Living in University Halls

get ready for the best time of your life!

i've been living in my halls for a year now and i can honestly say its been the greatest year of my life! i share my room with 2 other awesome guys who have some serious audio and gaming equipment between them.

Next door to my room is my gf and she shares with 2 other seriously hot girls :D

the Kitchen and Community room is where everyone lurks during the night and its a great laugh.

there have been so many great memorys this year but by far the best was a bank holiday weekend where for 36 hours nonstop everyone on our floor played pirates. we divided into three teams with 4 matress's on each team and had to decorate our "ships" it followed with flinging of spuds and squirting of ketchup.

This is going to be the best time of your laugh :D

some tips:

1) Introduce your self to everyone , and make sure everyone knows your name
2) be prepared to chip in with washing up in the kitchen ect
3) meet lots and lots of girls
4) eat
5) get drunk
6) be childish
7) work hard
8) look out for your closest friends!

are you sharing your room with anyone? :)

your first night will as said be about unpacking and shaking hands, and try to do something cool , as first impressions are everything when meeting them girlys :p
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I've lived in Halls 3 times, each time totally different experience but all positive, all met lovely people. But most importantly is you don't stay in your room, join in the fun. I find people who didn't enjoy halls are the ones just stayed in their room all day and night.

Whats the worst that could happen? Water fight? Food fight? set off the smoke alarm and waking the entire building (:D)? They are all part of life in halls, and it's all good fun.
vonhelmet said:
The people you hang out with in the first couple of weeks will almost certainly not be the people you are hanging out with by Christmas. Just roll with it. You'll likely find yourself hanging out with anyone while you find your feet.
so true.
Serious advice time I think. Meet loads of people, but don't spread yourself too thin. One guy knew everyone but is staying in halls again because he didn't make any great friends.

If you don't like a social group, give it a chance, through it you may meet new cool people. If its still lame you will drift apart anyway.

You will think 'Oh this is going to be hell' on the first day.

People only really start showing their true colours around 4 weeks in. Then you will find out who everyone is.

For the love of god take a n64 with goldeneye or mariokart and four controllers.

Make an effort with people on your course. Some of my best pals were made from getting to know my lecture pals a little bit better.

Give everyone a chance. They will then give you one too.
just enjoy it, everybody will have been thrown into the same situation - some of my best friends now are the people I met in the first year of uni.

Also the important rule is to BE CONSIDERATE - do NOT blast your music out at midnight when people are trying to sleep, do wash up, clean the shower, take the bins out etc etc.
*watches thread with interest*

I'm in halls come october as well. fortunately I know a few people at the uni already, but I will definitely make a point of meeting new people.
Hate said:
Also the important rule is to BE CONSIDERATE - do NOT blast your music out at midnight when people are trying to sleep
Absolutely. I had serious issues in my corridoor that resulted in asking if I could move rooms.

Yes you lazy art studant ******* I'm looking at you.

Thankfully the problems died down.
Halls will be the most fun your ever going to have, its a real blast. I lived in a long corridor with about 11 other people, mainly girls :)
Was always interesting that the shower had no door and only a curtain so you may find the towel gets stolen once or twice but running around naked is part of the fun. You can always do it in revenge to the girls :)

Advice: When you move in, if you have a tv and tv license you WILL be god. Girls love channel 4 programmes and will come to your room for them. Also a selection of films is always inviting.
Bring lots of booze. I had a lot and also some normal drinks, not everyone is alcoholic!
Introduce yourself very early on, unpacking can be done another time. First impressions are important, but DONT, DONT, be someone your not. Be yourself and have fun, and you will meet people who your suited to very soon.
Keep your door open when your in, and go and visit people when your out. Invite them for a drink or to share meals. You will love it.

What university are you going to? If its Loughborough you WILL have a blast.

Basically an echo of most of what's been said already. I finished my first year (in Halls) in June, and was a lot of fun. Got to know some great people, and two of my best friends at Uni are people I shared a flat with (and am going on to share a house with in September).

If you're shy or reserved (like I was), push that aside on the first day. These people don't know you, they aren't going to immediately be judging you, and they're definitely going to be a bit nervous and apprehensive themselves. Be the first to say 'hi' (they'll remember it, I promise you), and just chat about stuff. If you find people with common interests, even better.

I was at a bit of a disadvantage myself because the friends I have on my degree didn't live in Halls. Got to know other people through the 2 aforementioned friends though, and I know know quite a lot of the Graphics and Advertising bunch, which of course widens your connections. Definitely good to get to know other people outside of your flat and degree.

Little tip: Take a doorstop with you, or at least something heavy that'll hold your door open. Means that if you're in your room doing stuff, you can have the door open (if you want it to be, of course), and so makes you far more approachable. If the door's open, people will say hi, and if it's closed they'll usually leave you alone.

Monster said:
Halls will be the most fun your ever going to have, its a real blast. I lived in a long corridor with about 11 other people, mainly girls :)
Was always interesting that the shower had no door and only a curtain so you may find the towel gets stolen once or twice but running around naked is part of the fun. You can always do it in revenge to the girls :)

Advice: When you move in, if you have a tv and tv license you WILL be god. Girls love channel 4 programmes and will come to your room for them. Also a selection of films is always inviting.
Bring lots of booze. I had a lot and also some normal drinks, not everyone is alcoholic!
Introduce yourself very early on, unpacking can be done another time. First impressions are important, but DONT, DONT, be someone your not. Be yourself and have fun, and you will meet people who your suited to very soon.
Keep your door open when your in, and go and visit people when your out. Invite them for a drink or to share meals. You will love it.

What university are you going to? If its Loughborough you WILL have a blast.


I'm going to Manchester Metropolitan University to do Computer Games Technlogy. One of my mates from here is also going, and we're going to be placed in the same flat area of the halls, so I'll know at least one person there.
Raymond Lin said:
set off the smoke alarm and waking the entire building (:D)? They are all part of life in halls, and it's all good fun.

Setting them off really early in the morning during exam time isn't funny! :(

We had someone in our flat who never left their room! It was very strange.
TheVoice said:
Little tip: Take a doorstop with you, or at least something heavy that'll hold your door open. Means that if you're in your room doing stuff, you can have the door open (if you want it to be, of course), and so makes you far more approachable. If the door's open, people will say hi, and if it's closed they'll usually leave you alone.


I always leave my door open when i am in, as for door stop, i use a wine cork, sliced at an angle, works great.

Matt said:
Setting them off really early in the morning during exam time isn't funny! :(

We had someone in our flat who never left their room! It was very strange.

Had one of those too ! I think i saw him twice all year. He comes out when he can hear the kitchen is quiet (usually means its empty) and just to use the microwave. Just stays in his room playing on his PC, nothing wrong with it but he missed the point of living away from home on your own and the whole pint of living in halls.
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Ascendancy said:
I'm going to Manchester Metropolitan University to do Computer Games Technlogy. One of my mates from here is also going, and we're going to be placed in the same flat area of the halls, so I'll know at least one person there.

If your in Manchester you'll have a hard time not making friends. Fallowfield is full of students.
starscream said:
leave you PC (or at least internet connection) at home :)

Leaving my rig at home would be silly on a Computer Games design course :p

And each room in the hall is connected to the internet via a 10MB connection aparently, so thats out of the question too.
am proper nervous tbh...

a few month ago i wasnt bothered...

but now its only 2month away... im nervous.

where ever i end up staying (dont know which uni accom yet) i will know absolutely no one...

my tutor told me that many people leave or quit because the first few weeks are insane... but just to stick through at least 2month because their should be some stability by then.

but ill go.. ill have a laugh and everything will be great probably... :p as long as there are some good musicians nearby my room
Ascendancy said:
Hey guys,

I've just got a form from my uni saying I've got a room blah blah blah etc. And it's finally starting to dawn on me that I've never had to live anywhere on my own so I really dont know what to expect.

So basicly, has anyone got any advice/stories/incoherent ramblings about living in halls that they'd like to share with me and the rest of the community? :p

1) Don't change who you are to fit in. This is very important, loads of freshers do this, and regret it later

2) At first make friends with everyone, then select who you want, dump the rest.

3) Drugs are ban m.kay


5) Manchester is an EXCELLENT place to be student, goto:
A) Fallowfield - awesome if your a fresher, check out Robo's, Queen of Hearts, and if you want to find the nicer ladies Revolution in Fallowfield or Lofa at the locks (if its still there)
B) Withington (I used to live there) is okay, one decent pub, thats about it, loads of second year students though
C) Didsbury, classy, not really a night out place though, more for a quick drink and then get the (42/43?) into the centre

6) Do some sports, make more friends, get fitter, attract the ladies.

Otherwise, I think you'll love being a student.

I'm a pGrad and did my Ugrad at manchester it was amazing.

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