London Bridge Incident

Funny been out shopping and the Asian community partnering around like nothing happened. Happy faces, their kids running around like it's Xmas. Not one ounce of sadness or respect given on the basis of recent events
I've been at a carnival in our town this afternoon. Not one person in sackcloth and ashes. Disgusting.
Funny been out shopping and the Asian community partnering around like nothing happened. Happy faces, their kids running around like it's Xmas. Not one ounce of sadness or respect given on the basis of recent events

I'm all for accountability and I think members of the Muslim community could do more in a lot of instances to stem radicalisation, but this post is ridiculous
Ahh, so it was that garbage article, lol

And that's not how the burden of proof goes, you state "The left are in bed with radical islam" it's up to you to provide some proof to that assertion, not me to disprove it (and blog opinion pieces from people with a right wing agenda don't cut the mustard)

And i'm not sure how repeatedly stating I don't RTM people is me hinting about reporting.....I guess that's just an insight into how your mind twists reality to fit your agenda ;) (you can chalk that one up to ad hominem if you like :p)

Everything is garbage that disagrees with you. (Logically, me showing you are wrong doesn't require you to understand that you're wrong.
You presume that you're the audience of my posts. Given the increasingly slim chance you'll admit to something that isn't garbage, I more post for the benefit of others.)

So here is more "garbage", quoted from "garbage" by "garbage"

[Michael] Walzer argues persuasively that the left has failed to adjust its thinking to the rise of "Islamist zealotry" because of a set of increasingly typical moral and intellectual errors.

One of the nation's outstanding political theorists for almost half a century and a politically engaged man of the left for just as long, Walzer criticizes fellow leftists from within the tent. He faults them in his essay, "Islamism and the Left," for misunderstanding the moral and political imperatives that flow from the leftist quest to advance freedom, equality, toleration, and pluralism.

Walzer emphasizes his "generalized fear of every form of religious militancy" and notes that every religion is capable of inspiring fanaticism. But since the 1979 Iranian Revolution, he argues, Islamist zealotry is the form of religious militancy that has posed the principal transnational threat to liberty and democracy. Yet, he laments, many on the left ignore it or apologize for it.
Funny been out shopping and the Asian community partnering around like nothing happened. Happy faces, their kids running around like it's Xmas. Not one ounce of sadness or respect given on the basis of recent events

How long exactly do I stay in the house alternating between mourning and shaking with fear before admitting that life has to go on?
Funny been out shopping and the Asian community partnering around like nothing happened. Happy faces, their kids running around like it's Xmas. Not one ounce of sadness or respect given on the basis of recent events
Shock as people get on with their lives and dont let these horrible events effect them.
Funny been out shopping and the Asian community partnering around like nothing happened. Happy faces, their kids running around like it's Xmas. Not one ounce of sadness or respect given on the basis of recent events
You are a bigger part of the problem than those families. Delete your account.
when you see people happy

Mayor Sadiq Khan said Londoners should remain vigilant but added: "I'm reassured we are one of the safest global cities in the world."

Is this guy the next comical Ali?

Indeed I beg to differ, 2 major terrorist incidents in less than 3 months, I can think of at least half a dozen more cities that have had non.... ever.. so they must be "safer" right?
Funny been out shopping and the Asian community partnering around like nothing happened. Happy faces, their kids running around like it's Xmas. Not one ounce of sadness or respect given on the basis of recent events

Prize worthy post to be honest and one that needs recognition for its magnitude of idiocy.
It didn't take eight minutes to get them there, it took eight minutes from the first 999 call to three dead terrorists. That's spectacular. I can barely get my shoes on in eight minutes.

Agreed. You'd need a heavily militarised state to get it done quicker. 8 minutes from 999 call to dead terrorists is fast enough to make me wonder if it was police or SAS being presented as police.
Indeed a beg to differ, 2 major terrorist incidents in less than 3 months, I can think of at least half a dozen more cities that have had non.... ever.. so they must be "safer" right?

You don't see all the reports every day of people in other major cities getting killed, whether it's gang related or crime related or anything else. Terrorist attacks get widely more publicised than any other form of crime attributed towards death, but the 3 terrorist attacks probably add up to no where near what other cities have as part of their "normal" death rate each month from non-terrorist related crime.
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