
Are you all mad? He cheated with his hand like a big gay animal.

I think that's probably a typical English reply. Despite all the hand of god stuffs, I still think he's a great character, and about all that's good with this world cup. My wall chart looks like a hidden message in binary.
Are you all mad? He cheated with his hand like a big gay animal.

England fans can be so tedious. Are other countries like this too, harping on about events long in the past that weren't actually that important anyway? Argentina would have beaten England in 1986 with or without the controversial goal. At the end of the day, the ref gave it and that's that, his decision is final.
There are countless wrong decisions like it in football every week around the world but as they aren't in the World Cup they get no attention.

I'd *almost* forgotten just how good Maradona was until I saw those Youtube clips. Defenders must have been absolutely bricking it whenever he got the ball.

I'm halfway through "El Diego" at the moment, it's an interesting read. Very colourful character, very aware of just how fantastic and important he was at his peak as well.
Are you all mad? He cheated with his hand like a big gay animal.

Oh get over yourself. He scored *that* goal a few minutes later. Ok yes, it clearly would have changed the dynamic of the game but it wasn't like at the end of the match with no time left.

Ronaldo (gay one) cheats all the time, remember WC 2006. Is that what he'll be remembered for?
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Having watched various video's of Maradona I can't see how anyone can be better. As far as I'm concerned he had everything a player in his position could have. If Pele was better, in what way was he better?

Haha, it's just a saying we have over here about Besty :)

I may be a bit bias in saying this, but with regards to change of pace, agility and merely destroying defenders, it's hard to beat him. The sad thing about him was that he was never able to show his talent on the world stage unlike Pele and Maradona. The man was a footballing genius, alcohol overcame him though and weakened his career. But hey, the man enjoyed life! He would have been out on the lash on the Friday night and still ran rings around anyone he came up against!
Most people work well 'enough' with a drink problem, not just footballers of old. It's not that bad for anybody, particularly an athlete though if not controlled and it becomes excessive it can lead to problems outside it. For example look at Tony Adams, a guy who still was a a world class defender, but found the sequalae of alcoholism was ruining his life; he was getting into fights etc.
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No question as a player he was v good / best.....

But as a person i find him vile. Just watching the few clips of him on the sidelines makes me want to fly to SA and kick the fat dwarf in the nuts.
Constantly berating ref's / 4th officails over there decisions and miming the act of ref's giving yellow/red cards to players who have fouled his, NOT the kind role model any young manager should emulate.

I also feel he is NOT in charge of the Argies footy team, he has 2 'assistants' who do all he work, as he has no clue, in the last game, when they were all coming out of the tunnel Teves completley ignored him, as maradona was kissing all his playes before the game, also when they celebrate a goal or the win he is the last person anybody goes to, and when he does find someone to celebrate with it just looks really uncomforatable for the other person.

I really dont think his players respect him as a manager, personally i dont blame them.... just imo. ;)
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I sat & watched Maradona take us apart & nearly cried when his hand ball was allowed, Since then I've seen him get fat & turn into a drug addict which was worse to be honest. Nowadays seeing him fully involved with football again & managing his country has been a relief to me & I wish him & the Argys all the best. :)

2. Zidane

3. Real Ronaldo

Though Maradona, is on another level. I've never see him play a bad game, he always seems to be able to do something magical in a game. Though i havent seen him in his Napoli days.

Then you've got the likes of Gascoigne, Berkgamp, Baggio, etc too hard to put em in all in order :p
I'm secretly hoping his suits get shiner the further they go in the tournament.

To the point that if they get to the final he wears a baco foil number.

That would be immense.
Anyone think it's a bit odd how he kisses the players that come off and then smacks them on the arse :/

Seems like its working as they have won every single game in their group...he just has this aura about him...the best thing about the Argies games so far has been him on the sidelines...just completely and utterly awesome with his bouncing up and down.

The way the Argies are playing together....they are looking very very good.
I was saying to the Mrs tonight that Argentina could have been playing Brazil tonight and they would have matched them with their passing and movement. I also added that they could have been playing Bolton and they would have scrapped them off the park.

That's what I like about them :D
I was saying to the Mrs tonight that Argentina could have been playing Brazil tonight and they would have matched them with their passing and movement. I also added that they could have been playing Bolton and they would have scrapped them off the park.

That's what I like about them :D

Yep even though they were time and time again fustrated by Greece, they held it together and managed to get the first goal, which opened things up.

Even my mum, who doesnt understand a thing about football was getting annoyed with Greece and their tactics:p...

Im going out on a limb here but i think Argies could win this...could be an awesome Brazil and Argie final...mouth watering prospect that would be and i wouldnt know who to back as i like both teams immensely:p.

Now just need England to win tommorrow.
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