Little annoyances.

Zip said:
What annoys me?

MYSPACE!!!! :mad:

I wish soemone would nuke the servers and kill all the People that work there!! :mad: :(

Have you ever considered not going there? Its a *crazy* suggestion, I know, but if you put aside your selfishness for one minute you might realise that there are plenty of people who use the site and dont share your view.

Demanding that it be shut down to satisfy your own agenda is alarmingly self-centred, dont you think?
Tru said:
Myspace is entirely avoidable though, how about posting something you are actually forced to tolerate?

No its not, Myspace is absolutely not avoidable at all :(

My girlfriend has one and is always talking to or about someone shes met on my space :mad:

there is no escape :(
Working in a supermarket I could go on all day about little annoyances. :mad:

"Excuse me, this milk is 3p cheaper at the Extra" - You're not at the bloody extra are you? :rolleyes:

"I'm looking for x road" - And then they get all flippy when nobody knows. We're not the AA!

And I hate it when people reply with "eh?" - I just say "B". :D Or "Why?" and I reply with "Z".
mrbios said:
ah i know 2 people who work for stroud and swindon, one being my mate sam, emo like fringe, young guy of about 18-20, and my gfs dads gf (lol), you work in the big s+w building or the little one near batemans?

do you play football with matt amey and julian young?
I work in the main building down at Rowcroft. - just looked your mate up on the intranet but don't recognise him! don't know those lads from football either, the 5-a-side at Archway is with the guys from work. I also play down at Cashes Green but don't recognise them from there. Wherabouts in Stroud are you based?
Puz said:
People who drive 40 mph down 60mph roads and stay at 40mph when they go through 30mph villages make me :mad:

Darn 'one speed' tourists.
Yep, same here - people who don't change lanes on the motorway annoy me too.
House phone rings...

"Are you in the house now?"

"Well, you did just call the house number" :rolleyes:
Lysander said:
People who say 'true dat'. So ******* annoying!!! Honestly, why do people use all these stupid US expressions that make no sense? Do they think it's cool, clever, exclusive? So many Americans let garbage tumble out of their mouths on a day to day basis. Not content with mangling our spelling they make up entirely useless phrases.

Sorry p4radox, I didn't mean to rant against you in particular even though it might look that way.

Haha, I was waiting for that. :p
Tru said:
I thought the same last night, I get the feeling Mr Higgins could fill an entire thread by himself. :D I actually thought it was satire at first.

A lot of things that people do annoy me really. However, I can respect the fact that as long as it is not illegal, or done in my house (which does not exist as I do not own a property), they have the full right to do it. I merely try to discourage them from annoying me as much as possible without becomming what one might describe as garishly obtuse. To be honest, the majority of annoying things happen in conjunction with my affiliation with school colleagues, and the person referred to in my previous post in this thread has had a history, of what I consider to be bad behaviour (I would cite the example of when I was placed with him to complete some Physics coursework, he only got a few things out, and I was left to conduct the experiment and record the results by myself).

In general, I do find the child-like mentality of a lot of people I know rather annoying. People seem to find it acceptable to blatantly lie when they have been "beaten" in an argument, and act as if this lie cannot be treated as such, and promptly ignored.

Angus Higgins
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