Living with men 'makes women fat'

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Davey_Pitch said:
I'm happy to let people lead lives they're happy leading. If they're happy with themselves and enjoying their lives, I couldn't give a monkey's whether they're overweight or not.

And saying that people that are overweight are unhealthy, depressed and will live short lives is so short sighted it's laughable.

but the whole point is that they aint happy...thats why we are having this conversation. People are talking about changing magazines and stuff because people arent happy. Then what happens when the next generation are even bigger and they want things changed again...Theyre gonna be just as unhappy.

Short sighted? You want to discuss the health aspects of being overweight? Or the emotional aspects? Ive been overweight for an awful lot of my life, my mother is overweight as is my sister. Ive seen my sister come home in tears more times than you can imagine. Ive seen people become drug addicts simply to try and shed a few lbs..

Now im sorry, but I live in the real world...The idea of changing society so its more accepting of fat people is a nice one...but it belongs in LaLa land...its never gonna happen. The only real solution is to try and help people lose weight.
Nismo said:
Bit of a sweeping statement, and slightly annoying.

Your apparant obsession* with this attitude towards 'fat' people is maybe the most unhealthy thing here.

*obsession maybe too strong a term, it's just that the only posts I seem to notice of yours appear to be on this subject.

Feel free to actually discuss the issue instead of attacking me personally...Its a subject thats important to me because it has dominated and destroyed a very large part of my life and the lives of my family...

PS, its actually just coincidence..Ive only started posting regularly again in the last few days and these threads just happened to pop up :o
Matblack said:
So is the justification that its OK to take the mickey out of fatties because by making them feel miserable about themselves you are actually saving their lives?

Im sorry, I must have been sleep posting or something..Im pretty sure ive never said anything of the sort.

Telling people the truth is not the same as taking the mickey.
Davey_Pitch said:
There is a difference between being hugely obese and overweight, and Balddog seems to be making no differentiation between the two.

Well considering ive been talking about the health aspects all along, is it not safe to assume I mean fat enough to cause health problems? Or is that too big a leap?
Matblack said:
Look mate we're never going to agree on this our views are too far apart and if I remember correctly we've got to stalemate on this subject before.Mb

I think both of us want the same thing but we aint gonna agree on how to do it.. :o

I tell you what though, living in Korea has made me this way....There are zero fat people here...well theres some, but not many..I see many one overweight 15-40 year old every week. Fat really isnt acceptable here, if someones gettin fat then their friends will tell them and theyll get down the gym.

..the girls here obviously still think theyre fat, they are women after all....

but id rather them be healthy and slim while thinking they were fat than be fat and unhealthy and think they were fat. If that makes any sense :o
Balddog said:
Feel free to actually discuss the issue instead of attacking me personally...Its a subject thats important to me because it has dominated and destroyed a very large part of my life and the lives of my family...

Where did I 'attack' you?
It's all getting a bit off on a tangent and is getting a bit personal now. Sorry guys, going to close this before fisticuffs breaks out.
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