London Bridge Incident

A little off topic but related and not really worth a thread of its own: kind of dramatic not really sure what is going on there almost seems like a falling out amongst thieves.

EDIT: Seems to be a falling out over the Muslim brotherhood.
The UAE state airline Etihad Airways said it would suspend all flights to and from Doha from 02:45 local time on Tuesday
Seems like the UAE is adopting Trump's Islamaphobic policies now...
He keeps popping in to say funding for counter terrorism has increased....

Yet as Karen Bradley admitted on BBC radio this morning the numbers of armed police officers have been cut since 2010 as "there wasnt any money". Shame they decided to keep giving tax reductions to the wealthy then.
If your alluding to foreign policy, its not the only factor that has caused this, in fact its a very small part.

You think a generation of Muslims growing up in a US/British led warzone, with all the associated imagery of dead families etc isn't a, if not the, biggest driver of extremism? Ok fine we'll go with it.

So it *is* a factor, to whatever degree. Shouldn't we change it?

Can anyone say with a straight face that the last two decades of war in the Middle East has made us safer here in the UK? Let alone all the troops that have died and money that's been spent.
What are peoples feeling on hard liners? People who although would never commit a terrorist act, are very much against Western values and have no intention of integrating?

There are clearly thousands of hard liners who live in isolation to the social norms of our society. Do we need to worry about this, or do we have to allow this freedom?

I posted an article earlier in the thread about many Muslim families removing their children from music lessons in school as they believe playing an instrument is blasphemous. Should we accept and cater for this, or should it be called out as ridiculous?
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I can actually understand someone coming from a country we have bombed into oblivion wanting to attack us, but how does that explain the ones who were born here, lived here all their lives, have families, jobs etc wanting to do it? The issue is they consider themselves Muslim rather than British/French/German whatever.
A witness said one of the attackers stabbed someone whilst saying 'this is for my family, this is for Allah'
I can actually understand someone coming from a country we have bombed into oblivion wanting to attack us, but how does that explain the ones who were born here, lived here all their lives, have families, jobs etc wanting to do it? The issue is they consider themselves Muslim rather than British/French/German whatever.
A witness said one of the attackers stabbed someone whilst saying 'this is for my family, this is for Allah'

It's just an excuse. The real question is what went so wrong in their lives they wanted to kill innocent people.
It's just an excuse. The real question is what went so wrong in their lives they wanted to kill innocent people.

Maybe it's the constant demonisation of their religion, by institutions like the media - 24/7/365

I'm not saying that Islam is completely *innocent* but I think a lot of the problems we have, could quite possibly be down to the bullish nature of how society treats followers of Islam, I don't think that means it's societies fault either, but I think creates an 'us and them' mentality (created by both sides) which is very hard to get away from once it's reached that point.
Maybe it's the constant demonisation of their religion, by institutions like the media - 24/7/365

I'm not saying that Islam is completely *innocent* but I think a lot of the problems we have, could quite possibly be down to the bullish nature of how society treats followers of Islam, I don't think that means it's societies fault either, but I think creates an 'us and them' mentality - which is very hard to get away from once it's reached that point.

Is it not the hardliners within the faith that have created an us and them situation though? Why have we not had this issue with other Asian or Middle Eastern communities? Parts of the Islamic culture look down on our every day life as blasphemous. I'm not saying we are entirely innocent but you are making it sound like all Muslims are the same and all Muslims want to integrate and adopt our way of life. Do you believe they all want to integrate but our negativity has prevented them doing it?
Maybe it's the constant demonisation of their religion, by institutions like the media - 24/7/365

I'm not saying that Islam is completely *innocent* but I think a lot of the problems we have, could quite possibly be down to the bullish nature of how society treats followers of Islam, I don't think that means it's societies fault either, but I think creates an 'us and them' mentality (created by both sides) which is very hard to get away from once it's reached that point.

Maybe it's the constant demonisation of their religion, by institutions like the media - 24/7/365

Is this a joke? Western media is constantly bending over backwards to excuse Islam. How many times have we heard the refrain "peaceful Muslims" or stories about a "brave Muslim" who raised some money for the victims of their co-religionist? Heck, the media went to great lengths to ignore stories about rape gangs and so forth.

The only reason you hear and see so much so-called "demonisation" is that it's impossible to cover up the sheer volume of the evil Islamism inflicts in our societies.
I can actually understand someone coming from a country we have bombed into oblivion wanting to attack us, but how does that explain the ones who were born here, lived here all their lives, have families, jobs etc wanting to do it? The issue is they consider themselves Muslim rather than British/French/German whatever.
A witness said one of the attackers stabbed someone whilst saying 'this is for my family, this is for Allah'

ISIS' thrives off promoting the idea of a war between Islam and the West. Stuff like this : it is a very effective recruiting tool, let alone the imagery that they will be circulating compared to the sanitised and barely mentioned coverage we get.

On the other side, ISIS promotes their particular brand of extremist idealogy that deliberately makes out that all true Muslims should be killing infidels etc. in order to stir up further anti-Muslim sentiment in the West. The more we marginalise and demonise Muslims in general the easier it becomes for the bad eggs to be radicalised (not helped by generally crappy economic conditions here). If the anti-Muslim extremists get their wishes and the mosques are demolished, recruiting will be even easier and infiltrating and monitoring extremists will be a nightmare.
It's just an excuse. The real question is what went so wrong in their lives they wanted to kill innocent people.
There seems to be a bit of a pattern emerging about UK jihadis - often from segregated communities, second or third generation immigrants, get involved in low-level street crime, perhaps a gang, take part in the excesses of western lifestyle, then somehow get radicalised. Perhaps well-meaning but naive parents concerned about their son's behaviour send them away to whichever country they came from to get some discipline and they get radicalised there, or perhaps they get radicalised here at Mosque or other gathering.
On the other side, ISIS promotes their particular brand of extremist idealogy that deliberately makes out that all true Muslims should be killing infidels etc. in order to stir up further anti-Muslim sentiment in the West. The more we marginalise and demonise Muslims in general the easier it becomes for the bad eggs to be radicalised (not helped by generally crappy economic conditions here). If the anti-Muslim extremists get their wishes and the mosques are demolished, recruiting will be even easier and infiltrating and monitoring extremists will be a nightmare.

But they're succeeding even in our extremely permissive environment, so what is your proposed solution?

I personally think this whole "ISIS recruitment propaganda" argument is nonsense. Are there any circumstances under which you would betray your nation to murder and maim your bellow Britons at the behest of a foreign group? If people would start doing that because some people in the Yemen are accidentally killed, they don't deserve to be in this country.
What are peoples feeling on hard liners? People who although would never commit a terrorist act, are very much against Western values and have no intention of integrating?

There are clearly thousands of hard liners who live in isolation to the social norms of our society. Do we need to worry about this, or do we have to allow this freedom?

I posted an article earlier in the thread about many Muslim families removing their children from music lessons in school as they believe playing an instrument is blasphemous. Should we accept and cater for this, or should it be called out as ridiculous?
I’d like the UK/West to be a haven for liberal Muslims, but unwelcoming to the rest, even to the point of encouraging and assisting them to renounce their citizenship and emigrate. Someone who’s radical of belief but moderate of behaviour provide support, encouragement and a buffer zone for those who are radical in behaviour.

A glance around the world to the types of societies Islam creates when it has power and influence should be enough to make anyone not want it to get any power or influence here. The Muslim population is at ~5% and we already have soldiers on the street.

And before one of the usual broken lefties hits the quote button to call me a Nazi, I have a question. Do you have any examples of more Islam resulting in more freedom, civility, human rights, freedom of speech, equality & progress?
According to polling, 2/3 British Muslims would not inform the police if they had information relating to a terrorist report. If that is not a damning indictment, I don't know what is.

I don't believe them figures at all.Must mean that the majority of Muslims i know are sympathizers and that is not the case and am sure others will agree.
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