Looking for an MMO to play, suggestions?

Should've gone with Asura as it's the most heavily populated.
I did some googling to see what was best but tricky to find anything up to date, wanted to go on Odin or another one (whose name i can't remember) but neither would allow new characters. Can i move it?

I can't even see Asura on the data center selection screen.
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Yeah I'm in EU, just the person above said about Asura.

Apparently they're working on making cross data center a thing in the Autumn, not sure about cross realm, like EU>US. But I'm out the loop a bit.

This won't be 100% accurate but it is definitely not far off - I'm on Phoenix, it is going to be very difficult to get on any of the top half dozen servers in EU now. When I first signed up they put me on Twintania, but I managed to sneaak over to Phoenix just before the huge player explosion happened.

I reckon those smaller servers still have a pretty healthy pop though, IIRC they're going to open a new EU data center sometime this year.
I did some googling to see what was best but tricky to find anything up to date, wanted to go on Odin or another one (whose name i can't remember) but neither would allow new characters. Can i move it?

I can't even see Asura on the data center selection screen.
Ahh I thought you were talking of FFXI Online not FFXIV Online :D
I have put a few hours into Final Fantasy now (level 31) and although it is much more like a traditional MMO in terms of skills and combat it just plays out like a single player RPG with chat. The MSQ and class quests level me up so quick I don't need to do any other quests, fates dungeons etc. I out-levelled the MSQ so much I'm doing it now and it's just constant run here, do that run somewhere else do that, barely any fighting. Everything is ridiculously easy too, I've not been near death once. I don't really want to level up loads of job roles I just want to play as a paladin at the moment but there is literally nothing to challenge me. I'm half concentrating during all the dungeons I've done already as all I need to do is charge in and spin attack a couple of times, everything does such little damage I don't need to avoid / interrupt any skills. I'll keep going though as the novice network said it does get harder.

I'm getting a little bored now, the MSQ is a necessity to unlock content but it's just a never ending chain of teleport somewhere, run somewhere, speak to someone, do some menial 1 minute task. I'm levelling up and getting new gear before I've even had an opportunity to fight anything with it.
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I have put a few hours into Final Fantasy now (level 31) and although it is much more like a traditional MMO in terms of skills and combat it just plays out like a single player RPG with chat. The MSQ and class quests level me up so quick I don't need to do any other quests, fates dungeons etc. I out-levelled the MSQ so much I'm doing it now and it's just constant run here, do that run somewhere else do that, barely any fighting. Everything is ridiculously easy too, I've not been near death once. I don't really want to level up loads of job roles I just want to play as a paladin at the moment but there is literally nothing to challenge me. I'm half concentrating during all the dungeons I've done already as all I need to do is charge in and spin attack a couple of times, everything does such little damage I don't need to avoid / interrupt any skills. I'll keep going though as the novice network said it does get harder.

I'm getting a little bored now, the MSQ is a necessity to unlock content but it's just a never ending chain of teleport somewhere, run somewhere, speak to someone, do some menial 1 minute task. I'm levelling up and getting new gear before I've even had an opportunity to fight anything with it.

I am eagerly awaiting to see what you land on and are happy with just so I can do the same... I so far have had the same or very similar experiences as you have had.
I am eagerly awaiting to see what you land on and are happy with just so I can do the same... I so far have had the same or very similar experiences as you have had.
I don't think there's anything left unfortunately, I'm holding out hope that the new DAoC server coming online next month will do the trick (although don't like the XP changes) and will keep playing this until then.
Just decided to ignore the MSQ for a bit and do some dungeons, found a level 41 one on a website, I'm 43 so thought that's the one. Run for ages only to find the bloke I need to speak to won't as it's locked behind the MSQ which I'm still doing level 33 quests on. Was about to just log out and uninstall but there is a MSQ unlock apparently which doesn't level you up. Not sure I want to throw any more money at a game I'm so unsure about although it is only 8 quid.
You've already figured out the best way (IMO) to get through ARR's msq. Do a chunk of it but then go do something else for a bit to break it up. Gold Saucer is a good one, I found I got quite hooked on some of the mini games and Chocobo racing.

You'll have already read and heard this but ARR and post ARR MSQ content does become a bit of slog. The pace, voice acting and quality of the story greatly improves once you reach Heavensward. As you said, the msq is a single player game, if you get hooked on it and keep going it'll give the best story in any game I've played. But you need to go through so much content to get there.

Also remember that you can switch job (class) at will, just need to be the right level and find the job trainer in the cities. And there's PVP that you can jump into from level 30 I think. Crystalline Conflict is the new 5v5 payload mode with matches generally around 10minutes. PVP uses different skills so if you go into pvp you get all of the jobs pvp skills.
I just bought the MSQ skip and am doing dungeons and the odd blue quest to level up. I don't really want to switch classes at the moment which it seems the whole levelling experience is based around. I'll start doing some more crafting soon, they are at 20 and I'm level 50 now.
I'm hoping well come full circle and old school subscription MMOs will make a return. Found the community much better than the F2P model. Just needs some Devs with some imagination.
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