they must be blind if they cant see the box pop up on the screen..
they watch the exact same feed we do FFS
They also have a screen with live timing on it, a screen for the Sky feed, and scripts and paperwork and things too. They aren't just watching the feed all the time.
do the feed+live timing side by side and never have a problem.
Well then maybe you should submit your CV to Sky for the lead commentator position. I'd open with with the above line in your Covering Letter.
they barely ever mention live timing unless part of the screen goes purple so i can only asusme they notice out of the corner of their eye.
Ferrari PR seem to be in meltdown - they're abusing fans over twitter!!/InsideFerrari
Bearing in mind that this is an official account, that's poor behaviour.
Ferrari PR seem to be in meltdown - they're abusing fans over twitter!!/InsideFerrari
Bearing in mind that this is an official account, that's poor behaviour.
skeeter you must love to come on this forum only to have a go at people.....
If people want to dish abuse then they can have some back bit like the football fans that abuse a player then cry when he gives some back