Little Garage Conversion - 'The dog house'

To make the room integrated to the rest of the house you can see in the below images that I removed the threshold, laid some small pieces of tiles, grouted and fitted a new threshold...looks much better. Oh, I also fitted some new architrave as the joiner who fitted the previous didn't fit it right and was annoying me (see how much door casing was showing)!





Looking good but any reason why the skirting went in prior to the flooring? How are you managing the gaps for expansion/shrinking?

Skirting was popped back off and refitted after the flooring. Original plan was to stick carpet down, however that changed after we saw the deal on flooring.
OK so finally in! New desk purchased but can't work out what I want to do with the chair as yet, It is very comfy and the best thing about it is it cost me nothing due to an office clearance.

The room is very empty so need to get a filing cabinet and also some storage, maybe something like the Ikea Cube storage. Need to get some pictures on the wall also!

Anyway just to remind you how it looked:


And as of 5 min ago:




It didn't go without an absolute nightmare...when I was moving bits around I had tripped on the stairs whilst carrying my LG ultrawide:


Gutted is quite an understatement!!!!!!
Just to confirm, it's hard to tell with image hosting issues, you've had half the garage converted? Is the remaining half "outside" the house rather than internal?

I've got a fully internal garage that I want to convert but I was thinking 60/40 utility, with the 40 staying like you have as a garage for bikes etc.

I'm trying to work out of the garage part would need to be plastered? If half of it is properly converted and plastered, could I just insulated and plyboard the 40% that remains?

Also, do you think you and I might have any issues selling with half a garage? Would it be better to do a full conversion then partition it?

Just to confirm, it's hard to tell with image hosting issues, you've had half the garage converted? Is the remaining half "outside" the house rather than internal?

I've got a fully internal garage that I want to convert but I was thinking 60/40 utility, with the 40 staying like you have as a garage for bikes etc.

I'm trying to work out of the garage part would need to be plastered? If half of it is properly converted and plastered, could I just insulated and plyboard the 40% that remains?

Also, do you think you and I might have any issues selling with half a garage? Would it be better to do a full conversion then partition it?


If you look at post #44 it should hopefully show you how the garage looks with the garage door open and looking whilst standing out the front of house. The garage is 100% integrated to the house. This picture is taken looking from the door from the house:


In the images in #44 you can also see that the right hand wall is still breeze will be staying like this however when I come to build the worktop and shelves this will be getting painted white.

We are not planning on moving so was never considered, however in my opinion leaving some garage is better than none...this is my second house with a garage and so far removing all the 'crap' which was usually stored in there I am able to store all the bits which have always lived in garage. If we did ever come to sell and the buyers wanted a garage in theory they could just remove the stud wall if they wanted.
I suppose so. Good food for thought thanks, it's basically exactly what I want to do. Make the lions share into a laundry room but keep the stinky oily bikes and tools at the other end. If I can get away with not changing the garage door into a wall, I won't have to worry about deeds etc.

Great inspiration :) thanks for posting
Looks good, nice usable room and like you say you still keep a bit of storage space.

My only concern is how much light is showing through from the garage around the door in an earlier pic.

Have you thought about draft excluders etc to keep the cold out?
Looks good, nice usable room and like you say you still keep a bit of storage space.

My only concern is how much light is showing through from the garage around the door in an earlier pic.

Have you thought about draft excluders etc to keep the cold out?

Thanks, very pleased with how it has turned out.

Yeah there is a bit of daylight around the main door, I will be looking at that ready for the winter.
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