London violence reaching epidemic proportions

And how often does this happen in the UK?

One of the results of things like the UK gun laws is that pretty much any use of even an imitation gun in a crime results on the police throwing resources at it.

It's also interesting that the circumstances around it are still being investigated, because that sort of crime is so unusual that I suspect there is a lot more than random guy goes up to someone's door with a shotgun in broad daylight.
And tbf most people with any sense would hear the guy out and abide by his demands. Not jump them with zero fear :p
Maybe not quite as gotcha as you'd think :D. I went shooting in the US a few years back, and there's a surprising number of pistols that don't have safeties. They typically have heavier triggers and drop protection, so they shouldn't go off by accident.

They're largely pitched at law enforcement, but apparently lots of people like them for home defence or concealed carry.

Yea Glocks are nice guns to shoot, very compact as well as low recoil and apparently realiable.
What can we do to tackle this issue, it seems that certain areas and certain groups are spilling over pr boiling over and causing levels of violence and lawlessness that we do not want to see on the streets.

While we all lambast the Americans for lack of gun control in one thread, we barely have control of our capital...

I for one am glad I dont live in London.

Drug dealers competing in an ever increasing market where suppliers are increasing & profits are reducing. Just because a right wing media article phrases a problem in its own mindset... doesn't suppose it has any real world grasp on the actual issue... it just reports what happened & phrases it in a way to sell... it's empty news.
Lol its always Ian Miles Cheong

Bizarre how they thought they could organise a looting on social media and get away with it. It was in the news at 8am in the morning that they would be storming JD sports around 3pm

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