yep. take your land, skin your women, eat your farmers, marry your sheep. it's a sad moment. better get preparingIt says there raiders coming in like 150 days now I've been trying to build an army but struggling with resources I have, does a massive army come to take your lands?
yep. take your land, skin your women, eat your farmers, marry your sheep. it's a sad moment. better get preparing
Tax and then hire mercenaries first raid is pretty easy!It says there raiders coming in like 150 days now I've been trying to build an army but struggling with resources I have, does a massive army come to take your lands?
Finally got a manor setup for taxes but how have people built up there treasury fast to buy mercenaries etc.
Selling pottery is amazing tooPause game.
Upgrade the crappy camp
order a secod ox at the hitching post
Build Hitching post, well, logging camp, wood cutters hut, forager hut, hunting camp, granary , storehouse, tannery, sawpit
Market place
build 5 houses, delete the crappy starting tents, build 5 more houses and a church.
start spamming more houses and upgrading th e houses to lvl2
lvl2 houses give 1 gold a month
seems to be the fastest start and I just build everything central, once you have enough people start building farms and upgrade back gardens (hopefully you made the plots big enough, if a plots big enough and single size you see a second building in the plot as well, when the house is level two you can build the second house on the plot for the second family.
if your doing a vegetable plot on a house then make the plot huge so the vegetable garden is like a field
some people said selling bows is good money too, I wanna try farming sheep with the perk
Been thinking of picking this up,looks fantastic considering it was made by 1 solo dev if I remember correctly?
1 guy... 7 years... apparently!!!
The micro management in this is pretty awesome, i sometimes forget i have done or set certain things. I don't know if there is a window to see what you've built and what is manned or unmanned but that would come in handy
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