LOST..... How do you think it will end

Apparently there is twenty more minutes of footage being added to the DVD box set when it gets released. Check this out, from Dark UFO:

Turns out two and a half hours just wasn't enough screen time for Lost producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse to tell the whole story they wanted to tell us. An ABC source confirms to me that after Sunday’s series finale, airs from 9 – 11:30 pm ET/PT, the season six DVD (as well as the complete series collection, out on DVD and Blu-ray August 24) will continue the saga with upwards of twenty minutes of additional storyline.

“It’s in production now,” confirms the source, who couldn’t yet confirm the actual running time of the new scenes. “Damon and Carlton wanted to offer fans answers to additional questions they couldn’t get to in the body of the final show.”

Lindelof and Cuse have also ordered up some spectacular packaging that should make the DVDs a must-purchase for show fans.
Thats sold me, along with the spectacular packaging claim, theres no doubt I'll be buying the complete box set on blu-ray. Although we'll probably get the rubbish version of the complete box set, it's always the case, the US gets properly thought out and well made box sets and we usually just get the existing single box sets stuffed into an even bigger cardboard box so if that does happen I'll be ordering the US version even though the import fees will be pretty ridiculous.
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Apparently there is twenty more minutes of footage being added to the DVD box set when it gets released. Check this out, from Dark UFO:

Thats sold me, along with the spectacular packaging claim, theres no doubt I'll be buying the complete box set on blu-ray. Although we'll probably get the rubbish version of the complete box set, it's always the case, the US gets properly thought out and well made box sets and we usually just get the existing single box sets stuffed into an even bigger cardboard box so if that does happen I'll be ordering the US version even though the import fees will be pretty ridiculous.

I'm very glad to hear that they're adding some additional footage to it. Amongst all the other additional content thats surely got to be on there.

looking at it on Amazon mmm that'll be allot of LOST goodies to get through.

Also theres the LOST encylopedia although this is a series that probably warrants such a book :P.

But it seems a bit small to me at 400 odd pages :P.
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I think we now have a clear picture about the smoke, MiB, Light, Jacob, the rules and Mother. I've written about it in a post, and here's it pasted.

Anyone who's watched up to ep 15 (Jacob & MIB centric episode) and is still confused should check this out.

Obviously some of the information is still disputable, so go ahead and reply if you want.

The Smoke Monster

  • Possibly existed before MiB was pushed into the light, and possibly at the beginning of the Earth itself, or at least the island.
  • Can take the form of any dead person.
  • Can’t cross sonic fences or water.
  • Is able to be summoned.
  • Gets up close to people and scans them to see their history/memories/thoughts.
  • Will “judge” people – May kill them or be merciful based on what it has scanned.
  • The smoke monster currently has MiB’s soul within it; MiB can control its actions.
  • Before being inhabited by MiB, the smoke monster was probably under the protector’s control, i.e. could be summoned and used as a security system to protect the island. This is most likely how Mother was able to ransack the village of people and fill in the well that they’d spent years digging.
MiB (Man in Black / Jacob’s brother / Fake Locke)

  • Was born alongside Jacob on or around 0 A.D and is (or was) human, most probably of Roman descent.
  • Has never been named in the show and will never be named, according to the producers.
  • From the age of 13, he wanted to live with other men and find a way off the island.
  • Died at the age of 43 indirectly of Jacob’s actions – KO’d when pushed on to a rock, and floated into the “light”.
  • Physical body is dead; soul lives on in the smoke monster.
  • The rules still apply to him as the smoke monster.
  • Is a liar and manipulator – or “special” according to his mum.
  • Is unable to use the donkey wheel to travel off the island due to being the smoke monster.
The Rules

  • Jacob and MiB can not kill each other directly.
  • MiB can’t kill the candidates directly.
  • Candidates can not kill themselves.
Jacob, Mother and any protector, past, present or future

  • Do not age
  • Their job is to protect the island, or more specifically, the light of the island.
  • Elects the next protector by blessing liquid and giving it to the elected to drink.
  • Has other special powers, including making certain rules, omniscience of knowing where everybody is and healing powers.
  • Can give others special abilities, including agelessness.
  • Can not revive the dead.
  • Possibly can turn into a light smoke monster, which would explain what Locke saw in season 1.
  • Possibly uses the light of the island to travel off the island, unless they have the ability of teleportation.
The Light / Heart of the Island

  • Scientifically unexplainable source of powers on the island, including electromagnetic pockets of energy and healing powers.
  • According to mother, a bit of this light is in all people, but they will always seek to have more.
  • On land, can only be found by the Protector (note how MiB trecked the island his entire life without finding it)
  • The light can be found by a normal person by digging through the ground.
  • It can then be manipulated to change space and time – moving the island and make possible time travel or teleportation for certain things or people.
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So don't wait? :confused:

Don't know how to go about getting a decent quality episode and don't particularly fancy watching it at some crappy bit rate with rubbish sound.

Besides, there's something exciting about waiting for it to air, those last ten minutes of whatever crap does be on before it that you wait through wishing it would end for Lost to come on :D
The TV adverts ruined it for me. On Sky it would break every five minutes and I can't be doing with that at all. I want to be immersed in it and not have to stop watching for ten minutes of adverts then back to five minutes of the actual program.
Don't know how to go about getting a decent quality episode and don't particularly fancy watching it at some crappy bit rate with rubbish sound.

Besides, there's something exciting about waiting for it to air, those last ten minutes of whatever crap does be on before it that you wait through wishing it would end for Lost to come on :D

720p downloads my friend :)
Just so that important facts don't get lost in the rush of new information...

Mira Furlan, utter milf.

That is all.
Am I the only one who is thinking that series 3,4 and 5 are irrelevant and insignificant to the actual story of LOST?

season 6 has been great, but they should have spanned the religon side of the story over the series rather than rushing it all through the 6th.
Am I the only one who is thinking that series 3,4 and 5 are irrelevant and insignificant to the actual story of LOST?

season 6 has been great, but they should have spanned the religon side of the story over the series rather than rushing it all through the 6th.

You can blame the writer's strike TBH - I think that completely messed up the story, because they didn't know how many episodes they had left. This is particularly obvious in Season 3.
One question I want answering in the final episode is why oh why, after 6 years, they haven't bothered to fix the anti-aliasing glitch on the 3D LOST text as it goes in and out of focus during the opening titles?! Surely this must have some massive significance for the final plot?
One question I want answering in the final episode is why oh why, after 6 years, they haven't bothered to fix the anti-aliasing glitch on the 3D LOST text as it goes in and out of focus during the opening titles?! Surely this must have some massive significance for the final plot?

Hahaha! They have mentioned it before, JJ Abrams created the text himself and they just decided to leave it.
You can blame the writer's strike TBH - I think that completely messed up the story, because they didn't know how many episodes they had left. This is particularly obvious in Season 3.

You can blame ABC for not wanting to set an end date! The writers strike was in season 4 and we only lost two episodes of the planned season, consequently 5 and 6 got an additional episode to compensate.
Hahaha! They have mentioned it before, JJ Abrams created the text himself and they just decided to leave it.

It'll be something like, "you see that black crease that appears on the 3D Lost text in the opening titles? That's where the black smoke REALLY lives, and that's how it got out, shoddy rendering. Let that be a lesson to all humanity. A bit like Pandoras box, only with a computer generated letter O. Haha, fooled you all!"
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