Lycra Clad Legacies

25 Sep 2006
Coming soon.

Swolfies, half-assed logging and the struggle.


New stomping ground:









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I think these were my 'last' logs and probably best progress for strengths & aesthetics in my lifting career.

For the uninitiated and non-founding bro-hirrim.

Me Gusta Le Hypertrophy

There are gains coming Mr Wayne.


To be updated.

  • Current swolfies (4-5 years of cycling and minimal lifting - still a reasonable base & shape)
  • - Pending mid-March 'transformation' #stillnocalves
  • Stats
  • - still 5'10 (feels)
  • - 82-83KG currently 14-15%bf
  • Current lifts
  • Jan - 2019 - these weren't 1RM's but rather 'heaviest this year so far'
  • - Bench - 100KG was quick & comfortable (pec minor strain and ligament tear felt otherwise. Currently a WIP...)
  • -Deadlift - 120KG for a double, testing water.
  • -Squat - 100KG for a double, I think? again testing water.
  • -Not completely weak AF...
Me Post #14 said:
Short term goals based on current performance:

120KG bench (150KG previous PB)
140KG squat (210KG previous PB)
160KG deadlift (222.5KG previous PB)

Unsure if I'll see these in 12 weeks but they aren't unrealistic.

Inb4 phaggot, I will still be cycling but 10-12 hours a week and 11,000 miles this year is a little more time than I'm prepared to continue to dedicate.

I've trained for around 45 minutes, including a 10 minute row, on Monday's for the last six months, most weeks as there is a small gym 0.6miles down the road so it's only 1 minute further past my own door.

Usually a two to three sets of predominantly upper lifts (machines/barbell) with very little leg work due to DOMs and cycling not mixing well. So enough to not have horrendous conditioning and regain a little base strength but for the most part still relatively 'untrained'. My movement and form is unaffected but as expected my core & trunk need a little work.

Polarising my cycling should allow me to half that time on the bike and use what I save under the barbell. But it will take care to balance both to continue to progress without hindering the other.

Short term I would like to still maintain an FTP in the region of 3.5 or 4 wkg but inevitably expect this to wane slightly. As long as I can still drop @Steedie like a sack of **** on the climbs I'll be happy :p :v

I expect HST will tick the box again but with some n00bie gains (pls) and the experience of which movements work for me and also what I enjoy.

As ever several new gyms have opened in Aylesbury and GymFit4Less will have the pleasure of my shaven legs for the immediate future - unless from my Free Pass today it transpires to be a complete dive.
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Plan of action:

Monday - Restday
Tuesday - Lift
Wednesday - Spin - 90
Thursday - Lift
Friday - Spin - 90
Saturday - Lift
Sunday - Spin - 120+

Squat, Bench, Dead form feels fine. Working with 40-60KG, 60-80KG and 80-100KG to gauge impairment on riding and also condition my quads to some eccentric loading.

Getting some regular Front Squat work in, including pauses, to quickly establish core/trunk strength. My front rack position felt wonderful :D but all that external shoulder rotation range will soon diminish as my lats & delts tighten up inevitably. DOMs from BW dips felt like how I imagine a shoulder arthroscopy would feel like :eek:

Mild structure currently comprising of 1-2 compounds for each major group, fairly low volume still, with a handful of isolations to finish. I know where time & effort is best spent for me and 'bang-for-buck.'

Surprisingly not as weak as I anticipated, power down massively as you'd expect but it should be promising. Pumped up well this evening given the calorie deficit, felt hyy0000ge, for a cyclist :p

Swolfies & measurements still to come.
Replacing carbon wheels with olympic plates.

Dat quality, dat lack of leg hair, dat soon.

****ing about but plenty to work on.
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Sweaty one tonight...

Not overdoing it but testing the waters a little.

  • 100KG squat for a double (conscious I am riding tomorrow...) + some paused fronties at 40-50KG
  • 120KG deadlift for a double
  • Chins @ BW, 6, 6, 5
  • Bench 60x12, 70x10, 80x8
  • DB Rows
  • Dips @ BW 8, 7, 6
  • Lateral raises
  • Bi/Tri superset x 2
Strong titties pump. Keeping volume low as if I can make strength & size gains off little stimulation then I'll take that low hanging fruit while it's there. Strength & endurance (conditioning generally) seems to be returning at an alarming rate.

Think I will give it 12 weeks to post a then/now aesthetic comparison, I'll be off for a week and a bits cycling in March so that'll be timed nicely.

Short term goals based on current performance:

120KG bench (150KG previous PB)
140KG squat (210KG previous PB)
160KG deadlift (222.5KG previous PB)

Unsure if I'll see these in 12 weeks but they aren't unrealistic.
You might have a case of the LiE's about you with your targets, I wouldn't be surprised to see those smashed in 12 weeks.

I'm hopeful.

The additional training load from lifting was evident on this weeks ride on Tuesday +10bpm for the same given effort. Despite not having DOMs or any significant lower body fatigue legs were understandably feeling less fresh than usual on the pedals.

Got caught at work yesterday evening but still made the session. Had to work around not wanting to wait for the leg press and a few other bits. Nothing noteworthy really except for a bit of incline with 30's feeling quite comfortable, no wobbling or off form.

Session tomorrow I might push it a bit on bench. Chest/shoulder pumps are ridiculous currently, my old stretch marks lit up like christmas trees at the moment.
Snap in 3, 2, 1...

Checking in with possible ligament tear & pec minor strain #snapcity - 20 with the bar prior too.

Pyramiding up today and despite experiencing no actual pain it felt like my left pec tendor 'rippled' (up like a bunch of knots/grapes) during the lift. Like tearing bubble-wrap.

A few minutes later, strong dizziness (basically blind) and had to sit down, hot & clammy and dat der vomit feeling. Same as when I tore ligaments in my finger on my left hand years ago.

The shoulder/chest insertion feels quite fatigued, understandably, pushing my hands together out in-front of my body (at the top of a fly movement) triggered the area which is quite high up on the chest. So I think where my ligament/tendon isn't quite up to par the sheer alpha of my pec took up the slack.

Me - "Pls hold steady tendon"
Tendon - "Y tho?... erggh, le give up"
Pec - "I got dis"

Took a few tips from this article , bar the icing, and it seems to be healing well. A little soreness at the tendon & ligament end. An 'assisted dip' standing up out of a chair gives a minor twinge currently.

Not planning on doing so much as a 'proper' test-press until the tail end of the week and then it'll either be isometric work of very light bodyweight (on knees press-ups) for that side. OHP and back movements are fine. Curls do activate a little pec but I'll see if it's enough not to aggravate.

Plenty of hip-rep/lactate inducing stuff for the net few weeks to recondition my Beta tendons. Pump incoming. think I'll run with some 15-12's and not billy-big-balls like a plank for a bit.

Riding the trainer on Sunday, 2 hours, was actually activating my pec & using ligaments, just holding the hoods, unsurprisingly. Sat upright more often and actually tucked my arm in to the straps of my bibs on occasion. Which in itself causes you to twist a bit, sit differently on the saddle and place more weight on the other hand which can cause all sorts of discomfort. Anyway...

Not so much as a 'test' press until Tuesday given the advice above:

A Wizard said:
Mainly, you just need to resist the urge to test the injured area during the initial few days following the injury, a mistake I made too many times.

The early stages of muscle injury are associated with the formation of a collagen matrix which serves as a scaffold for muscle repair (4). Stress these fragile collagen structures too soon when they are improperly formed and you’ll damage them, ultimately increasing collagen proliferation from the injury site (larger scar tissue) (5) , and decreasing the likelihood of efficient muscle repair (6,7).

Tuesday I was getting pec minor activation attempting chins, picking up plates and most things in general (any loaded arm adduction). So at the end of the session (best placed) I used our ISO chest press to just go through some ROM and added very little load 2.5-5KG (given 20-30KG on the unaffected side is sufficient enough to be productive). Put out a few sets of 6-8 reps, lots of control and some short static holds too. Not aiming to fatigue the area but rather get some more blood in there.

Wednesday things were feeling much better albeit the tendon/ligaments still slightly sore under a wall-press and partial kneeling press up, so if there was no improvement Thursday it would have been the same again. No complaints on the bike at all during a 90 min SweetSpot workout.

Thursday - feeling much better, no 'ache' during any pressing on the tendon except for a minor amount for the last 10-15% of the ROM. So ISO chest press again with more load, 10KG to get a bit of a pump on. Felt secure/stable enough not to concern me at all but nevertheless was still cautious. A few kneeling diamond press-ups too. Chins felt fine earlier that session although a slight dull ache at points but nothing concerning.

Definitely feels like there's a good chunk of scar tissue on my pec minor which I'll start to break down in a few weeks. Will stay off the bench until next Saturday at least and only/if I've no reservations. Plenty of high-reps & pump to re-condition. Same for most lifts in general until Feb. #cardio.

Used our ISO shoulder press facing backwards on Tuesday and it felt heavenly. The only OHP movement I've actually gelled with, except for Savickas. Gross pump. My chest stretch marks have returned and lit up like christmas trees, with a few new appearances further round on my delts.

Anyway, few (poorly) paused deads from this evening and a bit of highbar to wake my quads up a bit. Just Z2/Z3 rides remaining this week, so can sacrifice my legs a bit. Laying hamstring curl I am weak AF. Interesting to see if I notice much contribution to deads in the long run...

Surprised your deadlifts get in your Oly shoes?

U wot m8?

I haven't in the past, though did find when doing deficit work at the academy my leg drive was much better for some reason but my hinge felt less robust and core taxed more - no bad thing mind.

I'm so quick through each exercise at the moment it's easier to just leave them on.

Plenty of Oly lifters will snatch/clean in heels... mostly because they'll catch in a front squat but nevertheless.
Nothing terribly exciting today but have been finding high-bar quite comfy. 80KG was enough considering walking lunges pulling a 20 to my chest always rape my glutes.

Last set I decided 8/4 low/high bar. Fire me.

Pec/ligaments feeling 90/95%. Was able to load it up to the same weight as my un-snapped side. Feels gross in the sense of rolling uncooked spaghetti around on marbles but in terms of 'holding' itself together and not feeling like it was about to 'give', no concern.

Added a short set of diamond-pressups @ bodyweight and also 2 sets of BW dips 6-8 reps. Though my delts & tries were already ruined so I was conscious my chest would have been taking more load than completely fresh.

Another week and I'll be back under a barbell I think. That said, arching on our ISO chest press does feel very similar to bench, near identical except for hands tapering in towards the top of each rep & the corresponding squeeze. Tempted to get strong AF on that and see how that translates to bench at the end of Feb... inb4 snap again at the end of Feb.
Actually intending on having an intense/V02 max session on the bike tomorrow. Which will most likely be 6 x 5 min efforts at 105/110%. I may well just do these at threshold/300w because I'd rather not put myself in a hole for the rest of the week. I've always found V02 max work incredibly productive but also devastatingly difficult to recover from with my old volume of riding, I'm hopeful that with two much easier rides over the remainder of the week and my lifting volume that might change and be a little easier.

Anyway tonight:

Deadlift: 4 triples with one or two paused.
Yates Row: 60KG x 10~ x 3
HB Squat: 60KG x 15 x 3 #cardio
Chins: BW 8, 6, 4 (RIP biceps Yates Row)
Savickas: 40KG x 10,8,5
Pressups: BW x some, x some, x some.

I think the 'nag' I'm feeling is a slightly shortened ligament, once warm it diminishes and my movement isn't impaired at all but still a bit gash. May be something I have to live with. Still pumped up well and that's all that matters right.

For your viewing pleasure, some shredded legs and the essence of calves.

It could also be your brain not adapting to the healing process and trying to subconsciously restrict the movement...?

Definitely just feels like tight/shortened ligaments now, may just be something I live with. Will pepper a bit over the weekend. Able to use the ISO pres today, same load as my right side. Doesn't feel like it's the pec but almost the very upper intercostal sort of area, behind it almost. Pec minor still perhaps.

It doesn't restrict range at all fortunately but does feel like I am almost at the very end of it with it' current tension.

any reason why u keep dropping the weight on the floor?


Actually the negative part of the deadlift isn't as crucial so it's better to get the weight down with no fuss and save your efforts for the next pull.

Full retard mode is to literally drop from the top which is unnecessary and potentially dangerous if you've bumpers or a bouncy platform. Guiding the bar down but no benefit to a slow eccentric on a deadlift unless you're aiming to fatigue hamstrings, trunk, traps, core & grip.

Yesterday's spin.

Had intended to do 6 x 5min repeats at around 105-110% but for the purpose of avoiding burying myself too soon I opted for some low tempo/threshold efforts instead. Few technical difficulties syncing the new workout I'd made, so I was just adapting an existing workout to reduce the VO2 down to threshold manually each interval. Also warmed up on the wrong workout too hence starting this one 5 mins in :o


Todays Lifting

Nothing special, low-bar with some load. Given a double at 100KG a fortnight ago felt a bit 'oh gawd, this might be embarrassing' I can't complain. Glute med should reclaim its former glory in a few weeks and negate any wobble or collapse.

Some fronties @ 60KG after this 2 x 8.

I am enjoying the Yates row currently @60KG. I get a decent activation, rear delts get a tickle, lats feel good, bi's and forearms all get a feathering too. 3 x 10.

My lying leg-curl is LOLweak, 10kg, pow. 3 x 10. Genuinely feels like I've never even used those outer hamstrings and that I only recruit the semi-t's.

Nothing else significant to report. (OHP, Chest Press, seated curllllllz, shrugs & raises superset.)

Work shirts getting tight, noimsayin?
Armed with a new racerback:


Tidy enough, hamstring strength/power needs a little focus so will hit some RDL's next week. Grip and core felt alright, as did upper back.


Using my feet a little to work through my sticking point.

Bench - on the snap-rack

*must stop tapping my feet.

Actually fatigued myself a bit prior to this with OHP and then wore myself out with the set of 40/60KG luls. I felt it would be unlikely to snap again based on this weeks lifting but as a contingency wanted to get most of my workout down prior... couldn't have gone much heavier today as I was fried :D

First set with the bar I'm showing the area which feels a little taught. Didn't have any concern during the lifts but took things a little slower to be cautious. Probably explains fizzling out quicker than usual.

Not featured, HB deep squats -no lockout, OHP, Yates Row, RDL/SLDL, Walking Lunge, Dips,

Bi's/Tri's superset, Shrugs/Raises superset. For the pump.
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Waded in a little too deeply to yesterday's VO2. Still shooting for 15w below my last comfortable completion of this workout at 326w x 5mins x 6. Given I held this power for 22 minutes in Spain in April :o

Usually find a small discrepancy between my Kickr & P1's, around 8w yesterday. Nevertheless nudged intensity down and disregarded power in favour of staying in my VO2 max HR zone rather than blowing up after the first two intervals.

Especially whilst I still establish what I can/can't recover from whilst lifting. Hammies a little bit in bits from Tuesday, adductors kicking in come the end...


Todays lifting:

HighBar - 60 x 12, 70 x 10, 80 x 8, 90 x 5, 100 x 3
Chins - 3 sets & BW
Lying Hamstring Curl - 10 x 12, 12, 12
ISO Chest Press - 40, 50, 60 x some, x some, x some (8-12) - still feels gross on my left side until I'm properly warmed up
High to Low ISO Row - 40 x 12, x 12, x 10
ISO Shoulder Press - 30KG x 15, x 12, x 10

Some Flyes
Some Diamond Press-ups
Some DB Shrugs & Lateral Raise Superset
Some Curls

Some pump.
The more you ride the more in tune you become with what's sustainable and what isn't, much like a set in the gym. But the suffering is worse and longer.

There's also the ongoing battle of wimping out unnecessarily vs being stubborn and burying yourself in to a hole.

Takes quite a lot of mental self-lies to complete workouts sometimes. 'Okay this is the last interval' - for every single one :D
EIA from the turbo on Saturday, dat cold air R.I.P airway.

Combined with a late night with not much sleep, no booze and a loud environment = wrecked throat & sinus. Trained Sunday too on it, as below, full blown head-cold Sunday evening, Monday and today. Trained again as it was fairly localised but lighter volume because sick.


Nothing of significance, two single deads at 140KG feeling comfortable and faster than the 1 single I did a week before. Hamstring strength/speed work paying off + general alpha returning.

Bench 60-70KG, slightly narrower grip relieved my pec/delt slightly. Need to get in there and do some flossing and reevaluate how I train around this until it feels normal again.


Wanted to use the leg press downstairs (lever plate rather than the sled upstairs I don't get on with that well) but two stupid sl00ts and then two n00dle armed teenagers were hogging it so made do with the sled upstairs.

Some speedy/paused RDL's, chins, savaicks, pulldown, shrugs etc and general ****-arounditis so I didn't feel completely SAP today.

Was mirin the angus on a snatch snatching this evening. Noimsayin?


Would be my usual VO2 spin but given the state of play, and my airway, I'll stick to 3 x 10-12 mins 80-90% sweetspot and see how that goes instead.
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