LOTRO free to play going ahead.

Me and the GF have finally got the download done and have started with a champion and hunter, purely because they are the only 2 "dps" specs according to the website so are going for the "kill it before it can do anything back" method :p
Which website? Because Warden, Guardian, Captain, Runekeeper...You know what, every class deals good DPS tbh, it's just Hunter, Champion and Runekeeper might possibly deal more DPS than the other classes.
I'd have gone two hunters I think, or hunter minstrel (minstrel dps is quite decent when they're in warspeech mode), and then you can fall back to healing mode when you want to tackle something particularly tough.

I can see the champ getting frustrated running after mobs when the mobs rubberband back and forth between the hunter and champ as they out-aggro each other.
Captain and Hunter work well together

Indeed they do, done a duo of them , quite effective. Though as Sleepery says I would have been tempted to go with the Hunter/Minstrel combo which is very sexy indeed, gives you a really good covering of skills, high dps, healing, rezzing, teleporting for travel and makes it a bit easier for the Hunter to get groups as its bringing a mincer too :D
well you can have 2 chars on the free account so we will see how it goes, seems pretty good atm, not grabbed me quite as quick as WoW did, but ill give it more time and possible start another char sometime and see how we go :)
Aha ! Got one at last

Huh, can get to the character loading screen but just time out when loading.

It did kick me out as soon as I left haunted place during the loading screen.
Been trying to think of a name for an hour now...

Then out of Hunter and champion which would be the best way to go?
Ironically i got bored of my Runekeeper and being a Dwarf, prefer being a Hobbit, so i deleted my Dwarf Runekeeper and made a Hobbit Hunter under the same name, so lob me an invite and i promise you now this will be the only character i will have in LotRO from now on.
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