Little annoyances.

knip said:
Helpful little comments that football commentators somehow think people want to hear. For example (and I am not a Man U fan)
"AC Milan have never lost at home to an english team"
(same commentators who are from the English country and technically should be supporting that English team)

I don't agree. Whether people want to hear it or not, it's an important fact, relevant to the game. They'd be failing to do their job if the didn't mention it.
I used to get annoyed by spelling/grammar mistakes, but I've accepted how common they are now.

A few that used to irritate/amuse me:

On Spooks subtitles of an Arab man giving water to someone. "Your welcome"
and then not long after, "there so hungry they would probably eat a bag of my home made crisp's" :eek:

"Finchfield Sweats" - Was a sweet shop

"Office's supplies" - Who's Office?
Melm0 said:
I doubt someone who owns a takeaway could be that imaginative :p
Aye they're not the brightest, we'll put it down to a happy coincidence. :D

I remember queuing at a burger van once, the bloke was nowhere to be seen, suddenly he clambered in the back door, rubbing his hands on his apron, "sorry lads, was bursting for a slash" :/
Oh that's another one. Negligible.

Why oh why do people say it like 'nedge-liga-bul'

It's 'Neg-lidge-abul"

The same with rummage. I've heard people say rummange. WTF?
Que of people outside a classroom
/teacher comes
Is the door open?

Que of people standing at one out of two cash points
/people randomly check the other and are suprised when it doesn't work...

the thing that really annoys me though... chavs playing their disco music outloud from their phone... BUY HEADPHONES! :mad:
Tru said:
This used to be an annoyance until I discovered how funny it was. People who have no idea how to use quotation marks should not be given sign making duties.

My local also does carry outs, the sign reads:

So, not actually the cheapest then?

How about a local chip shop with "Full Engish Breakfast" on the printed plastic sign above the entrance on the high street. Good stuff.

The most annoying thing I find is when you see someone, ask how they are, and they reply with the kind of reply, you all know the ones, which tries to get you to ask what's really wrong. "I'm alright.. I guess" or similar. I go for the complete ignore here. If you're not going to give me a proper question, problem or topic, I'm not going to probe.
One thing I dislike is when people make things up in arguments. I was having a discussion about something with a school colleague, and he said something like "well, I looked that up on the internet once and ..." he then put some very stupid and specific statement in. I said that he was blatantly making it up, only to be countered by him stating that he looked it up when he and his father had exactly the same discussion a while ago. :p

(I later looked up what he said he had seen, and it was nowhere to be found).

Also, I don't like hearing people talk about things that they have found on the internet. Especially videos. I always pride myself on watching a lot of funny videos (not the stupid songs, etc. on YouTube, but explosions, and other such things on Break, etc.). People at school are always saying "did you see that video of that fat guy that falls off a van?". I always feel annoyed as I saw it several months ago and have to endure their arduous, and often poor description of the video. This also extends to other internet-phenomena. This is one thing that really, really annoys me, although I don't see why really.

Also when people are generally illogical I get annoyed, or do not pay attention to detail (although I am guilty of this, however, I would be annoyed at myself in these circumstances). For instance, someone said to me "is this [a question in a Chemistry exam] right?", I told them it wasn't, and that it needed state symbols as requested in the question, they said that they were not needed, but had to conceed after revising the question.

One person asks me similar questions a lot of the time at school. He asked me "is it impossible to travel at the speed of light?" about three times in a few days. I usually say "refer to my previous answer". The same person also asks "do you want to hear a joke?", I invariably reply "no", but he continues and tells it. I usually then answer the "joke" (I use the speech-marks as they are more like illogical statements, devoid of humour or wit), as if it were a question, only to be verbally attacked as if I was doing something wrong. This annoys me as I see it as my duty, considering the general quality of the jokes, to spare the time of my colleagues as they endure the (what I consider to be) idiotic utterances of this self-styled (or, I suppose one might say internet-styled, and I am sure that most of the "jokes" are merely copied from a joke website) jester.

There are quite a few things that annoy me, speaking to a lot of people does as they seem not to understand the practicalities of things. People seem not to understand that in a lot of cases it is good to have something that is practical and functional than something that looks good for a small amount of time and then is not as useful.

Angus Higgins
azzerz said:
the thing that really annoys me though... chavs playing their disco music outloud from their phone... BUY HEADPHONES! :mad:

Disco...? It's the high pitched 'dance' music with the sped up voices and Sean Paul that really **** me off.

Think I might buy those speakers you can get for my phone, fight fire with fire as it were.
iCraig said:
My girlfriend's Dad:

When I asked him why he didn't just order: "The quarter pounder without the cheese?" He looked at me like I was weird.

or just "a quarter pounder please"

Annoyances for me is my wife saying do you want to know what happened in <insert tv programme here>

Answer : No!

Then she tells me anyway.
Im surprised that no one has said this yet:

"Can you learn me to...."


"So & so teached me to....."

A woman that i used to work with (the missus still does) insist os saying something really nicely either to you or someone else but its really just a dig. There is nothing worse than someone pretending to be nice. If ive done something you dont like, just tell me, you will probably get told to **** off if it think its pathetic but its out in the open. I just bote back at it but the g/f takes it heart, but im slowly getting her to a point where she doesnt take it.
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iCraig said:
Is it just me or do other people get frustrated by the little pointless things people seem to ask on a daily basis?


Has the bus come yet?
Obviously not, otherwise I wouldn't be standing here would I? I'd be on the bus.

Whats wrong with that? Most bus stops are frequented by more than one service. Just becuase somebody is stood at the bus stop does not mean your particular bus has not arrived. They could be waiting for a different service. Or they could be waiting for the same service but have arrived seconds after it left - in which case, they could quite legitimatley answer 'Yes, the bus has been'.
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