These attacks are simply common or garden Islamic dysfunction. It happens everywhere Islam has the numbers and freedom to do it – it’s hard wired. There’s a reason Muslim majority countries are authoritarian, it’s to manage Islam’s presence. We’ve noticed increased problems not because of foreign policy, intolerance or Islamophobia**, but because Islam is spreading into the west and inevitably bringing its dysfunction with it.
The solution is a combination of:
- Less Muslims
- Less tolerance for Islam
- Authoritarianism
Not only does something need to be done, but it needs to be seen to be done, because:
Just to pre-empt a few predicable replies:
“But but but #MoreRadicalism!”
You don’t get to say Islam is a religion of peace in one breath and then insist that if a butterfly flaps its wings it’ll cause more radicalism.
“Tiny minority!”
This is utterly disingenuous, and the people who say it know it.
- Ideology 1: 17 ideological murders per 100k members
- Ideology 2: 22 ideological murders per 100k members
- Ideology 3: 25 ideological murders per 100k members
- Ideology 4: 150 ideological murders per 100k members
As you can see, all tiny minorities, but one of these things is not like the others.
“You just hate brown people”
Again, utterly disingenuous. Where are all threads about Sikhs and Hindus?
“You’re a far-right nazi!”
Nope, but I do have testosterone high enough to recognise a potential threat to the group.
**I loathe that word. It was designed purely to silence scrutiny/criticism of Islam where Islam doesn’t have the power to silence it with force.
Which Ideology do we count 200K confirmed civilian deaths in Iraq for example?