Liquid Art: From Mini P180 to infinity...

About time you got 2nd card in the loop hehe looking good m8 ;)

Haha yeah, I finally caved and got 2 new ones instead. Hope these 2 cards will last me awhile yet. Not looking at upgrading for at least another year.
Modding the front panel: NZXT H440

After looking at for awhile and seeing how good some of the mods are on there, I'm wanting to do something of my own on my case! I know how restrictive my airflow is in my case so im gonna make these panels "less" restrictive.

I'm going to cut 3 holes out of the front and with the same design as the Parvum systems slanted slit design. I've already sent them an e-mail so just awaiting for their confirmation. Obviously will depend on how busy they are as well before I get this done. But if all goes well i'll get the top panel modded as well for unmatched airflow!

I've measured and re-measured a couple of times so I'm hoping they are correct and line up with the fans at the front of the case.. however if anyone has the same case, I wouldn't mind if you took some measurements just to confirm with me please.

Don't worry guys; we've got this! :D

Damn good to hear!!! Let me know when you guys are ready and i'll send the panel over to you. Is it the same address as per your website?

Unit 9,
Hereford Farm,
Hereford House,
Lower Dunton Road,
CM13 3SN
United Kingdom
Messing about with my Corsair Dominator Platinum Memory tonight and decided I wasn't quite liking the dimmed effect from the light bars so thought I'd try something a little different. It's literally being held on by gravity at the moment as I can't find a solution to hold them on without some modding. I could chop the silver piece that sits over the top and just use the ends to hold the light bar in place or I could glue the light bar in.. what do you think?

Using the end bits like this to hold the light bar in place but of course will require chopping.

Personally I really like the lighting effect.
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Really impressive memory mod there mate, I often think the memory is overlooked visually, the CPU and Graphics Cards always seem to steal the show. You should do a little guide on exactly how to do this so others can copy ;)
Looking very nice - love the resivoir

Really impressive memory mod there mate, I often think the memory is overlooked visually, the CPU and Graphics Cards always seem to steal the show. You should do a little guide on exactly how to do this so others can copy ;)

Thanks gents :), I will defo put up a tutorial of sorts. It's still a work in progress but once it's complete it should look the bomb!

Just thinking about adhesive to make this a permanent attachment. :p
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