How long before we get ひきこもり over here?
I think some here have mistaken being alone for loneliness. Speaking for myself, I've spent hours feeling lonely in the pub surrounded by people and hours feeling happily connected to others while alone at home.
I blame facebook
Happiness seems to be loneliness and loneliness killed my world. How could you guess, when you're only thinking of yourself? How you looked at other girls.
I think some here have mistaken being alone for loneliness. Speaking for myself, I've spent hours feeling lonely in the pub surrounded by people and hours feeling happily connected to others while alone at home.
I think that social media and technology has allowed us all to present a very edited version of our lives online, where we only look happy, surrounded by people, and are celebrating. It's easy to assume, when that's all you see, that others don't feel sad, lonely etc and thus that we are failures or missing out because our lives aren't like those heavily edited version of our friends lives. I also think that the ability to communicate 'en mass' possibly also degrades the quality of our interactions. Prior to Facebook I might have phoned my friends to say I was getting married, for example, individually. This might have lead to lengthy and meaningful conversations about our respective fears of mucking up on the day or whatever. When my friends post such stuff on Facebook its greeted with 50 likes and comments saying 'congratulations'. Hardly a quality and meaningful interaction.
I think, in this age of instantaneous public communication, we all need to make an effort to engage with someone, or a group of trusted someone's, in a meaningful quality way but its substance of that interaction, not the means which matters in my mind.
I blame facebook
To those saying they hate everyone - surely you just hate idiot people? The problem with that, is there are too many of them these days. Don't get me wrong, plenty of good people as well.
So many people are the embodiment of life on facebook, It seems every time you see a post they are doing something amazing, with someone amazing and are amazingly happy. But none of that translates into real life a lot of the time. They put everything into putting that view of themselves on social media and forget to actually live life a bit. Everything is about the next instagram picture thats going to get a ton of like or facebook post or whatever, you get my point. I very rarely go on facebook(almost never for other SM) and if i do its for messenger or a few different pages that im liked to and do not understand at all the social media obsession that almost everyone around me (age 22) has.
How long before we get ひきこもり over here?
Maybe I'm just getting old but I find an increasing number of people these days utterly contemptible in the way they treat other people and lack of taking responsibility for their actions and things like health and safety.
More and more over the last few years I've had to tidy up after people at the end of the day at work making sure equipment is properly put away and things like fire doors are unblocked, etc. more and more people seem to have complete complacency towards anything they aren't forced to take responsibility for and even then they usually do a **** job and only doing it because the pressure is put on them. I can sympathise with a general lack of motivation and not putting in extra effort, etc. with the way employers increasingly seem to mess people around, etc. but when people can't even be bothered to get the basics right especially when it effects other people its pitiful and the way more and more people treat shared facilities like toilets, eating spaces, etc. disgusting.
Bit of a rant but I've seen a marked change over the last 15-20 years and it isn't for the better.
Emptiness is loneliness and loneliness is cleanliness and cleanliness is godliness and god is empty JUST LIKE MEEEEE.
*wailing guitar silo*
The solo isn’t until later in the song, but on the other hand I’ve always wanted to see a guitar silo, so I approve.Emptiness is loneliness and loneliness is cleanliness and cleanliness is godliness and god is empty JUST LIKE MEEEEE.
*wailing guitar silo*
DammitThe solo isn’t until later in the song, but on the other hand I’ve always wanted to see a guitar silo, so I approve.
Happiness seems to be loneliness and loneliness killed my world. How could you guess, when you're only thinking of yourself? How you looked at other girls.