Lords of the Fallen

Seems the game is quite short. A guy on another forum has already finished it.
Wait...that top picture is light armour? Wow.

Still I've been looking for my DS combat fix since DS2 disappointed and this might scratch that itch. You having fun with it?
Seems the game is quite short. A guy on another forum has already finished it.

There was a guy on the official forums, if that is the one you mean that said he completed it on the morning it was released!

Apparently it is quite short. Most estimates put the main campaign with no extras at around 25 hours I believe.

Also, Post-processing on/off-


You lose lots of effects, but I much prefer it, as I find it too blurry on. Needs more individual options.

Edit- Just noticed an awesome feature. Having a shield on your back when two-handing deflects arrows!
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for me finding and using a staff has made the game far more fun, had 1.7% exp bonus with 25k exp but the game locks now and then so my nerves ran out and I saved/used the points. :p
for me finding and using a staff has made the game far more fun, had 1.7% exp bonus with 25k exp but the game locks now and then so my nerves ran out and I saved/used the points. :p

I was wandering around the Catacombs with no potions, about 1/4 health and 18k exp. Had no idea where I was going when I came across a savepoint...and as I entered the room to use it, I was ambushed by one of those weird spider things!...:( Had to run all the way back through, but balance getting there before the exp had run out and with just getting there at all! The exp is a really good mechanic.

The Catacombs is a really good area. Souls players will love it, lots of interconnecting tunnels and hidden paths, and the boss at the end is pretty awesome too....I wish they had put a but more effort in to the names though.
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Getting so many crashes now. It i a known bug with explosions. And seeing as quite a few enemies explode...

Also, the moveset for dual wielding short swords is epic!
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Hi All,

Anyone know if this supports 21:9? I.E 3440x1440?

Can't seem to find any information about it... my googlefu is weak.
its like Dark Souls for dummies. :)

To be fair, I think it is only DS veterans who are saying that:p..The game can still be quite hard. It could do with a bit more challenge and variety in the Boss fights though.

I think I am very near the end now, at 20 hours. Did some last night and the story actually seemed to take an interesting path.

Think of this as what it is, a developers first effort in a new genre, and if it does well, I reckon the second game will be amazing!
Oh i'm not knocking it. I loved DS1, DS2 not so much. I am enjoying the setting and story so far, however only up to the 3rd boss. Totally agree, that for a first game, its spot on for me.
Just completed it at 21.5 hours. Left a few side quests undone, and apparently didn't find a few secrets. My initial thoughts upon completion are that it is a good game, but the nucleus of a great game. The devs are looking to turn it in to a franchise, and I hope it goes well as I imagine they will learn from this and create an amazing sequel. The sequel would need to be a lot bigger though. Whilst the areas are good, and quite intricately designed, the overall world feels a bit small.

The story is nonsense, and the lore underbaked, but there is potential. Voice acting is pretty poor, and the animations aren't great. In this regard it reminds me of The Witcher(well there are Witcher devs on the team)in that the first game had poor VO, animations and translation problems, but they sorted it for the next game.

Overall, I would recommend the game if you like the Souls games or the kind of challenging gameplay they offer. Be aware though, that it does have a fair few bugs, though I only experienced a few myself.

Will I play NG+?...I probably will actually.
I started NG+, and respecced as a rogue(wasn't easy!). Already found lots of new lore and secrets, and the story isn't quite as bad as I originally thought. The loot is disappointing for ng+ though. I couldn't quite do the challenge for the firsy boss(don't take damage) but was bloody close!

I hope this game is a success, and is patched well(!). It could be the start of a great series.
This game is so annoying atm, I'm getting awful FPS issues even using every setting at min and lower resolutions. Watching some twitch streams and others are running the game pretty much fine. It makes dodging almost impossible to time.

Using a 4ghz 4670k and a R290.

Ok didn't realise there's 2 settings.ini files, both need to be hand tweaked for certain changes to work. It's now running smoothly for me :)
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I am still really enjoying this in NG+, even though it is slightly disappointing as there isn't much difference except more health for enemies. Most of the extra stuff I have found was probably there in NG, I just missed it. Found lots of secrest though, some quite hard to find. I am using the fist weapons, 'itch' which are really good Agility-scaling weapons with a really quick and cool moveset. With a Flawless Luck rune they do crazy damage if you get a combo.

The crafting system is actually a lot deeper than I originally thought, with lots of Rune combinations. I really hope there is some kind of expansions though, as the game as is just feels too small. another area and it would be epic!

Even though the bosses are a little unimaginative, I actually think I might prefer the combat in this to DS!:eek:
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