Lost Ark EU - !!

My main is only around 780 GS with around 8 alts 400+. Still having tons of fun and that's playing from release :D

I'm mainly duo all the Dungeons, Raids, Monster hunts.

There's too much to do and not enough hours in the day.
Still playing this, im around ilvl 1340 so far and still tons to do / things i havent even tried yet

also, for those with amazon prime theres a new drop that gives a nice raptor mount + extras

Nice one thanks for the heads up about the mount.

Im still at this game, and im ilvl 1100 and doing the Punika story line at the moment. Slowed right down when I had to do the grind from ilvl 1000-1100
Nice one thanks for the heads up about the mount.

Im still at this game, and im ilvl 1100 and doing the Punika story line at the moment. Slowed right down when I had to do the grind from ilvl 1000-1100

yeah, but now your 1100 you can do chaos dungeons for your t3 set and jump right to 1302 or something..
im still on my first character too, i find theres too much still to do to even think about managing alts lol

im tempted to try out the Glaivier class thats coming this month though.. theres also a new continent for ilvl 1340+ coming so perfect timing for me
I am at a very early stage of the Lost Ark experience, I levelled my first char to 50 then decided to go back and try another class and levelling that at the moment.

Am enjoying it and feel like I don't have to hardcore grind like mad to have fun.
Only just hit Tier 2 (840).

Still enjoying it but just don't really have time to play at the moment. I'm lucky if I have time to get my chaos dungeons completed at the moment so it's slow going!
Still playing and enjoying Lost Ark.

My main is a striker, I level 1060. I'm just working through Feiton to unlock the chaos dungeons and grinding my way to i level 1100.

I 'wasted' my power passes on a bard and sharpshooter, as I really am not enjoying them as much as I thought I would. I'll probably roll a glavier when released, however I imagine every single other player will also roll one at the same time.

For a pay 2 win game, I certainly haven't felt compelled to spend any money on the store so far.
interesting you call it pay 2 win as i havent spent a penny on the game and im able to do and get everything i need, what am i missing?
It seems getting to the breakpoint of 1370 is basically an insane grind or you pay for it.

I'm not worried tbh, my aim is really just to get my main and maybe a couple of alts to tier 3 then just play again once a catch up mechanic and new content is released. I'd have more than got my moneys worth (£0) out of it. :p
It seems getting to the breakpoint of 1370 is basically an insane grind or you pay for it.

I'm not worried tbh, my aim is really just to get my main and maybe a couple of alts to tier 3 then just play again once a catch up mechanic and new content is released. I'd have more than got my moneys worth (£0) out of it. :p

but if theres a way for you to achieve the same things, regardless of how much longer it might take.. its not really pay2win, your just paying to speed things up

but im not worried about that either tbh.. i have the same idea as you.. level my main as much as i can then focus on alts until something new comes out but ill probably take long breaks in between those
It seems getting to the breakpoint of 1370 is basically an insane grind or you pay for it.

I'm not worried tbh, my aim is really just to get my main and maybe a couple of alts to tier 3 then just play again once a catch up mechanic and new content is released. I'd have more than got my moneys worth (£0) out of it. :p

2 weeks isn't an insane grind my dude. If you've hit that point without an alt to help feed it might take you longer.

interesting you call it pay 2 win as i havent spent a penny on the game and im able to do and get everything i need, what am i missing?

Ofc Lost Ark is pay to win. No different to modern World of Warcraft TBF.
Nice one thanks for the heads up about the mount.

Im still at this game, and im ilvl 1100 and doing the Punika story line at the moment. Slowed right down when I had to do the grind from ilvl 1000-1100

That's where I am at the moment stuck in the 1000-1100 rut, been able to get 1-2 honings per day if I'm lucky, with 6 items to upgrade at a time its an incredibly slow and tedious process.

It finally happened :D
I managed to get to 1090, still need to upgrade 3 items to get to T3 and I'm completely resource starved, already bought all I can from merchants and at 900 guardian stones per try, its gonna take a while, no way I'm buying the mats as the stones are 9g per stack of 10.

Even got an alt to T2 but still cant get enough guardian stones, got friggin shed loads of destruction stones, well over 6000 of the things now.
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