Current votes:
Brabbinho - 5 (Iviv, Kaiowas, Egon, Shamikebab, Pudney)
Iviv - 3 (Pookie Bear, Brabbinho, K1LLSW1TCH)
Leprechaun312 - 1 (Shorttricky)
Shamikebab - 1 (chriscubed)
Not voting - Psymonkee, Lepprechaun312.
33 minutes remains to reach 7 votes.
Brabbinho - 5 (Iviv, Kaiowas, Egon, Shamikebab, Pudney)
Iviv - 3 (Pookie Bear, Brabbinho, K1LLSW1TCH)
Leprechaun312 - 1 (Shorttricky)
Shamikebab - 1 (chriscubed)
Not voting - Psymonkee, Lepprechaun312.
33 minutes remains to reach 7 votes.