Lost my love of gaming :(

Glad I am not the only one!

I've not turned on both my consoles in a month. I find I spend most of my free time on YouTube/Netflix.
As you liked retro gaming why not try a raspberry pi 4/400 retro pie build. You could setup nes, snes, n64, mega drive, Amiga, atari, dreamcast and tonnes of arcade games relatively cheaply and give you easy access to pick up and play games.

Alternatively look for games with old school gameplay like hades, returnal, nex machina, ratchet & clank etc
Problem can be quite a lot of game where you have to "farm" to either make things or gain levels are starting to feel like work and not many people go to work just for the fun of it.
Same boat. Mid 40's, gamed all my life, have the latest series X and a big OLED TV and struggling to enjoy it. I find myself more into the pick up and play type games now rather than story driven epics. As much as I absolutely loved RDR I am barely half way through RDR2 and cant be bothered finishing it which is very much unlike me and a Rockstar title. I tried to go back to it at the weekend, had to burn some tobacco field. Got spotted by a guard, restarted the mission, turned it off. I have tried a lot of the games on Gamepass that have been popular on here, Psychonauts 2, Ori, Ascent and a few others. Not spent more than an hour on them before uninstalling. Had a go at Marvels Avengers too and think I spent less time playing than it took to download all 200g of it. Dull.
Spent quite a bit of time on Aliens fireteam as can jump in and out of it for half an hour or so and mechanics of it are quite simple but done with it now. Did enjoy World War Z as its much the same but again, done with that. Hoping Back 4 Blood will replace them both. Forza Horizon 5 looks to be much of the same as 4 which is no bad thing imo so will sink some time into that. Likely get the new COD for a single playthrough of the campaign before offloading it. Likely buy the GTA remaster although probably just for Vice City but other than that, nothing on the horizon that drums up any excitement.
I'm 50, I game everyday and I have hundreds of games across numerous formats available to me at any one time and just like you I sometimes hit burnout and just can't be bothered to play.

So I get out of the house, hit the gym and lift heavy weights. When you do something entirely different - in this case stressing the body - you can reset yourself.
I have tried a lot of the games on Gamepass that have been popular on here, Psychonauts 2, Ori, Ascent and a few others. Not spent more than an hour on them before uninstalling.

That might be part of the issue. I was doing the same initially with Gamepass - downloading and trying everything, skipping to the next after a few minutes/hours and not finishing or really enjoying anything. Basically using it as a gaming TikTok. Compared to being a kid, when money was tight and i'd thrash every game to death and often enjoyed them all the more for it, it was rubbish. There's definitely a point in a video game, beyond the initial novelty, when you get to the meat of the experience and really start to appreciate and enjoy it (when you think - this is bloody good and it has you by the nuts) and I wasn't getting any of that. Now the rule is that if i've enjoyed the first hour or so I stick with it until completion (unless it really takes a bad turn) and can't have more than two games on the go at a time. Initally it was a bit weird (and without going on too much of a tangent, not a million miles from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBwM-mCLQQo) as even the best games have some lulls and I was fighting the instinct to uninstall and move on at each one, but that soon passed and now i'm enjoying and have completed more games in the last year than in the previous 10.
Same boat. Mid 40's, gamed all my life, have the latest series X and a big OLED TV and struggling to enjoy it. I find myself more into the pick up and play type games now rather than story driven epics. As much as I absolutely loved RDR I am barely half way through RDR2 and cant be bothered finishing it which is very much unlike me and a Rockstar title. I tried to go back to it at the weekend, had to burn some tobacco field. Got spotted by a guard, restarted the mission, turned it off. I have tried a lot of the games on Gamepass that have been popular on here, Psychonauts 2, Ori, Ascent and a few others. Not spent more than an hour on them before uninstalling. Had a go at Marvels Avengers too and think I spent less time playing than it took to download all 200g of it. Dull.
Spent quite a bit of time on Aliens fireteam as can jump in and out of it for half an hour or so and mechanics of it are quite simple but done with it now. Did enjoy World War Z as its much the same but again, done with that. Hoping Back 4 Blood will replace them both. Forza Horizon 5 looks to be much of the same as 4 which is no bad thing imo so will sink some time into that. Likely get the new COD for a single playthrough of the campaign before offloading it. Likely buy the GTA remaster although probably just for Vice City but other than that, nothing on the horizon that drums up any excitement.

Same boat, here. Series X, PS5, Switch. Gamepass, PSN, Nintendo Online, OLED TV, surround sound.

Spend more time downloading a game than actually playing it. I start and then I ask myself....what am I doing? this is a waste of time. Then I realise that I am not invested. I don't care for the characters and I don't have enough invested to the game to keep me going. A bit like watching an average movie where I don't care if the character lives or die, except that unlike in a movie, it's not a 90min investment, but a 10 hour or 100 hour investment in some cases and honestly I am thinking...why.

I need to be invested, or want to know where it is going. Last game I put 100+ hour in was Stardew Valley because the game makes you invest in yourself from the get go and hook you with little things. You care for every single cabbage planted and every cow and chicken.

Games like Apex or Fortnite holds no interest, I am sure it is fun in the moment to moment game play and it's mechanics but I feel like I am just on a hamster wheel constantly running on an endless loop. My mind just goes .... pointless. This goes the same for almost all sports game, used to love FIFA but after 2 matches and I am like. This is meaningless.

I can't remember why I can spend hours grinding for stats in FF7 anymore...perhaps I will play the Tomb Raider trilogy, I finished the 1st one and really enjoyed it.
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Same boat, here. Series X, PS5, Switch. Gamepass, PSN, Nintendo Online, OLED TV, surround sound.

Spend more time downloading a game than actually playing it. I start and then I ask myself....what am I doing? this is a waste of time.
Then I realise that I am not

One of the reasons I now stick to one console, I struggle at times with what to play on my series x, not that there is a shortage of decent games, but I'm just very selective now days, and don't like wasting my money on yearly rehashes of the same games, aka, Far Cry, Fifa, AC...if I do I often regret it.
I used to love owning both the main consoles, for all the exclusives, but I can quite easily pass on them, or just play them years down the line when and if I happen to switch from xbox to PS.
I think for me it's not just that the genre has been done many times and nothing new, but more often the story is just so dull and doesn't make you want to finish it.

I can't remember the last good story game I played.
As mentioned, it helps to have small responsibilities to avoid.

Also, follow your interests. I've started getting into games that require use of a spreadsheet and programming skills, plus sims requiring looking things up in a manual.

VR is also a fresh start, expectially for sims.
Problem can be quite a lot of game where you have to "farm" to either make things or gain levels are starting to feel like work and not many people go to work just for the fun of it.

I hate busy work in games. Assassins Creed is a pain these days, I preferred when it was more action rather than RPG.
Just went back to playing quake, whenever I feel like gaming.
To be honest modern graphics however nice they are just don't really add anything.
That might be part of the issue. I was doing the same initially with Gamepass - downloading and trying everything, skipping to the next after a few minutes/hours and not finishing or really enjoying anything. Basically using it as a gaming TikTok. Compared to being a kid, when money was tight and i'd thrash every game to death and often enjoyed them all the more for it, it was rubbish. There's definitely a point in a video game, beyond the initial novelty, when you get to the meat of the experience and really start to appreciate and enjoy it (when you think - this is bloody good and it has you by the nuts) and I wasn't getting any of that. Now the rule is that if i've enjoyed the first hour or so I stick with it until completion (unless it really takes a bad turn) and can't have more than two games on the go at a time. Initally it was a bit weird (and without going on too much of a tangent, not a million miles from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBwM-mCLQQo) as even the best games have some lulls and I was fighting the instinct to uninstall and move on at each one, but that soon passed and now i'm enjoying and have completed more games in the last year than in the previous 10.
Yeah I get what you mean, I've said it before on here but to me it's like being a teenager with a chipped PS1 again. Mountains of games to play for zero investment. However it's not just that they are "free", spin forward nearly 30 years and I have the type of disposable income I couldn't even dream about back then, not only that but I find games are one of the very few things to actually get cheaper in time! I've not lived in the UK for a while but here anyway with $79 releases in the shops on day 1. For perspective that is about the same price as a 24 pack of beer. I'd not used gamepass before this year but have felt like this for a while.
Having fallen into the trap of being a pre-orderer of almost all of Ubisofts games for a long time has likely scarred me somewhat too :D. Broken, buggy copy and paste messes in the majority.
I've been a keen gamer ever since I got my NES, sunk soooo many hours/days/months of my life into gaming. Now, I just can't be bothered.

It annoys me that I've lost my interest, I've got a great catalogue of games available to play across many formats, I just don't have the desire to actually play any of them. I know it sounds stupid, but gaming has always been my release, my escape.

Anyone else in the same boat? Hopefully with a bit of time, I'll get back into it.
Probably best giving it a break for a while. It’s what I do. Also it depends on what else you are doing in your life at the time. If you are getting much bigger dopamine rush from that activity, substance or whatever then gaming may indeed not have the same impact.

I enjoy playing board games with the family. But if at the time I am really into PC gaming, then I do not get the same fun factor out of it.

Can also recommend Half Life Alyx. Awesome experience that is very different than anything else. Won’t seem as blasé.

It could also be an age thing, we do not enjoy movies no way near as much as we did in the past. They seem rehashed and cheesy mostly. I probably enjoy one or two new movies a year, if that.
My son got me into Halo by giving me the books. I was drawn into the story line and by the time I picked up a controller, I already felt pretty invested.

I'm not that good at it, but I still enjoy stepping into that world for hours at a time. I think the books helped get me into the general storyline and gave it staying power for me.
I think if you are bored of a genre, no point hammering at it. I just accepted FPS story games are not an option and don't even try them anymore. Despite it being my favourite game type as a kid. However, there are definitely some genres of game that hold my interest.
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