It's a bit like why movies seemed better in the 90's.

No twitter spoilers within 2 hours of the movie release, no YouTube Easter egg videos etc. Just word of mouth

I'm not sure you could do a twist ending like Sixth Sense, Fight Club etc now.
Finished Season 1 on Friday and the ending is just as good as I remembered, and that intro to Season 2, wow. :D
Great show which I enjoyed all the way through until the last couple of episodes.

I recall reading several fan theories of how the show could end and they were all a million times better than what the writers came up with, but in hindsight it's not surprising they failed to wrap it up well - tieing up loose ends was never their strong point throughout the whole show.

Has to go down as the worst tv show ending ever? I would even put it above Dexter.
Yeah the joy of writers stirkes in the USA, same thing hapened to Heroes and many other long running shows
Yeah the joy of writers stirkes in the USA, same thing hapened to Heroes and many other long running shows
What always made me laugh about this excuse was that they could have crowd sourced better writing for free on the internet! Plenty of dan factions out there that make the ending of lost look like a primary school kids piece of creative writing!
Lost, Heroes and Prison Break were my big 3 shows at Uni.

Heroes started amazing then went downhill with each series. Prison Break kept things pretty consistent though. Re-watched the whole thing not too long ago.
I loved seasons 1 - 3 of Lost although I watched them on DVD a bit behind everyone else at the time. I totally lost interest throughout season 4 and don't really even remember the end very much. I don't think I'd re-watch it though these days, just don't think it would hold up.
Finished a full rewatch last week, can only echo the above but stuck with it as had been around 16 years since I started it last time! Easy watching TV overall even in the slow parts
Our next episode is the Ben/Henry Gale intro. Can't wait to watch his character develop again, he was such a good character.
Doing a rewatch with my partner who hasn't seen it before. Difficult not to binge more than one episode at a time!
Doing a rewatch with my partner who hasn't seen it before. Difficult not to binge more than one episode at a time!
We are generally watching 2 episodes at a time, we finished with 'Lockdown' in Season 2 last night and it's great to hear my 12 year old asking if he can watch another one due to the cliffhanger endings. :)
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I was off ill last week with covid so i started a new watch through. I forgot how much i enjoyed it, the character development, score and mystery are particular highlights... Along with Kate in a swimsuit..
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