Off the top of my head, allowance starts at 18 (this ties in with school leaving age after all). Your calculation is wrong though, you don't pay tax on the £7.5k, so the tax is 17,500 and total take home is 40k.
Health care, education remain as they are now. No tax deductions claimable, but as I mentioned, there needs to be a rethink of social care provision as part of the implementation.
The numbers still don't stack up. We'd need a tax rate much higher than 35% to support a £7500/year citizen's income.
Annual salary: £100,000
Take home pay under current system: ~£65,000
Take home pay at 35% flat-rate tax (inc £7500 CI): £72,500
That would suggest the break even point is north of £100k, so I cant see how that system would work. To fund a £7,500 Citizen's Income with a flat-rate income tax, that tax would have to be somewhere approaching 50%. Good luck selling that.
I think it's a great idea, but I can't see it being an election winner. Plus, there are problems. Take that mother of 8 from the thread the other day. There is zero chance of her being able to feed those kids under a CI system. She'd either need additional help, or some of the kids would have to go in to care.
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