing there :) I do am all over the place with my weight. I have given up trying to worry about it, and will get on to cutting back when i need to.
77.4kg this week, intredasting.

Finished 5's last week, so I'm in the undetermined part of HST normally filled with negs or heavy triples. I've gone full retard however and jumped straight back to 15's. Oh lawd, dat cardio and pump. It's even more of a shock jumping up in reps and down in %RM than vice versa.

1st week of 15's mk2 looks like this.

Squats 75kg 2x15
Bench 55kg 2x15
BOR 45kg 2x15
OHP 27.5kg 2x15
RDL 57.5kg 2x15
Lat Pulldown (Narrow Grip) 190lbs 2x15
Tricep Cable Push Down (V Grip) 60lbs 2x15 SuperSet Cable Curls (yezir) 40lbs 2x15
Facepulls 80lbs 2x15
Lat Raises 6kg 2x15

Squats 80kg 2x15
Bench 57.5kg 2x15
BOR 47.5kg 2x15
OHP 30kg 2x15
RDL 60kg 2x15
Lat Pulldown (Narrow Grip) 195lbs 2x15
Tricep Cable Push Down (V Grip) 60lbs 3x15 SuperSet Cable Curls (yezir) 40lbs 3x15
Facepulls 90lbs 2x15
Lat Raises 6kg 2x15

Squats 85kg 2x15
Bench 60kg 2x15
BOR 50kg 2x15
OHP 32.5kg 2x15
RDL 62.5kg 2x15
Lat Pulldown (Narrow Grip) 200lbs 2x15
Seated LEver Row Dropset, can't remember reps but 130lbs/110/90/70
TRX Rows SuperSet DB Pushups
CGBP 40kg 3x15 (gonna bring these back for next HST methinks)
Zercher Squatz - 30kg 2x10 40kg 1x10 50kg 1x8
Cable X Overs - Until I went up a cup size

I like to muck about a bit on Saturdays because I'm not in a rush and there were TWO women there today. So yes I was perving, they love it. I think.

Not sure what to do next. Will finish these 15's, I've staggered it so I'll finish on weights a smidge above the first two weeks, squats excluded (because cardio). Then I'll take a week off and redo CBL prep at that time.

I'm mostly thinking about moving to a move bodybuilder style routine, but at the same time I could get a very nice Stronglifts cycle in before the end of the year and make some PBs. But, I don't look like I lift and I'm feeling a bit narcissistic atm.

Anyway, tunes and ****.



Also I washed my car, No swearing - Davey dem shoulder & forearms pumps.
76.4kg this week. The right direction at last. Gonna change to CKD this week with, <30g Carbs err'day, one refeed Friday night 500g ish.

2nd week of 15's
Squats 90kg 2x15
Bench 62.5kg 2x15
BOR 52.5kg 2x15
OHP 35kg 15,13
RDL 65kg 2x15
Lat Pulldown (Narrow Grip) 205lbs 15,12
Seated Lever Row Dropset 130lbs/110/90/70
CGBP 42.5kg 2x15
Facepulls 90lbs 2x15
Cable X-Over 40lbs 2x15, 50lbs 15

Squats 95g 2x15
Bench 65kg 2x15
BOR 55kg 2x15
OHP 37.5kg 2x15
RDL 67.5kg 2x15
Lat Pulldown (Narrow Grip) 210lbs 15,12
Seated Lever Row Dropset 130lbs/110/90/70
CGBP 45kg 3x15
Facepulls 10lbs 2x15
Cable X-Over 40lbs 2x15, 50lbs 15

Squats 100kg 2x15
Bench 67.5kg 2x15
BOR 57.5kg 2x15
OHP 40kg 15, 12+3 <- So close to this.
RDL 70kg 2x15
Lat Pulldown (Narrow Grip) 215lbs 13,11 <- Not even my Pizza Hut binge + liquid chalk could get me this :(
Seated Lever Row Dropset 130lbs/110/90/70
CGBP 47.5kg 3x15 <- Tri's for the guys
TRX Rows SuperSet DB Pushups
Leg Raises SS Planks
Cable X Overs

Next week is deload week in theory. Will try my hardest not to go to the gym but I'm not making any promises. Either way it will be a CBL prep phase style week with low carb from Sat->Sat with a refeed next Sunday in time for Mondays workout.


Have you done CarbNite before? Interested to see how you get on.

What will your calories and macros look like on <30g days?
Not done it before but need to find a way that I can cut without being starving all the time. Don't have the motivation to deal with it ATM!

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