Given this is easily 2 years before release. What do people who have played it feel is missing from the game?
Plenty. The game currently ends at Large Town level. It seems like there could easily be another 2-3 settlement levels above that, which also means further building upgrades.
More maps. Maybe more game modes? I'd like a Battle option, to test out combat ideas.
The tech tree isn't done.
It seems likely that the ability to harvest meat & skins from sheep will arrive at some point, as this is needed to maintain the supply of meat & hides into the late game.
The Manor Builder is denoted as an "in development" feature & clearly needs a lot of work.
City walls are supposed to be coming at some point. Hopefully with working defences.
Combat AI isn't great & combat could do with mounted troops for chasing down archers.
The game also needs a proper market economy simulation. At the moment, prices are based solely off the player's actions. If you aren't buying or selling a given good, prices will remain stable. As soon as you start buying or selling, the price will rise or fall. This system kind of works for EA purposes (even if it is a bit too sensitive at present), but it would be far more interesting to have the player react to simulated supply & demand from the wider kingdom. The way things are implemented now, it only takes one Hunting Lodge, one Tannery, and a single Cobbler to destroy the entire footwear economy of a nation