Little annoyances.

[TW]Fox said:
Whats wrong with that? Most bus stops are frequented by more than one service. Just becuase somebody is stood at the bus stop does not mean your particular bus has not arrived. They could be waiting for a different service. Or they could be waiting for the same service but have arrived seconds after it left - in which case, they could quite legitimatley answer 'Yes, the bus has been'.

Ok, pedantically maybe, but wouldn't the question be equally as pointless unless they state the bus they're talking about?

I didn't really analyse it that much, you know, it's just a joke thing. :p
yeah but if they say THE bus they are presuming 2 things.

A) you know which bus they want


B) they are asking if YOUR bus has come yet.

Either way it's a stupid question.

Asking if a specific bus has come yet makes sense but THE bus makes no sense.
p4radox said:

People who say 'true dat'. So ******* annoying!!! Honestly, why do people use all these stupid US expressions that make no sense? Do they think it's cool, clever, exclusive? So many Americans let garbage tumble out of their mouths on a day to day basis. Not content with mangling our spelling they make up entirely useless phrases.

Sorry p4radox, I didn't mean to rant against you in particular even though it might look that way.
big annoyance: (note: i work in a secondary school with lots of chavs around) people asking me for a "spare" ciggy, and when i say no, they say **** off?!

GET YOUR ******* OWN!
mrbios said:
big annoyance: (note: i work in a secondary school with lots of chavs around) people asking me for a "spare" ciggy, and when i say no, they say **** off?!

GET YOUR ******* OWN!
You work at Archway? ;) :p
Live in Parliament Street near the Crosshands but work in the centre (Stroud & Swindon) - pop down to Archway every Tue for 5-a-side. The building works down there made parking a nigtmare for a while!
Angus-Higgins said:
There are quite a few things that annoy me, speaking to a lot of people does as they seem not to understand the practicalities of things. People seem not to understand that in a lot of cases it is good to have something that is practical and functional than something that looks good for a small amount of time and then is not as useful.

Angus Higgins

You sound like a right barrel of laughs ;)
Angus-Higgins said:
One thing I dislike is when people make things up in arguments. I was having a discussion about something with a school colleague, and he said something like "well, I looked that up on the internet once and ..." he then put some very stupid and specific statement in. I said that he was blatantly making it up, only to be countered by him stating that he looked it up when he and his father had exactly the same discussion a while ago. :p

(I later looked up what he said he had seen, and it was nowhere to be found).

Also, I don't like hearing people talk about things that they have found on the internet. Especially videos. I always pride myself on watching a lot of funny videos (not the stupid songs, etc. on YouTube, but explosions, and other such things on Break, etc.). People at school are always saying "did you see that video of that fat guy that falls off a van?". I always feel annoyed as I saw it several months ago and have to endure their arduous, and often poor description of the video. This also extends to other internet-phenomena. This is one thing that really, really annoys me, although I don't see why really.

Also when people are generally illogical I get annoyed, or do not pay attention to detail (although I am guilty of this, however, I would be annoyed at myself in these circumstances). For instance, someone said to me "is this [a question in a Chemistry exam] right?", I told them it wasn't, and that it needed state symbols as requested in the question, they said that they were not needed, but had to conceed after revising the question.

One person asks me similar questions a lot of the time at school. He asked me "is it impossible to travel at the speed of light?" about three times in a few days. I usually say "refer to my previous answer". The same person also asks "do you want to hear a joke?", I invariably reply "no", but he continues and tells it. I usually then answer the "joke" (I use the speech-marks as they are more like illogical statements, devoid of humour or wit), as if it were a question, only to be verbally attacked as if I was doing something wrong. This annoys me as I see it as my duty, considering the general quality of the jokes, to spare the time of my colleagues as they endure the (what I consider to be) idiotic utterances of this self-styled (or, I suppose one might say internet-styled, and I am sure that most of the "jokes" are merely copied from a joke website) jester.

There are quite a few things that annoy me, speaking to a lot of people does as they seem not to understand the practicalities of things. People seem not to understand that in a lot of cases it is good to have something that is practical and functional than something that looks good for a small amount of time and then is not as useful.

Angus Higgins
Angus-Higgins said:
One thing I dislike is when people make things up in arguments. I was having a discussion about something with a school colleague, and he said something like "well, I looked that up on the internet once and ..." he then put some very stupid and specific statement in. I said that he was blatantly making it up, only to be countered by him stating that he looked it up when he and his father had exactly the same discussion a while ago. :p

(I later looked up what he said he had seen, and it was nowhere to be found).

Also, I don't like hearing people talk about things that they have found on the internet. Especially videos. I always pride myself on watching a lot of funny videos (not the stupid songs, etc. on YouTube, but explosions, and other such things on Break, etc.). People at school are always saying "did you see that video of that fat guy that falls off a van?". I always feel annoyed as I saw it several months ago and have to endure their arduous, and often poor description of the video. This also extends to other internet-phenomena. This is one thing that really, really annoys me, although I don't see why really.

Also when people are generally illogical I get annoyed, or do not pay attention to detail (although I am guilty of this, however, I would be annoyed at myself in these circumstances). For instance, someone said to me "is this [a question in a Chemistry exam] right?", I told them it wasn't, and that it needed state symbols as requested in the question, they said that they were not needed, but had to conceed after revising the question.

One person asks me similar questions a lot of the time at school. He asked me "is it impossible to travel at the speed of light?" about three times in a few days. I usually say "refer to my previous answer". The same person also asks "do you want to hear a joke?", I invariably reply "no", but he continues and tells it. I usually then answer the "joke" (I use the speech-marks as they are more like illogical statements, devoid of humour or wit), as if it were a question, only to be verbally attacked as if I was doing something wrong. This annoys me as I see it as my duty, considering the general quality of the jokes, to spare the time of my colleagues as they endure the (what I consider to be) idiotic utterances of this self-styled (or, I suppose one might say internet-styled, and I am sure that most of the "jokes" are merely copied from a joke website) jester.

There are quite a few things that annoy me, speaking to a lot of people does as they seem not to understand the practicalities of things. People seem not to understand that in a lot of cases it is good to have something that is practical and functional than something that looks good for a small amount of time and then is not as useful.

Angus Higgins

Do you suffer from Assburgers syndrome?
Majago said:
Live in Parliament Street near the Crosshands but work in the centre (Stroud & Swindon) - pop down to Archway every Tue for 5-a-side. The building works down there made parking a nigtmare for a while!

ah i know 2 people who work for stroud and swindon, one being my mate sam, emo like fringe, young guy of about 18-20, and my gfs dads gf (lol), you work in the big s+w building or the little one near batemans?

do you play football with matt amey and julian young?
Triad2000 said:
People who end their sentences with an up-swing when what they are saying is blatently not a question.

I do this from time to time, completely unconciously, and seemingly at random. It actually annoys the hell out of me when others do it, so I know how bad it is for people who experience it when I do it.

My pet peeve isn't so much a phrase as a sound. When people are eating food, why do they feel the need to go 'mmmmmmmmmm' or some such variant? It's just food, and if it IS that nice, don't sound like you're having an orgasm for gods sake.
Main pet peeve is anyone blowing their nose whilst I'm eating. Irritates me beyond belief :mad:
Happens way too much in curry houses ! Evil glares at people ;)
Deiwos said:
I do this from time to time, completely unconciously, and seemingly at random. It actually annoys the hell out of me when others do it, so I know how bad it is for people who experience it when I do it.

My pet peeve isn't so much a phrase as a sound. When people are eating food, why do they feel the need to go 'mmmmmmmmmm' or some such variant? It's just food, and if it IS that nice, don't sound like you're having an orgasm for gods sake.

Yes, my mum does that a lot. She'll even then go "my God", put her knife and fork down, sit back in her chair and say "I can't believe how good this is. Hmmm"

I think you should come round to dinner.
Deiwos said:
My pet peeve isn't so much a phrase as a sound. When people are eating food, why do they feel the need to go 'mmmmmmmmmm' or some such variant? It's just food, and if it IS that nice, don't sound like you're having an orgasm for gods sake.

Good food is a great pleasure in life though and should be acknowledged as such.

My pet annoyances - people who don't use indicators and people who use their front fogs at every opportunity. For some reason I get stupidly wound up about these things.

I guess I should count myself lucky that I don't have any 'real' reasons to be stressed.
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