Lost Ark EU - !!

Having a couple of alt's will certainly help to speed getting you gear level thats for sure.After all it is an "mmo" style game and the inevitable grinding is there.You really don't have to spend hours on end grinding.

End game in t3 if you really want to min max then you will need to spend in the cash shop i guess.A lot of stuff in the shop is skins mounts, pets etc.

Al in all it's worth a look, it makes a nice change to actually get a polished and bug free game released these days.New world any one lol.

Acouple of good guids you posted.
Nice just got one, about 500 left.

No way was I paying for a "Founders Pack" or whatever nonsense it was.


I spent some time looking at these founders packs. The game doesn’t have a subscription model like WoW of FF14. Whether you buy the base game now or later the difference is the same for the bronze founders pack.

The bronze pack is just a preorder bonus but the perks are good. 3 day head start (good for name reservation), beta access, a pet that’s worth about £10-£15 and are essential in the game as the collect loot and have other perks. The 30 day bonus to exp etc is apparently an mtx you can buy each month that’s an alternative to the normal monthly subscription model but isn’t required to play, still good for preordering.

best value for money seems to be the gold pack as it has 4K crystals which is premium currency. An extra char slot which is worth about £10 iirc some other perks including an avatar which seems to be skins with some minor stat boost? It seems avatars all have a small minor stat increase.

Once the game is released the founders packs won’t be available and you’ll only be able to buy the base game.
I spent some time looking at these founders packs. The game doesn’t have a subscription model like WoW of FF14. Whether you buy the base game now or later the difference is the same for the bronze founders pack.

The bronze pack is just a preorder bonus but the perks are good. 3 day head start (good for name reservation), beta access, a pet that’s worth about £10-£15 and are essential in the game as the collect loot and have other perks. The 30 day bonus to exp etc is apparently an mtx you can buy each month that’s an alternative to the normal monthly subscription model but isn’t required to play, still good for preordering.

best value for money seems to be the gold pack as it has 4K crystals which is premium currency. An extra char slot which is worth about £10 iirc some other perks including an avatar which seems to be skins with some minor stat boost? It seems avatars all have a small minor stat increase.

Once the game is released the founders packs won’t be available and you’ll only be able to buy the base game.

None of that interests me really.

You do know LA is going to be FTP right?
It's FTP, there's no sub and no box price.

The packs are "Paid DLC for a free to play game" - that's straight from Amazon.

I believe in Korea there is an optional sub, that may be coming to the West IDK.

Oh man it’s very similar to PoEs model. Yeah the optional sub bonus thing is in the eu/us version since you get the 30 day bonus with any of the founders packs.

I’ve bought a founder pack since I’m almost positive I’ll invest in this, I’ll know for sure at the end of this beta, can always refund if it turns out bad.
Oh man it’s very similar to PoEs model. Yeah the optional sub bonus thing is in the eu/us version since you get the 30 day bonus with any of the founders packs.

I’ve bought a founder pack since I’m almost positive I’ll invest in this, I’ll know for sure at the end of this beta, can always refund if it turns out bad.

Ah, just noticed no charge until 31st March anyway, I can see your reasoning now. I was just coming from the angle that's it's FTP if that's what you want.

I played a lot of POE and only bought a few stash tabs.
Yeah, it's just not for me. Not really a fan of isometric arpg style games. It should do amazingly well though, it's very well made with 3 odd years of content so folks won't blow though it in a month and have nothing to do like so many mmo's.
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