Hundreds queuing for a bee tattoo to commemorate the dead and injured. Sums up society today. They now can't give blood for 4 months, something that would actually help victims....
Except it won't, stocks are full. They were on the news about it.
Hundreds queuing for a bee tattoo to commemorate the dead and injured. Sums up society today. They now can't give blood for 4 months, something that would actually help victims....
The real point is that it isn't really a show of solidarity. It's just an insincere act that people jump onto as it's effectively the latest "fad". Like the ice bucket challenge, where the vast majority of people did it just to copy everyone else who was doing it.Except it won't, stocks are full. They were on the news about it.
The real point is that it isn't really a show of solidarity. It's just an insincere act that people jump onto as it's effectively the latest "fad". Like the ice bucket challenge, where the vast majority of people did it just to copy everyone else who was doing it.
You're being silly.
Which source are you referring to now regarding not being on the wiki page? Are we on the Iraq Iran war or just Iraq?^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
Are you saying these guys are lying?
Their method shows fully confirmed civilian casualties (as laid out by the IBC site and referenced on the wikipedia page I originally used as a source).Documented civilian deaths from violence 174,987 – 195,575
The real point is that it isn't really a show of solidarity. It's just an insincere act that people jump onto as it's effectively the latest "fad". Like the ice bucket challenge, where the vast majority of people did it just to copy everyone else who was doing it.
The real point is that it isn't really a show of solidarity. It's just an insincere act that people jump onto as it's effectively the latest "fad". Like the ice bucket challenge, where the vast majority of people did it just to copy everyone else who was doing it.
How are you this cynical 24/7?
The ice bucket challenge raised a ton
I wouldn't presume to speak for the sincerity of people permanently marking themselves as a show of solidarity.
Personally when terror occurs, people who simply stand up and carry on generally get my respect, from Steve Buscemi checking back in to his old job as a Fire Fighter in new york, to going back into the financial centre or hopping on a Bus (years later) in London the day after, or flying out for a holiday in Niece or going back to the many markets across the middle east, most people aren't monsters, quite the opposite!
I find it odd some of your arguments as you'll find out that actually your research only goes skin deep. First though, who is at fault for the problem in Libya? Just so i know which path to go down.
You're using the abnormal to prove a point really. People do things because they see other people doing the same thing and ascribe meaning to it.
People often don't really need a proper reason to get a tattoo. People get them little to no reason at all.
Except it won't, stocks are full. They were on the news about it.
In general, but that's not why I think this. I find discrete tattoos in much better taste than the obnoxious awful ones you see people proudly showing off.Would I be right in guessing that you find tattoos distasteful in general?
I would say you are missing my point, can you go back to where that post came and how it originated. You've just made a case for collective morality over individual morality. You don't need to debate me about all this stuff, i know exactly what your saying and i agree. There's a lot of factors.
Hundreds queuing for a bee tattoo to commemorate the dead and injured. Sums up society today. They now can't give blood for 4 months, something that would actually help victims....
It's not "research" if you think I'm sitting here Googling for arguments. These are mostly things I knew at the time of the NATO bombing which I followed very closely. A real response to my post, imo, would be to point out flaws in it. Instead, your response is essentially "you don't know enough" without anything more. I brought facts, you brought dismissive tone. As to the last part asking me "who is at fault for the problem in Libya" you "know which path to go down." This isn't a teacher-student conversation. I've brought a number of verifiable facts that contradict the contentions you have been making. I've seen no evidence you have any real understanding of the situation given you've been making bald statements provably false such as arguing "you wont find many Libyans who aren't in favour of the bombing" or that the massive NATO bombing campaign, foreign soldiers and freezing of Libyan assets and funding of the rebels merely provided "a platform for transition".
It is clear to me that you have a conception that Gaddafi was a widely loathed tyrant and the Libyan populace were crying out for intervention to free them. This is false. Further, I'm pretty sure you are not aware of the sheer transformation that has taken place in Libya from being one of North Africa's most prosperous nations to a failed state. Very few Libyans are grateful for such a change, nor were they grateful at the time. The Rebels were an Eastern group of militants who seized power with Western and Qatari backing (including the actual Qatar army to bulk up the numbers). It was not a general uprising. Not even close.
I have done no such thing. This is a serious failure of comprehension of my post on your part. You argued that the world is "better" today than 500 years ago because of "collective morality". Nothing in my post agreed with you that this change was due to "collective morality". I was very thorough. Nor are you correct when you write "i know exactly what your[sic] saying and agree. There's[sic] lots of factors". I know you don't understand because I'm not saying "there are lots of factors", I'm saying the one you singled out is vastly insignificant compared to the two very specific factors I gave. And I supported those points. I've seen no support from you for your contention - only assertion that it is so.
Firstly, the vast improvements brought into our lives by the technology we have developed and secondly the increasing level of general education and accompanying informedness of the general population about what is taking place around them in real time.
You still haven't answered who is at fault for the current situation? If you could just answer that, it would make my response a lot easier.
I've not seen news feeds or much lately, so I've missed out.
Erm, why a Bee as a tattoo?
Seems even dafter when Bees are dying en masse.
What i would say to you, is read what defectors, activists, academics and analysts said at the time of his fall. Don't read stuff from a year ago, read the stuff from around the end of 2011.