Been out again all day today and finally just finished a re-read of the thread (1 hour 30!) and despite people thinking I'm dead (game wise as well as RL wise?
) I'm very much still here but just been unable to post to any coherent degree.
If I make this a single post it increases my chances of being Mod-killed and replaced yet I don't want to break this up into separate posts and spam the forums!
I've come up with 9 pages of scribbling on an A6 notebook that still leaves me very confused but what I do mainly see is chriscubed/iviv ganging up on Shami for anti town like posting style and some smaller bickering amongst other players too.
Whilst I was initially swayed by the argument put forward by chriscubed/iviv I'm still not convinced that Shami is anything other than a town player that has been picked on for whatever reason (mainly anti town posting style and the hammer drop) and being hung out to dry in front of the whole town.
Some people have seen this and think that iviv is scum, making a lot of noise and trying to push the blame off of himself and onto Shami. More importantly the town seems to be divided on this matter which is kind of odd to see.
The net result of all this? Both iviv and Shami have garnered 3 votes each which doesn't get the town any closer to a majority lynch!
Killswitch seems to think we are playing the game wrong and everyone should be innocent until proven guilty. That's nice but in a cutthroat environment like this I just don't think it will work. It's not like we have time for a proper trial or in some cases have proper evidence to present!
I liked the slip up by Leprechaun with the misuse of NK which I think was hilarious but he seems genuine about his mistake and other players have had to ask for clarification on some acronyms as well. That said this is game 4 and he's still struggling? That seems a little suspect to me as well.
Added to that there was a chunk of posts where Leprechaun and Shami seemed to exchange a little friendly banter just after the above incident which could almost suggest some collusion to my way of thinking - it's very minor but easily overlooked! [link:
From all the reading I've been doing (and all the watching....!) I'm actually suspicious of Shami and Leprechaun - as above I've little to really go on but the way the posts go it just seems to cool off from arguing to being playful a little too quickly before all guns blazing starts again....
Currently I count:
3 votes for Shami (iviv, chriscubed, Egon)
3 votes for iviv (Pookie, Brabbinho, Killswitch, *Shami)
1 vote for Leprechaun (shorttricky)
1 vote for Killswitch (Kaiowas)
This still leaves us nowhere really helpful and although I have my suspicions as laid out above a vote for either will still leave us nowhere near a lynch with 5 hours to go and little time to get other peoples votes changed to at least one target who we can all agree on!
I think I'd like to wait and see what the reaction to this post is and see if any votes change before I cast my vote but I think I know which way I'm leaning - assuming I don't get mod-killed before then!
While I was typing all that Shami has decided to vote against iviv - I'm not keen on this but at least a firm favourite is slowly coming to light. What reason for this vote or is it just because he's being dictatorish?
*voted whilst I wrote this megapost!