Lost Ark EU - !!

Its an odd one for me as ive looked forward since announced and wanted to play it well before it was announced to be coming our way but now that i have put in about 85 hours i dont think its for me :eek:
I really dislike the loot system and upgrading gear with looted items etc etc just to gain ilvl,i would much prefer improving my character power from actual gear drops.
Nothing like the last item you needed dropping for you desired build in Diablo3, speaking of builds this is where the game is very limited with pretty much every class only have a handful of builds which lets be honest all play more or less the same.
COmbat is great the world is really nice etc but ultimately its about endgame but it just doesnt do it for me personally.
Are there still queues to enter the game? I want to play the game but I don't want to queue for hours to enter the game, few minutes is acceptable.
Are there still queues to enter the game? I want to play the game but I don't want to queue for hours to enter the game, few minutes is acceptable.

I'm still stuck on EUC because none of my friends would move (Slen). Mostly no queues, most I've had in the last week is 20 minutes and that was just once. Matchmaking is still broken at peak times though.
Yeah EU West Moonkeep no queue at all .... Finally im iLvl 302 and did the 1st Chaos Dungeon yesterday.. I still dont know what's going on in this game and how to hone items lol. Ah well.
Yeah EU West Moonkeep no queue at all .... Finally im iLvl 302 and did the 1st Chaos Dungeon yesterday.. I still dont know what's going on in this game and how to hone items lol. Ah well.

you get a quest that directs you to honing etc.. just make sure to do the chaos dungeons and una's tasks daily to get the honing materials you will need
Its an odd one for me as ive looked forward since announced and wanted to play it well before it was announced to be coming our way but now that i have put in about 85 hours i dont think its for me :eek:
I really dislike the loot system and upgrading gear with looted items etc etc just to gain ilvl,i would much prefer improving my character power from actual gear drops.
Nothing like the last item you needed dropping for you desired build in Diablo3, speaking of builds this is where the game is very limited with pretty much every class only have a handful of builds which lets be honest all play more or less the same.
COmbat is great the world is really nice etc but ultimately its about endgame but it just doesnt do it for me personally.

I've played a ton of builds, there's so many options.

Also at 85 hrs you've barely done end game or tried much out, at tier 3 there's a lot of options for building your gear and trying new things. I've got a Chaos dungeon build, Abyss dungeon build, Guardian build (almost the same as my abyss build tbh), PvP build and a few ideas for some changes to some of them.

But if its not for you it's not for you. I don't see how 85 hrs really gives you the knowledge to form such an opinion, I've got much, MUCH more hours in the game than you currently, am in T3, have cleared all the available content to me and am still discovering cool new things.
im actually enjoying the simple way of loot drops, its nice not to be sorting through hordes of gear that isnt even for my class etc like other games
but with this game, there is so many things to do and work on that im not even thinking about gear drops

the thing i dislike about it is that people look like clones of each other if theyre using the same gear, which happens a lot since gear is limited
but its not something that stops me enjoying the game at all
I've played a ton of builds, there's so many options.

Also at 85 hrs you've barely done end game or tried much out, at tier 3 there's a lot of options for building your gear and trying new things. I've got a Chaos dungeon build, Abyss dungeon build, Guardian build (almost the same as my abyss build tbh), PvP build and a few ideas for some changes to some of them.

But if its not for you it's not for you. I don't see how 85 hrs really gives you the knowledge to form such an opinion, I've got much, MUCH more hours in the game than you currently, am in T3, have cleared all the available content to me and am still discovering cool new things.

I hear and your probably correct.
I have 3 builds for my main and an alt for abyss,chaos and raids also but they are more or less the same apart from adding a bit of cc for chaos just an odd skill change here and there but as you say im still only tier 1.
I've enjoyed it, needed a break from MSQ about level 46 and have spent time completing the side quests, doing the rapport stuff, adventurer's tome, stronghold etc - I'm really like the chill side of the game and learning more about the systems. I've never been "rush to endgame" player and i'll catch up when I'm less involved in POE.
They will release reduced honing cost to go from 1300 to 1370 so no rush to grind that out, just wait a month and you will save a lot of time/mats.
250 hours in (50 was on central before moving to west) and I'm finally at the point where without swiping gearing up is taking forever. I'm 'stuck' at 1340 and getting to 1370 seems nigh on impossible with how little mats you get from the dailies even with the new events chucked in, not sure if the changes are live yet either but I feel for the people who were rushing 1370 before they tweaked it, I might get one chance at upgrading a armour piece before running out of shards a day.

Not to say I haven't enjoyed my time and still have plenty of other horizontal stuff to do with the rapport system and getting continents to 100%.
250 hours in (50 was on central before moving to west) and I'm finally at the point where without swiping gearing up is taking forever. I'm 'stuck' at 1340 and getting to 1370 seems nigh on impossible with how little mats you get from the dailies even with the new events chucked in, not sure if the changes are live yet either but I feel for the people who were rushing 1370 before they tweaked it, I might get one chance at upgrading a armour piece before running out of shards a day.

Not to say I haven't enjoyed my time and still have plenty of other horizontal stuff to do with the rapport system and getting continents to 100%.

Same here. I'm at 1348 and have no gold or mats left. I had a lot of fun during T1 and and T2, early T3 also, there was a constant feeling of progression and now I'm stuck. I created an alt but I'm not sure if I'll get him to T3, for now I'm just logging in for my dailies.
I'm 150 hours in and only at ilvl 1010 on my main, with a few alts. I've thoroughly enjoyed it and can see me getting at least another 150 hours in before getting bored.

There's so much horizontal progression that I've intentionally stopped the main quest after completing Yorn, to allow me to spend time completing islands, strongholds and ship upgrades. There almost too much stuff to do

The combat, classes and build options are so good that I enjoy just doing guardian raids, chaos dungeons and abyssal dungeons on repeat.

I can see it becoming tedious when upgrading becomes an absolute grind but as far as bang for buck, it's probably top of my list.
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