Lords of the Fallen

Game crashed on my twice so far in half an hour.
One crash was really serious cos I had to do hard reset and windows 7 got stuck in loading( I had to restart pc several times) It really **** me off.
Shall I turn off nvidia turbulence if I'm using amd gpu?
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With turbulence off is fine now.I can't turn on second gpu in CCC I hope she's fine,but strange enough it seems like she's gone,Msi afterburner doesn't see it as well.
This game is easy,I'm playing knight I had multi up to x1,65 and I cash in exp to see what's going on with magic.
Will try Rouge later this evening.
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Enjoying this immensely at the moment. Picked the rogue and I love the move set.

Had a few teething problems with game crashes and such but resolved after switching off turbulence. Not sure how much further to go but just defeated the guardian. Not one of the better bosses but still fun.

This is everything I wanted Dark Souls 2 to be. I know I'm in the minority but the Souls games just feel so primitive. The mechanics felt terrible, the controls were clunky and collision detection was at the very least questionable. Lords Of The Fallen just feels so much better to play.

Glad I took a chance on this one.
Enjoying this immensely at the moment. Picked the rogue and I love the move set.

Had a few teething problems with game crashes and such but resolved after switching off turbulence. Not sure how much further to go but just defeated the guardian. Not one of the better bosses but still fun.

This is everything I wanted Dark Souls 2 to be. I know I'm in the minority but the Souls games just feel so primitive. The mechanics felt terrible, the controls were clunky and collision detection was at the very least questionable. Lords Of The Fallen just feels so much better to play.

Glad I took a chance on this one.
DS2 is the worst from the series.For me number one is Demon's Souls>DS>DS2.
LOTF is good game but it could be much better I hope there'll be a sequel,and then they'll polish it more.Story so far is **** I'm going to change to Rouge cos Knight is blady slow...
This game is easy
It really isn't. It is all very well for a Dark Souls veteran to complain about it being easy after they have played through the Souls games countless times, but most people have not.

It isn't meant to be hard, it is meant to be challenging, which it is. If you do not guard/roll at the right time, or wear the wrong armour or attack at the wrong time, you will likely be killed quickly. After hundreds of hours in the Souls games it is bound to seem easy, but then most games would.
LOTF is good game but it could be much better I hope there'll be a sequel,and then they'll polish it more.Story so far is **** I'm going to change to Rouge cos Knight is blady slow...

I agree that it could be better, but you have to cut it some slack tbh. It is the developers first effort at this type of game, and the balance is so crucial to a game like this that there are bound to be teething problems.

I also hope there will be a sequel, as I look at this as a 'learning the ropes' game, and I think they will learn, and create a great sequel. An expansion for this would be nice too, as it is a bit small. I think it is important that this game does well imo, as it is really the first 'Souls-clone', and I really hope that becomes a new genre.

Edit- Btw, if you want to respec, it is easily done, but you have to collect an item in a secret area(accessible in the first area) and use it at a specific area. I respecced to a Rogue at NG+ after playing a Warrior for my first run. Also, you get to pick a new magic tree for NG+
I am dying a lot as rogue in NG+. I have some awesome gloves that do a really good combo, but they rarely stagger, so you have to pick your moments perfectly, otherwise, as I am wearing light armour, I can be killed quite quickly. I died about 4 times fighting The Champion, as he can pretty much two-shot you if you get to close, and of course I have to.

One thing I really don't like about the game is the names. All of the armour has really boring names that aren't memorable at all. In ds I could tell you where every piece of armour was and what it did. I can barely remember anything from this. Same with the bosses. Needs rethinking.
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Well, that's it. Completed the game as rogue and that got very tough towards the end. The middle of the game seemed to ease off a little aside from the odd difficulty spike. Final boss was proving a nightmare until I realised I had the wrong weapon equipped along with useless runes.

Yeah agreed on the story, that could have been better but all in all that was a great game with a very well implemented learning curve and should prove a decent challenge to most gamers.

Will definitely try NG+ and glad to hear you can respec. Will give the warrior a go.

All in all, very pleased with that. Early issues aside I loved every minute and a sequel would be very welcome.
Well, that's it. Completed the game as rogue and that got very tough towards the end. The middle of the game seemed to ease off a little aside from the odd difficulty spike. Final boss was proving a nightmare until I realised I had the wrong weapon equipped along with useless runes.

Yeah agreed on the story, that could have been better but all in all that was a great game with a very well implemented learning curve and should prove a decent challenge to most gamers.

Will definitely try NG+ and glad to hear you can respec. Will give the warrior a go.

All in all, very pleased with that. Early issues aside I loved every minute and a sequel would be very welcome.

;)Spread the love mate.More people will by it then,so will have a sequel.
I really hope so. I have even joined the official forum so I can offer some criticism and report bugs etc(it is pretty empty over there tbh). The devs seem to follow the forums and answer questions quoite a bit. I really hope it is successful so that hey can make a sequel... But they need feedback tbh
New dlc will be nice as I enjoy the game...however, I have just read about The Witcher 3's dlc so this seems a bit like a kick in the teeth tbh!

What I do like about it thought is that from reading that, it seems like they are already learning and looking to add more mechanics to the game, which is good. Also(as expected) it can be accessed in the gameworld, and not as a separate entry in the menu which is always good.
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Superb game just bought for 40% off in the Steam sale.

21:9 native support ingame so it looks terrific & plays like a Dark Souls 2 clone but not really as good. Still worth the £17.99 sale price IMO.

Also needs some serious hardware GPU especially needs 4GB for high res textures otherwise it stutters ingame with 3GB VRam GTX 780 Ti. Gfx are definately some of the best looking this year & uses Nvidia PhysX for particle & turbulence FX.

If you like Dark Souls style action RPG games this is probably worth picking up for the superb gfx/atmosphere alone. You can tell its not quite a triple aaa budget title by the weak voiceover cast & ini editing for certain settings (like disable gamepad vibration) but at least they have now allowed you to disable the eyestrain causing Chromatic Aberration FX ingame via the main menu options;)

Also worth mentioning it uses a new form of DRM called Denuvo (anti-tamper) which is at this time still unbroken. It constantly encrypts/decrypts the game exe file & some people (pirates most likely :rolleyes:) have reported it causing issues on their SSD's if the game is installed on one. I call BS on that it seems fine to me ;) If you do not have 4GB VRam or higher do not chose High Res Textures as the game crashes a lot turn it down it still looks great but high res textures are really demanding in this game :eek:
Grabbed this for 10.80 over the weekend. Got to the second boss with my cleric character (with brawler magic I think I picked cant remember what the renamed my class to). So far im enjoying it a lot.
This game is really unstable IMO it should not be sold right now its no more than an early access title stability wise :rolleyes:

It looks very good one of the best looking PC games (even if it is a Dark Souls clone) but so unstable & crashes without warning so buyer beware after 3 patches its still very very unstable (patch 4 will introduce logging so the devs can see what is causing the constant crashes).
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