Malazan Book of the Fallen: Is it worth it?

24 May 2009
North East
Spoilered a question for you.

Does it dive into the Jaghut war on death at all and the circumstances that lead to Hood taking the throne?

without ruining it for you book 1 (Forge) is setting the scene around Hood's reasons and him gathering his army. Book 2 & 3 will be going into the war and its cause/effect though of course the depth of the telling and what we find out will be decide by the capricious Mr Erikson :D
8 Dec 2008
Just about to finish Memories of Ice and am totally hooked. I can't see myself reading anything else until I've finished the series tbh.

Anyone struggling with the first or second books, just stick with it. It's worth it and more.

Not sure if it's me getting used to his style, but Erikson's writing seems to improve after the first book.
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24 May 2009
North East
It does. The first book whilst good had the complexity without the style, he improves massively in Deadhouse Gates which in itself is freakishly good then really finds his feet in MoI.

I've gave in and started a re-read, hundred or so pages into Gardens of the Moon :D
6 Nov 2004
So, amazon delivered the remaining 6 books, all shiny and new to my door the other day.

I manage an hour or so reading, most nights of the week and sometimes a little more at the weekend (if I shut the door, turn the phone to divert and generally ignore the rest of the world for a couple of days), so I should be finished some time in the new year maybe?

Who needs tv when there's jewels like these to be consumed?
8 Dec 2008
Currently halfway through HOC and been a bit disappointing so far after MOI.

I'm sure it will pick up but been a bit of a slog.
24 May 2009
North East
Dancers Lament blurb released;

New blurb for Dancer's Lament:

Taking Malazan fans back to that troubled continent's turbulent early history, the opening chapter in Ian C. Esslemont's epic new fantasy sequence, the Path to Ascendancy trilogy.

For ages warfare has crippled the continent as minor city states, baronies, and principates fought in an endless round of hostilitites. Only the alliance of the rival Tali and Quon cities could field the resources to mount a hegemony from coast to coast - and thus become known as Quon Tali.

It is a generation since the collapse of this dynasty and regional powers are once more rousing themselves. Into this arena of renewed border wars come two youths to the powerful central city state that is Li Heng. One is named Dorin, and he comes determined to prove himself the most skilled assassin of his age; he is chasing the other youth - a Dal Hon mage who has proven himself annoyingly difficult to kill.

Li Heng has been guided and warded for centuries by the powerful sorceress known as the "Protectress" and she allows no rivals. She and her cabal of five mage servants were enough to repel the Quon Tali Iron Legions - what could two youths hope to accomplish under their stifling rule?

Yet under the new and ambitious King Chulalorn the Third, Itko Kan is on the march from the south. He sends his own assassin servants, the Nightblades, against the city, and there are hints that he also commands inhuman forces out of legend.

While above all, shadows swirl oddly about Li Heng, and monstrous slathering beasts seem to appear from nowhere to run howling through the street. It is a time of chaos and upheaval, and in chaos, as the young Dal Hon mage would say, there is opportunity.

To see an early Amanas will be great, can imagine him being Kruppe like with a hardcore edge. Still much more excited about FoL as it's written by Erikson but I'm just praying that ICE does what could be some freaking awesome stories justice. Early days Surly/Whiskeyjack and all the rest, heck the true backstory of Daseem. I pray he doesn't **** it up!
8 Dec 2008
Just finished HOC and not sure if I want to continue tbh. Really didn't get on with this one compared to DG and MOI. The ending is so flat.

The Onrack / Sengar storyline was beyond dull and I understand there's plenty more of that to come. :(

24 May 2009
North East
I would persevere, first half of the next book is a bit gruelling (IMO) but it opens up again.

Trull and Onrack delivers, though for a while they seem to just set off dominoes as opposed to getting really involved.

I actually loved HoC, the story of Karsa alone is glorious.
30 Sep 2008
Dancers Lament blurb released;

New blurb for Dancer's Lament:

To see an early Amanas will be great, can imagine him being Kruppe like with a hardcore edge. Still much more excited about FoL as it's written by Erikson but I'm just praying that ICE does what could be some freaking awesome stories justice. Early days Surly/Whiskeyjack and all the rest, heck the true backstory of Daseem. I pray he doesn't **** it up!

I'm hoping that Erikson has given him a ton of guidance about what he wants their backstories to be. I don't like his style as much as Eriksons, but for the backstory of the founding of the empire I can live with it.

I just want Erikson to finish up with the current trilogy and get onto the Karsa trilogy already.
8 Dec 2008
I would persevere, first half of the next book is a bit gruelling (IMO) but it opens up again.

Trull and Onrack delivers, though for a while they seem to just set off dominoes as opposed to getting really involved.

I actually loved HoC, the story of Karsa alone is glorious.

Couldn't resist and popped into Waterstones before work. :)
8 Dec 2008
Just finished Midnight Tides and well, awesome.

Definitely up in the top two so far really very enjoyable. Tehol and Bugg was a treat and now I won't sigh every time I see Trull's name.

Bring on the Bonehunters!
30 Sep 2008
Just finished Midnight Tides and well, awesome.

Definitely up in the top two so far really very enjoyable. Tehol and Bugg was a treat and now I won't sigh every time I see Trull's name.

Bring on the Bonehunters!

A lot of people don't seem to like Midnight Tides, I personally really enjoyed it. Tehol and Bugg are absolutely awesome.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall in a room with Tehol, Kruppe and the crazy priest of shadow (is it Iskaral Puust or something?) locked in it.
24 May 2009
North East
A lot of people don't seem to like Midnight Tides, I personally really enjoyed it. Tehol and Bugg are absolutely awesome.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall in a room with Tehol, Kruppe and the crazy priest of shadow (is it Iskaral Puust or something?) locked in it.

As long as you aren't a spider on the wall if Iskaral Pust is there :D
6 Nov 2004
Couple of chapters from the end of Dust Of Dreams.

I've found this book to be a little more disjointed than some of the others - as it refers back one or two books to characters that have not had such a prominent role. Keeping track of everyone over the scope of such a large tapestry of plot and geography can sometimes be a trial.

Having said that, I'm expecting to have these seeming loose ends tied up.

I'm still curious to see is Tavore will ever find out that she killed Felisin in the duel, half a dozen books ago
or if Ganos and some of the other characters will have their resolutions; take Cutter (crokus) and Apsalar (sorry), and there are more who just fade out of the narrative, having been centre points to the earlier plot.

Hopefully I'll have fewer questions than answers when I've finished the series.
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