Over all its not a bad bit of kit, I think they could make improvements though.
The backing plate doesnt cover the whole back of the card, it covers enough to cover the components on my card (Asus R9-270x DC something or other TOP) but you cant put the bottom clip on so theres a small amount of flex, still 5 out of 6 isnt bad..
I wonder if they could make it so it had sections you could break off so they could cover more PCB sizes.
The blue thermal pads, I think, and some might disagree that they should have this premounted on the backing heatsink, would make it a lot easier to sort.
For the £65 or whatever it was its certainly worth it, granted I have clearance issues on my mining rig, and expect I will have on my Gene in my main rig as thats also mATX but for what it is and what it does, its an awesome bit of kit, it probably doesnt get the results of proper full blown WC kits but for those like me that dont mind vioding a warranty to get a cooler quieter GPU its spot on.
I've had a fair few AC kits now, from my old HD4870(?) to my HD6870, GTX670 and now one of my R9270x's, its pretty clear these guys know what they are doing and will continue to be my "go to" company for aftermarket GPU cooling, plus as I've had so many of their kits before my spares box is full of RAM sized heatsinks so I'll be sticking some of them on later just because I can...